Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 26 Trial of Skills

Because he had offended Anko's uncle and cousin a little, and he was completely confused about Orochimaru's path, Zhengdai didn't dare to go directly to Anko's house to find her, and he happened to be at home to practice ninjutsu.

Goodbye Hongdou, more than ten days later.

During this period, Hongdou's correction only jumped a few times, reaching a mediocre 20%, which gave Zhengdai some attribute points, proving that she did try to eat sweets, but she probably still didn't like them.

It was also a coincidence that Hongdou met again. Zhengdai met her by chance at the training ground of the Ninja School.

There are two acquaintances beside Anko, Anko's good sister Hong, and Youhong must be in Asuma. The three of them occupy a throwing target.

Anko was practicing throwing kunai, and she fired five or six kunai in succession. She shot them very quickly, all of them above the eighth ring, embarrassing more than half of the third and fourth grade students.

She still looked dissatisfied, and she was gesticulating with her hands and frowning.

There was a hint of worry on the red face. She didn't know the news of Hong Dou's father's death until the third day, and she went to accompany Hong Dou every day after that. But in her opinion, Hongdou's mood was not optimistic!

Hongdou smiles less than before, and practices harder than before. The most terrifying thing is that she actually forces herself to eat sweets!

This is probably self-abuse, right?

But Hong has no choice at all. All she can offer is companionship, hoping that Hongdou can get over her grief on her own. Seeing that Anko had finished the tenth round of throwing and was already out of breath, she opened her mouth to persuade Anko to rest for a few minutes. Suddenly, she heard Asuma next to her say:

"The annoying guy is here."

Hong was startled, turned around, and saw Zhengdai waving over here. She fell into a trance for a moment and suddenly became alert. Zheng Dai's mouth was poisonous. Hongdou couldn't stand the stimulation now. No, we can't let them...

"Zhengdai, what have you been doing these days? Why don't you go to my house to find me? Your food box is still there!" Hongdou's clear voice came from behind Hong.

Red blinked, stunned.

Zheng Dai smiled and replied: "You are not busy practicing. Why, you are practicing throwing. Do you want this master to guide you?"

"Hey! Who...hey? That's right. You seem to be good at throwing kunai. Do you have any tips?"

Zhengdai: "Only if you are familiar with it."

"Really or not? Don't hide it."

"Okay, let me teach you."

Kurenai looked at Anko's hearty smile that she hadn't seen in several days, and looked at each other with Asuma. When did the two of them become so familiar?

When she saw Anko holding hands and instructing Anko to throw, and Anko talking and laughing, Hong didn't know how to react.

It wasn't until a slightly familiar term appeared in the exchange between the two that Hong suddenly realized it.

"Hongdou, is the Malatang delicious?"

"Yeah, it's super delicious. Sister Hong, I'll treat you to lunch today. Zhengdai, please have two more bowls of Malatang. Sister Hong's is less spicy. I'll give you two hundred taels together." Hong Dou tilted her head and said.

Zheng Dai, who was suddenly ordered: "..."

Asuma was ignored: "..."

Hong smiled when he saw this: "Classmate Zhengdai also wants to practice, Hong Dou, don't bother me."

Zheng Dai: "...No trouble. But forget it at noon, let's go to the evening. I want to try the newly opened meatball shop nearby at noon, can we come together?"

Hongdou thought for a while: "The one that Sister Hong mentioned last time? Okay, let's go and try it together."

Hong is speechless. Here we go again, Hongdou wants to eat sweets again, it’s the same meatball shop. When I invited her last time, she said she had tasted it and found it not delicious. Now that she is wearing the invitation, why did she agree?

"It's still early before noon, so I'll continue my kunai practice... Masadai, are you here to practice too? I'll give you a round at the target first?" Anko asked.

"No, I don't need to practice throwing." Zhengdai shook his head, thought for a moment, turned to Asma and said, "Do me a favor, Asma. Come, let's have a fight."


"You just want to practice sparring with me and compare notes. Don't you dare?" Zhengdai said with a smile.

Anko suddenly showed an expression of watching a good show.

Kurenai looked at Asuma and shook her head slightly.

Asma's handsome face twitched, how can I be afraid of this?

Definitely not!

"There are fights among classmates..."

Zhengdai turned around and said, "Hong, let's go to my house with Hongdou to eat spicy hotpot tonight. It tastes better when it's cooked and eaten. After eating, stop by my room and I'll ask you a few questions you don't know."

Red blinked, then froze again.

Hongdou responded: "Okay, let's go!"

Asuma's eyes turned red.

‘Asma, you need to practice harder. Hatake Kakashi regained his strength, Zhengdai caught up from behind, and Metkai was also catching up. Your strength will soon not even rank among the top three in the class.

Chasing girls is important, but as a ninja, the most important thing is strength, go practice! ’

Standing face to face with Shodai, Asuma recalled in a daze the banter that his father, the Third Hokage, had made at the dinner table on the night of the actual combat drill.

At that time, I retorted harshly, pointing out that my father just wanted to send me away to practice so that I could smoke secretly... although this may be the truth.

But when it came to actually fighting Zhengdai, Asuma was keenly aware of a nasty emotion.


He refused to admit it, but after watching Kakashi and Masadai fight, his reason told him that he was no match for the two.

He was afraid of losing, afraid of losing in front of Kurenai, afraid of losing on his own with the title of Hokage's son.

"But I can't escape, I can't even lack the courage to take action." Asma stared at Zheng Dai, who was combing his hair with a relaxed expression, "He is such a slutty bastard, I can beat him!"


The sound of the soles of feet hitting the ground hard.

Facing Asuma who rushed over, many thoughts flashed through Zhengdai's mind.

[Asma’s shoes are good, they look very strong and durable/Wearing these shoes, kicking people will have an attack bonus/As expected of the second generation of the movie, the family has money and wears well/Hey, I am very cautious, first Do you want to take advantage of the fact that hand attacks don’t require fists and use feet/shoes? It’s amazing]

Thinking about this, I haven't moved it yet. UU reading

Kurenai exclaimed and covered her mouth halfway, Anko stared in surprise halfway, and Asuma's kick hit Zheng Dai's hip elbow.

Snapped! There was no expected crash, just the sound of water splashing.

Asuma was slightly stunned. He couldn't control his body and leaned forward, and crashed into the splash that Zhengdai had transformed into.

"This is...a water substitute?!"

There was a sound of wind behind him. Asuma's expression was slightly tense. He listened to the sound and argued his position, then turned around and attacked.


Fists and elbows collided, and Asuma unexpectedly discovered that Zheng Dai's fist was far less powerful than expected.

Feint? It doesn't look like it.

He tried to fight back, bang!

Asuma's eyes widened as he plunged into the water again. This was... a water incarnation? !


‘Water Release-Water Cannon Technique! ’

Asuma was leaning behind him, and Zhengdai completed the four seals in two seconds, and then his mouth beeped, beeped, beeped... and a violent stream of water spurted out.

It was as if a large vat of water was poured out in an instant, hitting Asma half a meter away from his side. The splash wet one of Asma's trouser legs.

Asma's body stiffened: "I lost."

Zhengdai comforted him: "Don't worry, you don't know that I just learned these three ninjutsus, and I was caught off guard. Otherwise, I would have been able to hold on for at least another three or four seconds... Well, maybe ten seconds."

Asmal shook his head bitterly and said nothing.

Whether it was the formation of the water avatar or the replacement of the water avatar, he was completely unaware of it.

Intelligence disadvantage? Indeed, but it's not like he doesn't know ninjutsu, fire escape, and shadow clones. He has mastered them all, but he has no chance to release them.

He had to admit that there was a huge gap between him and Zheng Dai in terms of strength... My father was right, I should work hard to practice.

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