Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 204 Treatment

After leaving the Hokage Building, Teacher Haisei received the mission from the Third Hokage, greeted Masadai and Haruno Meabuki, and left in a hurry.

Zhengdai said to Yachui: "Sister Yachui, thank you for speaking for me just now."

Meabuki shook his head to indicate that it was nothing, and said, "Leave the rest to Zhao. You'd better not appear in front of Brazza in the short term."

"Well, I won't go. If I go again, I'll really get beaten up." Zhengdai said sarcastically.

Meabuki smiled: "Then go home, I'll go to the hospital to see the seal of the two-tailed Jinchuuriki."

"Hey, let's come together, sister Meabuki. The girl from Yunyin Village really suffered a disaster this time. I'm going to see her injuries."

"As Tsunade-sama is here, you don't have to worry about injuries." Haruno Meabuki said, but she didn't refuse and took Shodai to Konoha Hospital with her.

Yukito's ward is on the fifth floor of the top floor. When the two arrived, Tsunade and Jiraiya just walked out of the ward and immediately greeted:

"Tsunade-sama, Jiraiya-sama."

"Meabuki, come to check her seal?" Tsunade responded: "Don't worry, Jiraiya has already checked it. Your Bagua seal is very stable, and the power of the two tails will not be transmitted at all in a short period of time."

"I'll be relieved if Jiraiya-sama checks it out." Meabuki nodded.

Jiraiya smiled elegantly, while Tsunade looked at Zhengdai, lingering for a moment on Zhengdai's head, which was slightly taller than her by two centimeters, and curled her lips in displeasure.

"You're growing up so fast, but you're still as dishonest as before. Why, you no longer gamble and start causing trouble instead? Where's that Uchiha girl? I haven't seen you for a long time."

"Yukai, after I was promoted to Jonin, she accepted commissions more frequently, and I haven't seen her for half a month." Zhengdai chuckled and said, "She's not here, and there's no underground casino anymore. I'm looking for There are no people to bet on, Tsunade-sama, shall we bet?"

Tsunade squinted her eyes and clenched her fists, then after thinking about it, she unclenched her fists and hummed: "I'm too lazy to beat you up. Just in time, come in and check your homework. Zhao said your medical ninjutsu is almost catching up with him, let me see if it's true or not .”

As Dai walked in, he saw Yumu who was curled up in the quilt on the bed. His rice-brown braids had been untied, his hair was scattered on the pillow, and part of his face was half-covered, making him look extremely weak and haggard. , there are also some shallow burn marks on the exposed white arms.

Next to the pillow, there was a set of girls' clothes neatly stacked.

Zhengdai stopped and took off all his clothes?

Tsunade looked at him with a smile: "You have really grown up, kid. Do you know how to be shy?"

She stepped forward and half-lifted the quilt for Yu Muren.

Zheng Dai glanced sideways, then quickly returned to Zheng Dai, and stepped forward speechlessly. The clothes were taken off, but the bandage was tighter than the clothes.

"Hey, are you disappointed?"

Tsunade, who was looking sideways and indifferent, was wearing a light carriage and running chakra skillfully. A soft green light appeared on his palm, slowly moving from Yukito's wrist to her chest and abdomen, and soon she frowned. Eyebrow, looked at Tsunade in surprise.

Tsunade also showed surprise, opened her mouth slightly, and after a while she said: "Zhao, you idiot!"

Meabuki held his forehead in shame.

Only Jiraiya, who was not good at medical ninjutsu, was a little puzzled, but with his eyesight, he quickly figured it out and asked with a smile: "The palm senjutsu that Zheng Dai is using has actually exceeded the trillion?"

Tsunade nodded: "There are many. If you only look at palm sensibility, it's probably about the same as Kurama."

"Kurama?" Jiraiya's face also showed surprise this time. After World War II, Tsunade resigned from the position of Konoha's medical squad leader, and the one who took over was Yamanaka Kurama of the Yamanaka clan.


"Tsunade-sama, can Yukito's injury... be treated only to this extent?" Masadai simply asked, having already assessed his palm sensibility level.

"Well, the Cloud Hidden Village won't be able to participate in the Joint Chunin Exam anyway. As long as she maintains this level of treatment, her injuries will be healed in about twenty days, and a lot of trouble will be saved." Tsunade nodded and said, "If I will do my best to treat her, and I think she will be discharged from the hospital the day after tomorrow. What will happen then? Do we have to send her back to Brazza?"

The day after tomorrow? Zhengdai's own judgment is that Yukito can recover in about seven days after treatment. It is indeed much worse than Tsunade. Tsunade must have 100% level 7 palm sensibility, right?

At this moment, in his perception, Yumu Ren's chakra suddenly fluctuated, making Zhengdai's eyes move. Was he...awakening?

"Then when will she wake up?"

"Today, anytime." Tsunade replied.

"Today. Tsunade-sama, the burn is very painful. She is only a nine-year-old girl. She wakes up today and has to endure the pain for twenty days to recover. Isn't it not good? There are ANBU guarding outside the ward. I think it’s okay, I can make her recover the day after tomorrow.”

Tsunade was startled, with a smile in her eyes. She wanted to tease Zhengdai a few words, but suddenly she noticed that Yuki Ren's body was shaking on the hospital bed behind Zhengdai. She immediately turned her eyes and looked at Zhengdai deeply.

"No! Don't treat her like an ordinary girl. She is a second-tailed Jinchuuriki, a very dangerous person. She can only be controlled if she is injured."

"Brazza is not here, what danger can a little girl be in? Besides, isn't Erwei blocked by sister Meabuki? I think we should do our best to treat her, cure her as soon as possible, and save her pain."

Zhengdai argued hard, but Tsunade flatly refused. A fierce quarrel broke out between the two in the ward, and finally Tsunade turned around.

"You have to take care of it yourself. If something goes wrong, go and explain it to Sandaime-sensei! Let's go! Meabuki, Jiraiya!"

Meabuki and Jiraiya followed Tsunade out of the ward with slightly weird expressions, while Masadai shouted after him: "Huh, I'll treat her! I'll treat her! Every day I can make her suffer less!"

After finishing speaking, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up, but they quickly calmed down and put on an angry expression. He turned around and concentrated on treating Yu Muren's burns, UU Reading sometimes treating the more serious parts. There will also be a somewhat distressed frown.

Yumu Ren's eye sockets moved slightly, he squinted his eyes a little, glanced at Zhengdai, and closed his eyes again, pretending to be still unconscious.

'My body hurts so much. This brother of Konoha... Well, Master, I can't seem to contact you...'

Outside the hospital.

Tsunade walked out of the hospital gate and couldn't hold it back anymore. She laughed loudly and hit Jiraiya on the shoulder while laughing: "This brat is so funny!"

Jiraiya's eyes twitched. Two worthless guys deceiving a nine-year-old girl was really... quite interesting.

Meabuki laughed and said: "Hokage-sama just asked her why she could liberate the two tails in a controlled manner. It seems that the secret here can be left to Shodai to explore!"


PS: (I haven’t finished the third chapter yet, so I’ll post it in the afternoon as I finish my meal)

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