Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 249 Goodbye Ye Cang

"Oh, you've already accepted a disciple?"

With a smile in his eyes, Ye Cang pulled the somewhat reserved little girl with brown hair and blue eyes, and two daubs of paint on her face similar to Lin's, to him.

"There must be something ahead of you. Maki, this is Konoha's Shodai brother."

"Hello, brother Zhengdai."

"Hey." Zhengdai responded, smiled gently at the girl, and asked Ye Cang: "What do you mean, you were promoted to jounin earlier than me?"

"Ah." Ye Cang brushed the hair in front of his forehead and said, "About half a month late. I finally managed to get promoted to Jonin before my 14th birthday and broke the record of the Red Sand Scorpion. But just now At the same time, the news came that you were promoted to Jonin at the age of 10 and became the youngest Jonin in the entire ninja world."

"Like this." Zhengdai rolled his eyes and crossed his legs: "Time flies so fast. When we first met, you were taking the Chunin exam to be promoted to Chunin. I hadn't graduated from the Ninja School yet. In the blink of an eye, , we are both jounin, and I am half a month ahead of you, this is really... tsk."

Ye Cang was startled, then laughed helplessly: "You haven't changed at all, you're still so annoying."

After a few laughs, the strange feeling of not seeing each other for more than two years gradually disappeared. Ye Cang joked about his childish temperament, his behavior of colluding with enemies, and the fact that he took the initiative to accompany Kakashi to practice in order to cause some trouble for Zhengdai.

She was already relieved that Zhengdai had lied to her and told her that Hongdou's father's body was in Luo Sha's hands.

"How is Kakashi doing now?"

"He? He's not good. Although he practices very hard, his strength is already behind you and me. It will take another two years to become a Jonin."

"After all, he is young." Ye Cang smiled.

Both are geniuses, but the age gap has a greater impact. At the time, the 7-year-old Kakashi and the 11-year-old Hagura were able to fight smoothly, but the 10-year-old Kakashi was definitely no match for the 14-year-old Hagura.

After all, a 14-year-old girl has already developed very well, especially in the world of Naruto where precociousness is common. At this time, Ye Cang is over 165 centimeters tall, and his figure is beginning to take shape. He is very similar to his appearance in the anime.

"I'm not that old either."

"But you look older than me." Ye Cang joked: "If you grow a beard, people will believe you if you say you are 20 years old."

Zhengdai wiped his face with his hands.

After chatting for a few more words, Ye Cang turned to his disciple Maki and said, "Maki, you go back first. The teacher will take him around the Suna Ninja Village and will find you later."

"Yeah." Maki responded softly and left.

"You don't look like a big disciple. Have you graduated?" Zhengdai asked.

"No, she is eight years old and graduated this year." Ye Cang shook his head: "There is still one month left. Maki and her... parents were sacrificed in the conflict with Kirigakure Village."

"Orphan, do you want to take care of me as your daughter?" Zhengdai nodded lightly.

Ye Cang laughed: "It's my sister. Why would you think of your daughter? You have an old mentality?"

"Uh..." Dai Zheng was speechless.

Then the two looked at each other in silence.

After a long while, Ye Cang smiled helplessly and said: "Master Dai Fengying was just rushed to the hospital by you. You come to me now, which really makes me very distressed."

"What are you afraid of? I've told you that Rasa is a petty person. He failed to attack Kakashi and I two years ago, and he still held a grudge against me. This time, as soon as he arrived at Suna Ninja, he gave me a sneak attack.

Didn't I remind you to be careful about him? He couldn't forget the time you offended him in Konoha. "

Ye Cang nodded slightly and added: "I didn't know that the Rasa jounin was going to attack Kakashi two years ago. He knocked him unconscious and took him away from Konoha."

"I know, no need to explain." Zhengdai looked at Ye Cang with burning eyes: "I believe you."

Ye Cang was startled, his face moved.

The two looked at each other 'affectionately' for a moment, Zhengdai laughed loudly, and Ye Cang covered his mouth and chuckled.

"You really haven't changed at all, you guy. Do you still think I'm so easy to deceive and be moved?"

Zhengdai shook his head. Ye Cang was not the little girl who could be tricked into tears by a crying scene between him and Hong Dou. Deception would not work anymore.

He straightened his expression and said directly: "You mentioned Xie just now, saying that you broke his jounin promotion record. Do you know Xie? Are you familiar with him?"

"You want to get to know him?" Ye Cang was stunned and shook his head: "No, I'm not familiar with him, and I haven't even met him a few times. Xie's character is a bit withdrawn. I seem to have only heard that he has a friend who has been with him since he was a child. Friends who grew up together are no longer friends.

Besides, you are a dignified Konoha Shodai, and your name is louder than Scorpio. If you want to get to know him, you can go to him directly and you will have a chance. You don’t have to go through me. "

Zheng Dai narrowed his eyes: "It seems you are not quite sure about Xie's arrest?"

"...Arrest?" Ye Cang was stunned.

"Even you don't know." Zhengdai mused. Ye Cang, the genius jounin of Sand Ninja Village, didn't know, but Minato easily found out when he came.

He didn't doubt Minato's ability, but after being framed by human puppets before, he felt that there might not be deliberate elements in it.

Suddenly, he seemed to remember something again and asked Ye Cang: "You said Xie has a good friend? What is this friend's name? Is he still alive?"

"Little insect jounin?" Ye Cang was startled: "Of course he is still alive, why do you ask? Also, what does it mean that Scorpion is captured?"

Bugs is still alive and has become a jounin? Zheng Dai finally confirmed something.

In Zheng Dai's memory, Xie embarked on the road of developing human puppets. The turning point seemed to be that his only childhood friend named Xiao Chong was accidentally killed by his poison! Xiao Chong is also his first human puppet!

"Hey, you guy, are you talking?"

Just as Dai came back to his senses, he looked at Ye Cang, who looked curious, and said, "Don't you think there's anything wrong with the sudden death of the Third Kazekage? As far as I know, the real cause of his death was an assassination, and the third person who assassinated him The first suspect is Scorpion!"

Ye Cang stared in surprise: "Impossible!"

Zheng Dai Tanshou said: "You only need to find a way to find out whether the Red Sand Scorpion has shown up these days. He has been secretly arrested and imprisoned for more than half a month... No, stop asking, you elders Qiandai If you block the news, it’s fine if you offend Luo Sha, but you’ll be in real trouble if you offend Chiyo.”

Ye Cang's mouth opened slightly, obviously he still couldn't believe it, and his expression changed uncertainly.

"How could it be? The Third Kazekage-sama has always held Scorpion in high regard... No, I don't believe it."

Zheng Dai turned his eyes and temporarily concealed more information about the human puppet. UU reading www.uukanshu. net It would be very troublesome for Ye Cang to speak out if he gets angry.

He only said: "I don't really believe that the Third Kazekage was assassinated by the Red Sand Scorpion. Ye Cang, are you interested in investigating with me? One thing I am sure of is that the Third Kazekage cannot die of illness. , this is outrageous.”

"Let's go investigate together..." Ye Cang took a deep look at Zheng Dai, "I always feel that you have bad intentions, and I might be fooled by you again."

"What you said..."

"Let's fight first. If we win, I will join you." Ye Cang suddenly pursed his lips and smiled.

Zheng Dai was startled and said with a smile: "Look, if you want to agree, just agree. There is no need to do this... You didn't say something right before. Luo Sha was not seriously injured by 'us', but by 'me'.

only myself! "

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