Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 248 The Setting Stone

The dirty waterspout quickly dissipated.

After all, we are in the dry environment of Sand Ninja Village at this moment. If it weren't for the fact that the secret technique of hydration that Zheng Dai had reached level five, the increase in power against the hard vortex water blade was not small. He deliberately input the maximum amount of chakra when releasing it, and even Waterspouts may not even form.

However, his strength was not in vain. Two sneak attacks were almost full force, and the real feeling of the blow made Zhengdai sure that Luo Sha had been severely injured by him!

On the second day after arriving in Sand Ninja Village, when he saw his old enemy Luo Sand for the first time, Zhengdai successfully avenged himself. He felt very comfortable, but on the surface he looked angry. He stared at Chiyo and stood there. Stabilize the victim's position.

Chiyo frowned in thought.

More and more ninjas surrounded Sand Ninja Village.

Haruno Zhao also stood next to Masaida with Mito Kadeni looking unhappy.

"Elder Qianyo, what happened?" A young man with deep lines on his face walked over to Qianyo and asked.

Chiyo danced his hands, and ten chakra threads shot out, pulling away several huge rocks in the distance, and said solemnly: "Take Rasha for treatment."

"Dai Fengying?!" Several low voices sounded, and they were surprised by Luo Sha who was in such a miserable state under the rocks.

Immediately, several Anbu hurriedly stepped aside and carried Luo Sha away, who was full of anger. Luo Sha did not lose consciousness, but the wound on his chest prevented him from moving. Before leaving the scene, his eyes were dug into Zheng Dai's body, as if he wanted to kill him with his eyes.

Zheng Dai was not false at all. Two years ago, a clone made him unable to fight back. Now he couldn't tell who would win in a head-to-head confrontation. Whether he was calculating mentally or not, he had a chance to kill Luo Sha. However, It's just that I didn't kill him because of some scruples.

Seeing that people were almost here, Haruno Zhao shouted in the same tone as before: "We were invited by your Sand Ninja Village to attend the Fourth Kazekage Succession Ceremony, but you secretly set up a tunnel in our residence and attacked us early in the morning. Why?" Intentional!

Look, our elder Mito Monobu hasn't woken up yet. He is very old and has been working hard all the way. He may lose three years of his life due to this fright. You Suna Ninja Village must give us an explanation for this! "

The way Mito Kadobu arranged his clothes with a dark face seemed to be testifying to Haruno's omen.

In fact, in his heart, he wished he could punch Haruno Zhao and Masadai, and launch a sneak attack on Sand Ninja Village?

The sneak attack also allowed Shodai to seriously injure Dai Fengkage, so Konoha no longer had to be wary of the Suna Ninja.

Although he didn't know the cause and effect, he knew clearly that there must be something fishy going on.

However, Mito Kadoen is an elder of Konoha after all, and his position is still very firm. Without knowing the specific situation, he just stared at Chiyo, looking unyielding and uncompromising.

Chiyo didn't look at him, but at Zhengdai.

Zheng Dai looked at her, with no guilt in his eyes and did not blink.

Chiyo blinked first, closed and opened his eyes, and said slowly: "This was a misunderstanding, which disturbed the three guests. I am very sorry. I need to go to the hospital to check on Luo Sha's condition, and I will come back later to explain the cause and effect to the three of them. Dingshi , take three guests from Konoha Village to another place of residence."

Just as Dai suddenly felt surprised, Chiyo's reaction was not at all what he expected.

In his opinion, even if this matter was revealed in the end, Chiyo would at least maintain the dignity of Suna Ninja Village and give them a warning.

The worst possibility is that Chiyo will let others do it regardless, and they will forcefully break through.

Without Rasa here, and this is the westernmost point of Suna Ninja Village, the success rate of breaking out is 99%, and the problem is not that big.

But... is it over like this?

Change residence?

The ninjas from the Sand Ninja Village who surrounded them were obviously surprised. They slowly retreated under Chiyo's gaze. Some people even muttered with some dissatisfaction, 'Why should we let them go if we injured the Dai Kazekage? ’

Next to Chiyo, Dingshi, who had fine lines on his face, was very happy. He directly followed Chiyo's instructions and walked to the three of them, saying: "I will take the three of them to another residence where guests are entertained."

Haruno Zhao snorted: "Another place? Don't create another tunnel."

"No." Dingshi said with a kind face: "Can you three please tell me what misunderstanding happened before? Is there a tunnel here?"

"Stop pretending to be innocent. I know you, Suna Ninja Murakami Ninja Seishi, one of the Kazekage candidates. Although you lost to Rasa in the competition, you don't know if there is a tunnel here?"

Dingshi smiled bitterly: "I really don't know. This place is specially used to entertain visitors from other villages. No one has lived here for a long time. Because the place is remote, few people usually come here."

With that said, he led the way: "Come this way."

Masaida turned his eyes and turned to ask Mito Kadoen for instructions: "Sir, it seems that there was a misunderstanding. How about we forgive Suna Ninja Village for being rude this time and wait for an explanation?"

Mito Menyan still has a dark face, now do you know how to ask me?


Dingshi suddenly showed his gratitude: "Thank you all, thank you very much. Please rest assured that this kind of misunderstanding will never happen again. Stay with me for five or six days..."

"Five or six days may not be enough." Zheng Dai shook his head and said: "The behavior of your elders Dai Fengying and Qiandai is too suspicious. I didn't use any force before taking action. Dai Fengying may not be able to recover in five or six days."

Dingshi's eyes flashed, and he quickly said with some worry: "Is this so? Oh no, the daimyo should be on his way here already. If it's delayed...

Oh, I'm not blaming you, it was our fault first, but you can hurt Rasa, Konoha Shodai is indeed worthy of his reputation. "

"A prize, a prize, a prize." Zhengdai smiled.

Following Dingshi all the way to the new residence, the three of them experienced the situation of staying in Sand Ninja Village yesterday again. The communication with Dingshi was very harmonious. Dingshi also told Zhengdai where Ye Cang lived, and a conflict seemed to be eliminated in this way. .

After Sadaishi left, the dark-faced Mito Kadoyan held it in for a while and wanted to say a few words of reprimand, but Haruno Zhao said vaguely, "Elder, please continue to rest," and shut him out together with Masadai.

"Teacher, is this situation unexpected?"

"Ah, I'm looking down on Chiyo. This old woman is so sophisticated that she doesn't know your details and won't even say a harsh word. As a result, we have to always be wary of her tricks."

Haruno Zhao thought: "That guy Luo Sha is probably going to get burned. Chiyo must be suspicious of his purpose, but he's not sure yet. Maybe that's why he took today's matter lightly. Speaking of which, how serious is Luo Sha's injury? How about it?"

Zheng Dai curled his lips and said: "If he can move freely within half a month, I think he has a strong constitution! The succession ceremony in six days will either be attended by him on crutches, postponed, or replaced!"

"So we have achieved half of our goal?" Haruno Zhao laughed, "Succession on crutches will lose the face of the entire Suna ninja, it is impossible. The daimyo will be dissatisfied with the postponement, UU Reading Substitution... Dingshi? Right? Dai, have you ever felt that Dingshi looks a bit like a person?"

"Elder Danzo? Haha, his conduct is far worse than that of Elder Danzo."


Zhengdai smiled and said seriously: "Teacher, next I want to get in touch with the Red Sand Scorpion. I think there is something to dig out here."

"Contacting him... I'm afraid it will be difficult."

"Let's think of a way. When it's later, I'll go to Ye Cang first and catch up on old times. Then I'll go to the Sand Ninja Hospital to visit Luosha and express my apology to a few more people for 'accidentally hurting Luosha'."

Haruno Zhao smiled: "Are you going to make Rasa mad to death? On behalf of the Kazekage, if you are not careful... Haha, just do it like this. The chaos in Suna Ninja Village seems to be no less than that of our Konoha, Rasa. Feng Ying’s position is unstable!”

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