Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 25 Obtaining Ninjutsu

My excellence and specialness are like fireflies in the dark and cannot be concealed at all. Orochimaru has a keen eye for uncut jade and wants to accept me as his disciple.

Following Orochimaru step by step, Zhengdai could only comfort himself in his heart.'s really sad.

He didn't want to be a disciple at all, not even Jiraiya, let alone Orochimaru.

Hongdou was encouraged by his chicken soup and suddenly jumped to 16%, giving him three attribute points. If nothing else happened, he would find a way to seduce her and get her some special sweets. After a holiday, why not correct it? 50%?

The attribute points are coming in all the time, and he will definitely be able to upgrade to the chuunin template when school starts.

If the Chuunin is close, can the Jounin be far away?

Alas, now that things have come to this, I can only think on the bright side. If I become a disciple of Orochimaru, I won't have to worry about acquiring ninjutsu? And Orochimaru must know a lot of secrets in the ninja world. Is there any chance to satisfy his thirst for knowledge?

Thinking on the bright side, maybe I'm just being sentimental and Orochimaru doesn't want to accept me as his disciple at all, so I can just go back for a walk? Or did he simply want to enrich his experimental materials?

(?_?)I am dead.

The buildings and lights gradually faded away, and Orochimaru brought them to a dark forest.

It's not the grove near Masadai's house. This forest is very large and located on the edge of Konoha Village. Without the iron fence, it's probably not a forest of death.

"Are you afraid of snakes?" Orochimaru said hoarsely.

Hongdou: "Don't be afraid!"

Zheng Dai: "Afraid!"

Orochimaru stared at Zhengdai, who smiled: "I'm really...a little scared."

Orochimaru reached out his hand, and four colorful snakes suddenly emerged from his arm.

Zheng Dai subconsciously took a step back and reached for the ninja tool bag. Anko gritted her teeth and didn't move.

I feel a little embarrassed wearing it (???_??)?

The four snakes fell to the ground and swam away into the dark forest. Orochimaru looked at Anko and said, "Kill them before dawn."

Anko nodded heavily: "Yes!"

Zhengdai blinked, guessing that this was Orochimaru's test for Anko. He asked a little girl less than five years old to kill four snakes in a dark forest. He didn't know if there were other beasts in the forest... Never mind, still. Worry about yourself.

Anko ran into the forest and became a lonely man and a snake. Orochimaru stared at Zhengdai, seeming to be thinking...but Zhengdai could not do anything but squeeze out the smile of an honest child again.

Then he suddenly felt that maintaining this smile would look like Kabuto? Wouldn’t laughing like this be annoying to a smart enough person?

So he withdrew his smile and stood at attention.

Time passed by, and after a long while, Orochimaru finally said: "Are you afraid of me?"

"No... not at all."


"...I'm afraid of snakes."


"Really, Orochimaru-sama." Zhengdai was very sincere. He could swear on his hair that how many children growing up in modern cities are not afraid of snakes?

Even though he knew that he could shoot a normal snake to death with just a kunai, he was still afraid, and he couldn't control the psychological effects.

"Then why did you follow me?"

Why are you following? Didn't you call me?

Zheng Dai was a little confused, and then he remembered that Orochimaru said, 'You can also come with me.' Is it really a choice? What am I doing!

No, no, I need to calm down.

Zhengdai thought for a moment and said in a deep voice: "Lord Orochimaru, I want to learn ninjutsu."


"I feel that my chakra capacity is enough to support a few low-level ninjutsu, but I am just a civilian and have no way to learn ninjutsu." Zhengdai gradually clarified his thoughts, "Although I am afraid of snakes, I don't want to miss the opportunity you gave me. Chance.

I don't dare to ask you to be my teacher, I just hope to learn a few ninjutsu from you. "

As he said that, he was ready to receive Orochimaru's questions, such as 'Why do you want to learn Ninjutsu so urgently', or even 'Ask me for Ninjutsu, are you prepared to pay the price of being raped?'

He also quickly prepared a few answers.

However, it turns out that Orochimaru is indeed a person who plays cards irrationally.

"What ninjutsu do you want to learn?"

"I...have one kind of offensive and defensive ninjutsu at will?" Zhengdai asked tentatively.

Orochimaru licked the corner of his mouth: "You haven't tested your chakra properties?"

"No, I can't buy chakra test strips."

Orochimaru: "What if the technique I give you doesn't match your chakra attributes?"

"Then... Orochimaru-sama, do you have any chakra test strips?" Shodai asked tentatively.

It was true that he had not ignored the chakra attribute, but he had previously felt that he had no room to be picky, and that his knowledge of ninjutsu was enough.

Anyway, they are all low-level ninjutsu. No matter how hard they learn the seals and chakra movement, they should still be able to appear in the attribute column. Just click a few attribute points to release them and increase the variety of attacks. He was not prepared to achieve any results in his training, and he would wait until it was too late for Chuunin or even Jounin to consider specializing.

Orochimaru actually took out a chakra test paper and handed it over. This kind of thing is not a regular ninja tool, but it is carried everywhere?

Accepting Hongdou as his disciple was not a temporary decision.

A few thoughts flashed through, and Zhengdai took the test strip respectfully, feeling like he had received a scratch-off ticket... Can I win five dollars?

"Will it work?" Orochimaru said hoarsely.

"Yes." Zhengdai injected chakra.

The chakra test paper was soaked.

Zhengdai then injected chakra.

The wet marks are larger.

Wearing teeth to inject.

The test paper was wrinkled by him.

"Hahaha, water and thunder!"

Orochimaru looked at him quietly.

(?_?) "Only water attribute."

Orochimaru glanced at him, formed a seal with his right hand, and a scroll appeared out of thin air with a bang.

"These ninjutsu are given to you."

give me? Is it some kind of test? Do you want me to learn the above ninjutsu within a limited time?

Zheng Dai was stunned for a moment, then quickly put down the food box, took the scroll with both hands, and opened it directly.

Water escape·Water substitute technique (C level)

Water Release·Water Body Technique (Level C)

Water Release·Water Cannon Technique (C-level)

There are three ninjutsu in the scroll, covering attack and defense, as well as a clone that can increase the diversity of tactics, which fully meets the current needs of Zhengdai.

"Thank you, Orochimaru-sama." Masahiro bowed deeply, then hesitated for a moment, should I... bow to become my disciple now?

"Is there anything else?" Orochimaru asked.

Zheng Dai: "...It's okay, then I, I'll go home first? Orochimaru-sama."


"...By the way, Orochimaru-sama, you gave me ninjutsu, how should I repay you?"

"No need. UU Reading"

"Then...goodbye, Orochimaru-sama!" Zhengdai walked away quickly. He didn't let out a long breath until he walked back to the brightly lit North Street. Squeezing the scroll in his hand, he still felt a little unreal.

Giving away ninjutsu for free? What does Orochimaru want to do?

The scroll weighing half a kilogram in his hand now weighed as much as a thousand kilograms, making Zheng Dai's heart sink.

Could it be that Orochimaru also needs to make corrections?

Now is Orochimaru a benevolent and charitable person?

Even if it was, I wouldn't dare attack him. After conquering him, he would kill me easily.

"Looking on the bright side, I picked up three ninjutsu for nothing today, and the problem is solved. Orochimaru is such a bad old man, he scares me in my dreams and reality."

Zheng Dai breathed a sigh of relief: "I have nothing to do with him in the short term. I can only treat him as a passing treasure-delivery NPC... Huh? I seem to have forgotten something? Haha, I am not a revenge person. Overnight, scare me, right?

let's go! Malatang, spicy to death! "

At the same time, Orochimaru picked up the food box that had been dropped on the spot with great interest.



(This may seem a little bit anticlimactic and abrupt, because I reluctantly deleted about a chapter and a half.

It was a mistake I made when designing the plot. With the protagonist's current strength, facing Orochimaru, no matter how clever the method is, it feels good to take advantage, but there are still big flaws in the logic.

But the three ninjutsu cannot be dispensed with.

So it became like this, please forgive me.

The first contact with Orochimaru is like this, let Orochimaru go first, and come back slowly later.

As a result, I have to revise the manuscript, so I will add the third chapter of Brother Leader to tomorrow. There are only two chapters today, sorry! )

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