Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 251 The First Battle with the Puppet Master

Is this a bug?

Hearing Ye Cang's name, Zheng Daiyan was stunned. After communicating with Ye Cang before, he wanted to meet Xie's only childhood playmate, the little insect who influenced Xie to become a human puppet.

Unexpectedly, it was delivered to me on my own initiative.

After carefully looking at the bug, Zheng Dai's first impression was that this guy has very thick hair. The thick eyebrows are similar to Kai's, and the thick hair covers the broad forehead, and even spreads from the ears to the cheeks and corners of the mouth, a bit like a monkey.

Judging from the hair, he is relatively mature, but his big and smart eyes are full of liveliness. It is the kind of appearance that is more unforgettable once you have seen it.

"Sorry for bothering you." Xiaochong came closer and said apologetically. He raised his thick eyebrows and said in a brisk tone: "Ye Cang, I haven't seen you for a long time. This... Konoha ninja... is that Is the famous person wearing it?"

"It's me, hello, Xiaochong Jōnin." Zhengdai nodded politely and said, "Don't bother me. The competition between Ye Cang and I is almost over, right Ye Cang?"

He looked at Ye Cang with a smile, and Ye Cang bit his lower lip slightly unwillingly. Where does it end and not just begin? But recalling the power and speed that Dai Hongsha had achieved through Steam Kill, she had to admit that there was a big gap in strength between the two.

Her superior speed may not be able to take advantage of Zheng Dai, and Zhuo Dun was defeated head-on for the first time. If the fight continued, she would be able to barely hold on for a while at most. She had no chance of winning and would definitely lose.

She now believes that Luo Sha was injured by someone from Zheng Dai. "Okay, I lost. I will do what I promised you."

Zheng Dai raised his eyebrows, but at this moment, a feeling of aversion to cold suddenly rose up in him. He immediately frowned and looked back, vaguely feeling that there seemed to be a little bit of... greed in Xiao Chong's eyes when he looked at him?

This feeling disappeared in a flash. Xiaochong smiled quite innocently and said: "As expected of Konoha Masai, even Ye Cang lost to you. If it is convenient, can you fight me once?"

Um? Zhengdai was a little stunned and looked at Ye Cang again.

Ye Cang smiled and said: "All the geniuses of your generation in the entire ninja world are overwhelmed by your reputation as Konoha Shodai. It's not surprising that the little insect jounin wants to challenge you."

Is that all? This little bug was probably fifteen or sixteen years old and was already a Jonin. He was indeed a genius, but the look in his eyes just now...

Several thoughts flashed through Zheng Dai's mind, he turned around and smiled at Xiao Chong: "It's convenient, come on."

"excuse me."

Ye Cang stepped back tens of meters, while Xiao Chong stood at Ye Cang's original position, took out a scroll from his sleeve, and wiped it with one hand.

With a bang, white smoke spread, and two humanoid puppets stood in front of Xiao Chong.

Puppet master? Zheng Dai was shocked again, this guy... shouldn't be a puppet master, right?

Look at the two humanoid puppets, one male and one female. The female puppet is holding a long sword, and the male puppet is carrying a giant ax behind his back. The joints of his arms seem to be ingenious.

A sense of familiarity washed over me.

"It's like 'father' and 'mother'..."

Xiaochong moved his hands and shot out five chakra lines, which were connected to the two puppets. There was a clicking sound, and one person and two puppets looked directly at Zhengdai.

"Please advise."

Zhengdai's eyes flashed slightly: "Please enlighten me."

Xiao Chong nodded politely, raised his right hand, and the female puppet rushed to Zheng Dai, slashing from top to bottom with the long sword in her hand, very fast.

Lightning flashed around Zheng Dai's body, he instantly missed the long sword, and slashed at the female puppet's neck with his right arm, moving faster and letting out a whine.

After five months of training, his physical strength has exceeded 150. Coupled with the blessing of the Thunder Chakra mode, his strength and defense speed can almost double, and it is no problem to hold a sharp sword in his hand.

But since the opponent is a puppet master, the long sword in the female puppet's hand is probably smeared with some kind of poison, and Zheng Dai doesn't want to cause trouble.

If his skin is cut, wouldn't his ability to hydrate and detoxify be exposed? In the poisonous Sand Ninja Village, that could be used as a trump card.

On the other hand, the bug in front of him was also the first puppet master he faced. He wanted to use the bug to familiarize himself with the puppet master's fighting style, so that he would be more confident if he needed to fight Chiyo.

The wrist wrapped with lightning was about to blow the female puppet's head away. Just as she was wearing it, she suddenly felt something was wrong. Beating the puppet... would beheading be useful?

In the blink of an eye, there was another figure beside him, the male puppet, holding a giant ax and striking hard at Zhengdai!

Dai changed his movements, his body dodged again, and the angle of his right arm wrapped in lightning changed, the giant ax passed by, and hit the male puppet's chest!

At this time, the long sword slashed by the female puppet also closed and cut across. There was no lag at all like a human would have after slashing with all his strength. The movement stopped and came out, blocking Zheng Dai's fist.

"Not bad." With a murmur, Zheng Dai was like a puppet, his movements stopped and then shot out, and he stood ten meters away.

The lightning-like fight lasted less than a second. If an ordinary person watched, they would probably only see one person and two puppets swinging around like light and shadow effects of light waves, and they were separated at the touch of a button.

However, Ye Cang's dynamic vision was enough for her to see everything clearly. At this moment, she looked at Xiao Chong quite unexpectedly... Xiao Chong was much stronger than she expected.

"It's a pity that it's still worse than this guy."

Just like a puppet, Zheng Dai could retract the attack instantly, which meant that he didn't use all his strength, maybe not even half of his strength, otherwise he might have smashed the chest of the male puppet first.

Xiaochong obviously noticed this, his face became slightly solemn, he said, "No need to give in," and twitched the middle finger and index finger of his left hand.

Amidst the continuous clicking sounds, the male puppet's right forearm spiraled, and countless hair-thin poisonous qianben shot out, blocking all directions in front of Zheng Dai, covering him densely!

Before using Samehada, he rarely took out a kunai from his ninja bag, moved his body sideways while blocking, and danced among the dense poisonous needles!

Countless poisonous needles passed by him, and many poisonous needles hit him, but they were bounced away by the thunder armor on his body and could not touch the flesh he was wearing.

Xiaochong was a little shocked and a little confused. The force of the thousand copies shot out by the special ejection mechanism was far stronger than that thrown by humans. How could it not break the Thunder Escape Armor he was wearing?'s obvious that he can't break through the defense, so why should he hide?

Zhengdai just wanted to try out the scene in the anime where Chiyo dodges Scorpion Senbon and see if he could do it, but the result was not optimistic.

If he wanted to dance among thousands of roots with ease, his fifth-level physical skills were completely unable to do so.

I'm afraid it's level seven. Of course, this does not mean that Chiyo's taijutsu is level seven. It's just that he is more familiar with puppet routines, and as a puppet master, he is better at dodging to protect himself.

"That was Chiyo who was 73 years old, and now Chiyo is 53 years old. I'm afraid he's not easy to mess with. He's definitely much better than Rasa."

Thoughts flashed through his mind, after the poisonous needle was shot, the two puppets attacked Zhengdai again, one on the left and the other on the right. The male puppet's arm changed again, and UU Reading turned into a high-speed cutting and rotating chainsaw!

"Even this..." After muttering, Zheng Dai thought to himself: "Melee combat again? That's almost it. It doesn't look like there are more means. Hey, chainsaw?"

The hand turned into an afterimage, and the three seals were formed in less than half a second. With the hook of the right hand, dazzling electric arcs began to jump on the fingertips - Thunder Release - Chainsaw!

Silver light flies through the sky!

With two consecutive bang bang sounds, the male puppet's chainsaw and the female puppet's two arms were instantly broken apart and flew dozens of meters away!

Before Xiao Chong's surprised expression appeared, he felt a chill flash across his neck, and then he realized that a silver light was already lying across his neck.


Zheng Dai said behind him.

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