Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 205 Seventh level skills!

Until Zhengdai completed the treatment and thoughtfully covered Yumu Ren with a quilt, Yumu Ren was still in a 'coma state' and had not woken up.

Even if he is wearing it, he won't reveal it. He wants to correct Yumu Ren. He should take it slow and raise his favorability level first. How can a nine-year-old girl just say whatever she asks? If it was her who needed to be corrected instead of the second tail, Masadai felt that he could easily get her to 50% before she left Konoha Village.

As for the rest, the days are still long.

"The more important thing now is Brazza. If the plan goes smoothly, there may be a chance to completely correct him. Hey, if he is completely corrected, will the real skill Thunder Chakra Mode be rewarded?...Forget it, If I can’t wait, it’s hard to say whether I can do it or not. Let’s create our own skills first.”

At the same time, Kumogakure temporarily resides.

Brazza and Haruno Zhao sat opposite each other, silent for a long time, and then slowly said: "Will Konoha be so kind?"

Haruno Zhao smiled: "You know the Third Raikage best. Even if we tell him exactly what happened today, as long as he knows that your current situation is not good, he will probably summon the ninjas without hesitation. force!"

Brazza thought for a moment, and it was indeed very possible that he would not have been there to dissuade his father.

"Compared to the Kirigakure Village, we don't want to conflict with the Kirigakure Village, which is more adept at fighting. What's more, even if a third party secretly planned it, the Hyuga clan leader did die at the hands of the Kirigakure ninjas. This is difficult to reconcile. The deep hatred!"

Braza narrowed his eyes slightly: "Oh, you didn't do this before!"

"This time, that time, the specific reason, you should be able to figure it out with your mind."

Brazza was lost in thought.

Previously, because Konoha was unwilling to have a direct conflict with Kirigakure Village, it diverted Hinata's hatred, framed our Kirigakure Village, and negotiated peace with Kirigakure Village. At this time, because he did not want to have a direct conflict with my Yunyin Village, he weighed the pros and cons and decided to offend Kirigakure...

Bastards on both ends of the spectrum!

No matter which way, Konoha wants to preserve its strength, but also conveniently allows me, Kumogakure and Kirigakure to have conflicts, how hateful!

But now...I have no choice.

This time Braza was in Konoha and truly saw the strength of Konoha. He is the second strongest person in Kumogakure Village, but there are at least ten people in Konoha who are equal to or even surpass him.

Dad can't be forced to do it. The ninja world can start the third ninja war, but it can't be started by Kumogakure and Konoha, otherwise even dad may die under the siege!

Is the only option to follow Konoha's will and target Kirigakure?

No, I might be able to...

"What do you want me to do?"

Haruno Zhao raised his eyebrows and said: "You personally write a letter to the Third Raikage, saying that this conflict is a scene performed by you and our Konoha Alliance to perform for Kirigakure Village, so that he can prepare to join forces with our Konoha Village. Beat up Kirigakure!"

"And you, on your side, will detain me to win Kirigakure's trust and induce them to send people to join you in beating me up, Kirigakure, and backhand attack at the critical moment?"

Haruno Zhao nodded: "Haha, it's easy to talk to smart people."

Braza looked at him deeply, stood up and went to find paper and pen, "I agree."

Haruno smiled, sat quietly and waited, and soon saw Brazza's big hand holding the pen stopped.

"Did you finish writing?"

"No, I just remembered something suddenly."


Braza raised his head and asked: "The youngest jonin in Konoha Village, Masaidai, is your disciple, right?"

"Ah, yes."

"This disciple of yours is a lunatic!" Braza said seriously and started writing again.

Haruno Zhao blinked:? ? ?

Time flew by and three days passed.

At Dai's house, Dai was sitting cross-legged on the bed.

His body trembled faintly, as if he was wrestling with someone, and he tried his best to suck milk, holding back his face until it turned red, and occasionally lightning flashed across his body.

Suddenly, lightning flashed together, and he seemed to have transformed into a Super Saiyan. His hair exploded, lighting up the somewhat dim room.

However, in just a moment, the electric light around him faded away and flowed to his buttocks, beating the cardboard under his buttocks until there was a burning smell.

Opening his eyes, Zhengdai raised his hands to straighten his hair and sighed helplessly: "Failed again."

Standing up and taking away the hard board that had almost been punctured after completing its mission of protecting the sheets, Zhengdai frowned and walked around the room for a few steps, took out two high-protein biscuits and ate them to restore chakra.

"It's always a little bit close, but what's the difference? The way chakra flows is exactly the same, and the method of stimulating cells is also exactly the same... It seems that my thunder attribute chakra is not pure enough? Is there water attribute chakra mixed in it?

Trouble, my lightning attribute talent is not as high as the water attribute. If I separated the water attribute alone, I would have succeeded long ago. I still have to work hard for a while... Huh? "

The subtitles suddenly flashed across: ‘The ninja template has met the upgrade conditions. Do you want to upgrade the template? ’

Zheng Dai was stunned for a moment, overjoyed, could he upgrade the template without realizing it? During this period of time, I kept electrocuting myself, and my body strength and chakra volume increased much faster than before. No wonder Raikage is a monster. Who can stop him from frequent electrotherapy?

Your brain is also damaged by electricity, right?

I have to be careful.

Template: Jonin (3/3) (9/7) (can be upgraded)

Basic attributes(3)

Physical strength: 118.1 (+11.81)

Mental strength: 90.2 (+120)

Chakra amount: 120

Scanning the attribute bar, Zhengdai gradually grinned, and the depression of repeatedly failing to create his own thunder escape chakra mode was instantly suppressed.

He quickly opened the locked cabinet in the room and rummaged through it to find a scroll.

Water Escape-Hard Vortex Water Blade!

Sit back at your desk, template, upgrade!

‘The ninja template is upgraded to Jonin +1, the upper limit of skill level is increased to level 5, free attribute points*10 are obtained, and real skills*1’

"The upper limit of skills has been increased!"

Zheng Dai's heart was greatly excited, and then his body suddenly tensed up, and the chakra in his body suddenly felt strange, and it flowed more comfortably and smoothly!

After a while, he raised his right hand, and the bright blue light danced on his fingertips, extremely dexterous!

The hands formed a seal, making a sound that broke through the air. The palms were so blurred that even I couldn't see them clearly. It was close to... eight seals in one second!

Originally there were only six seals!

"The 0% Ninjutsu base at level 7 and the 100% Ninjutsu base at level 6 are so huge?"

"The upgrade from level 6 to level 7 is indeed the same as the upgrade from level 3 to level 4. It is a... qualitative leap!"

Excitement, joy, uncontrollable.

Zhengdai couldn't help but jump up and almost hit the roof before suppressing his emotions and focusing on the hard vortex water blade scroll. It took more than an hour for the real skill 9 to appear in the attribute column: Water Escape - Hard Vortex Water Blade Level 0 (1%)

He immediately ran out of the house and ran to the woods near his house. Seeing no one around him, he raised his hand and made a seal for half a second: 'Water Release - Water Breaking Wave! ’

Open your mouth, confused.

A row of big trees in front of him all broke, and there was a roar from the soil slope in the distance, and smoke and dust were everywhere.

But...he didn't see it! The water spitting out of his mouth is broken, and he won't be able to see it when he goes out!

"Level 7 skills may not even be mastered by ordinary Kage-level ninjas, and mastering them is also his biggest killing move. With my mere jounin's physique and nerve reaction speed, facing this kind of ninjutsu that is famous for its sharpness and speed , I can’t see the trajectory clearly at all!”

"If the enemy spits out a level 7 water breaking wave at me, there is a certain possibility that I will be killed instantly."

"But now... I want to go to heaven. Below the Third Hokage, Sannin, Haisei-sensei, Minato, Kushina, and other Jounin in Konoha, there are probably... not many who can take a sip of water from me!"


PS: (Thanks to the leader of the Elephant League for the reward. I owe +3 updates. My health is not very good during this period. I always update four times and occasionally do two updates. Looking at the reward, in addition to the leader of the Elephant League, there are many more things to think about. The two masters, Bai Xin and Chenshi Zaopo, received another +2.


Currently I owe 9-5+3+2=9 updates. I will adjust my physical condition and expect to have an update at the end of the month.)

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