Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 143 Please enter the urn

Senju Hashirama, the God of Gamblers?

Not as strong as Uchiha Madara?

Is it all about gambling?

Zhengdai's mouth gradually opened, and it was big enough to eat the dice cup. Next to him, Yujie was obviously hearing this secret for the first time and was equally surprised.

Fugaku continued: "Don't believe it? Is it different from the knowledge you have learned from the textbooks? The things in the textbooks are for the public to see. What is the truth? Lord Hokage and all the big families in Konoha Village know it. .

Masaidai, if you don’t believe it, you can ask Hinata Hizashi. It is a recognized fact that Madara’s ancestor is stronger than the first Hokage! "

"I see."

Fugaku nodded and said helplessly: "Maybe the first generation has too much luck in gambling. Tsunade-sama's gambling skills and luck... and the curse-like effect are really a headache.

This casino has been discovered by Namikaze Minato, and it probably won't exist for much longer. But it doesn’t matter, casinos can never be banned by one person, and gambling skills will never wither! "


This amount of information made Zheng Dai a little confused. He was confused for the next two hours. He only knew that Fugue was carefully instructing Yu Jie on gambling skills, and when he left the casino, he borrowed five thousand yuan from Yu Jie. Two, unknowingly got into Uchiha Fugaku's pocket.

"Captain, I'm going back first. Do you want to come to play tomorrow?"

Yujie's voice and the cold wind blew Zhengdai back to his senses. He thought for two seconds and said, "I have something to do tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow. I will come the night after tomorrow and pay you back by the way."

Yujie smiled slightly: "There's no rush. Then meet at the casino at eight o'clock the day after tomorrow? Also, captain, please don't spread the identity of the casino and the Fugaku clan leader casually."

"I know, I have sense."

Yujie nodded and turned away.

Zheng Dai took a deep breath.

"What the hell...should I say that it is worthy of the Infinite Tsukuyomi unleashed by Madara Uchiha?"

"The First Hokage's strength has been overpowered by him, and he can win by relying on his gambling skills.

So is Madara in this world stronger, or is the first Hokage weaker? "

"How the hell do you fix this?"

"You want to expose the First Hokage?"

"Master Madara is still alive."


"And the gambling skills, are they really that magical?"

Zhengdai glanced at the attribute column.

Gambling Skills: Level 3 (25%)

"Hey, why has it increased so much?" He was stunned for a moment, recalling the previous scene where Fugaku pointed out Yuxie. Did I miss the lesson?

"I don't know if Uchiha Fugaku is as powerful as Kushina. It feels like that fox is even more"

Zheng Dai suddenly had some thoughts.

If the first Hokage was the god of gambling, would Mito Uzumaki be dragged into gambling? Did Kyuubi learn his gambling skills at that time? Induced Kushina again?

"A chain effect is very possible." Zhengdai scratched his head. Thinking of Kushina, he thought of what a few people were planning recently.

The amount of information tonight shocked him, and he didn't even think about contacting famous young people.

"It's not necessary to make contact."

The next morning, Shodai went to Kushina's house to find her again. After a confidential conversation, Kushina reluctantly went out and went straight to Uchiha.

In the past year, Mingqing's life has been relatively stable, but not comfortable.

After he was promoted to chuunin in Konoha 24, he became an ANBU directly under the Hokage. Over the course of 16 years, he was promoted to Jonin in the ANBU and became the captain of a team of the first ANBU team.

If it hadn't been for that mission, he might have stayed in Anbu until he retired in old age, as the captain or even the deputy minister of a certain ANBU unit.

Unfortunately, White Fang's suicide caused him to completely lose the trust of the Third Hokage, and he had to voluntarily quit the Anbu and become a 'lounge jounin'.

Being far away from the center of power in Konoha, and only occasionally taking on a few B-level missions to make ends meet, he was not so willing to deal with a jounin who was only 33 years old and still in his prime.

There was nothing he could do about it. When he first accused White Fang, he was righteous and relied on the treaty in the Ninja Code. However, when White Fang committed suicide, he inevitably received some strange looks.

‘Why did White Fang save you, a white-eyed wolf! ’

Do you regret it? Probably at one point, he impulsively accepted a bad check someone gave him.

But it was more resentment.

Blame Bai Ya, why is his endurance so weak that he commits suicide so casually?

He blamed those who secretly accused him. White Fang clearly did something wrong. I was right!

He even blamed the Third Hokage.

He did not dare to express these grievances, and after more than a year of caution, the final aftermath of White Fang's suicide - "White Fang's son Kakashi regained his strength and used the White Fang sword technique" gradually subsided. , he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The matter is finally over.

But instead of getting better, his life got worse.

During the period when he was under the most pressure, he became addicted to gambling. He would drink and drink in the casino every day, shake the dice cup, and push and exchange chips. Initially, it was to relieve stress, but now it has become a habit.

But his gambling skills and luck were very bad. He would lose about eight times out of ten times he gambled. In one year of gambling, he had already depleted seventy-seven or eighty-eight percent of the wealth he had accumulated in his early years.

Recently, he has been restraining himself from going to the casino every day, but only once every few days, hoping to quit gambling, but with little success.

After receiving the news from a gambling acquaintance, Mr. Xian went to the casino to distribute money last night. Mingqing was full of regrets, regretting that he had missed out on 5,000 taels of income.

So that night, he couldn't hold it anymore and went to the underground casino.

Arriving at the alley by a familiar route, Ming Qing was about to run into the wall, but suddenly realized that someone was peeping at him, and he couldn't help but feel his heart freeze.

Turning around to look, UU Reading saw a familiar face standing on the far wall, as if he had seen it many times in the casino, and he was relieved.

The man was waving to him, and he couldn't help but frown and walked over, "What's the matter?"

"Want to go to the casino? You didn't come yesterday, didn't you receive any news?"


"This exposed!"

"Huh?!" Mingqing was shocked and lowered his voice: "Who found out? Tsunade-sama... No, Tsunade-sama is not in the village."

"I don't know who discovered it, and I don't know if that guy will tell Tsunade-sama, but the news that he was discovered is absolutely correct!"

"This way..." Ming Qing's face was uncertain.

When Tsunade first smashed the casino, he was still working in the ANBU. He knew very well that Tsunade would act appropriately. The civilian gamblers would be a little surprised at most, but the ninja gamblers would definitely be injured. He, a jounin, would at least get a beating if he was discovered. fist!

"Fortunately, Tsunade-sama is not in the village. You are here to remind us? Thank you."

"Hey, I'm not that kind. It's just that the casino is unsafe if it's discovered. Who knows when Tsunade-sama will return to the village, so we thought about inviting a few acquaintances to gamble elsewhere to avoid having to be frightened every time we gamble... are you going?"

"Other places? Is it safe?"

"Safety, there are only seven or eight of them. They are all familiar faces who often come here to gamble. They know everything about it."

Ming Qing thought for a moment and nodded slightly.

"Okay, keep up!"


PS: (The seventh book recommendation is "The Roar of the Red Dragon". This is the story of a dragon-shaped self-propelled turret that is constantly causing trouble in another world.

The cover of the Ninja World correction tape was made with the help of the author Mengmeng. This is a pleasant wave of py. )

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