Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 252 People living in the shadows

"I lost."

Xiao Chong opened his mouth to admit defeat. Just then, he took back the electric saw on his hand, took a few steps back and allowed Xiao Chong to turn around.

Xiaochong looked weird for a moment. Although he had lost to Shodai, his face showed some strange excitement. After a few seconds, he adjusted his head and smiled sincerely: "As expected of the legendary Konoha Shodai. , so strong, I am no match for you."

"Excellent, there is no such thing as a legend. The puppet master's fighting style also opened my eyes." Zhengdai replied politely, and then said: "I'm sorry, little insect jounin, I broke your puppet a little."

"It's okay, it's just a small problem. I can fix them quickly when I get back. Oh, I'll go fix it now and won't disturb you anymore."

"See you later, little insect jounin." Ye Cang responded and walked up to Zheng Dai.

Zheng Dai also said goodbye to Xiao Chong.

When Xiao Chong disappeared, Zheng Dai took a breath of cold air and felt a bit like a toothache.

"What's wrong?" Ye Cang asked upon seeing this.

"...No, your little insect Jonin is not weak." Zhengdai asked: "Although I have never fought against other puppet masters, the speed of controlling puppets can almost keep up with mine. Such a person You don’t have many sand ninja villages, right?”

"I lost to you, and you are boasting?" Ye Cang smiled and agreed: "I really didn't notice before that the little insect jounin was so powerful. That's right, after all, he is Scorpion's playmate, so he was influenced by it. He is also very proficient in puppet control skills, so it would not be surprising if he is stronger."

Zheng Dai nodded slightly, thinking a lot.

This contact with Xiao Chong gave him an inexplicable sense of familiarity and something strange.

"Stop building the bridge, Dazna, Mr. Cardo, the bridge builder? Don't do this, is it going to cost people's lives?"

"Come on, I'll take you around the village."

Ye Cang said, then lowered his voice and said: "I will work with you to investigate the 'real' cause of the third generation's death. Where are you going to start?"

Where to start…

Zhengdai thought for a while and said: "First of all, please give me a detailed introduction to the little insect jounin just now. I am more interested in him now."

"Huh?" Ye Cang was stunned for a moment: "Are you interested in the little insect jounin? I'm not very familiar with him... or maybe the puppet master socializes more with other people who are also puppet masters. I only know him. Probably the second puppet genius in our village after Xie..."

While the two were strolling around and talking about Xiao Chong, Xiao Chong had returned home with two broken puppets and entered the room where he assembled the puppets.

Putting the two puppets in front of a pile of puppet parts, Xiaochong was not in a hurry to repair them. Instead, he walked to the table next to him with a slightly hesitant look and sat down with his elbows on his elbows. His eyes were slightly closed, and scenes flashed across his face.

'oh? Is this the puppet improvement you made? What a creative idea. Really? Xiao Chong also helped. Xiao Chong is not bad, not bad. ’ The middle-aged puppet master praised Xie sincerely, but when he turned to him, his face became a little perfunctory.

‘Control three puppets at the same time? Xiao Chong, you've done a good job, but don't be too proud. I heard that Scorpion can control four puppets at the same time, right? ’ While his mother praised him, she did not forget to mention the scorpion.

'Congratulations on being promoted to Jonin. The 15-year-old Jonin is only one year later than Scorpion, which is very good. ’ The Jounin instructor’s face gradually became ferocious.

‘Without Scorpion, you are the strongest puppet genius in our Sand Ninja Village, Xiaochong. ’ The words of the strange face who seemed to have used the magic of transformation were full of temptation.

The scene of happily playing with Scorpion when he was a child loomed in front of his eyes and gradually faded away.

"Scorpion, scorpion, scorpion!" After whispering a few times, Xiao Chong clenched his fists tightly, his body trembling, and suddenly two lines of tears burst into his eyes, "I don't want this, I don't want this either..."

After sobbing for a long time, Xiaochong wiped away his tears. The emotion on his face faded and gradually became indifferent. He picked up a tool hammer and looked at the two damaged puppets. Suddenly, another scene emerged.

‘Is this a puppet you made yourself, Xiaochong? Hey, it looks like the ‘father’ and ‘mother’ of the scorpion. ’

'I have made my own improvements...'

'The puppet master must have his own ideas in order to surprise the enemy in battle. Blind imitation is not advisable, little insect. ’

'I have made changes, teacher, please see...'

‘They are almost identical. Can’t you even change the faces of the two puppets? ’

Bang! ! Sawdust flying!

Xiao Chong carried a tool hammer and smashed the male puppet's chest hard, and then hammered it again and again, quickly smashing it into a pile of broken parts!

After that comes the female puppet, Smash!

After doing this, he sat down on the ground without any strength, sitting among the pile of broken parts, and kept murmuring:

"Why, why is it always Scorpion?!"

"I want people to remember me, Xiaochong! Not that kid whose puppet talent is second only to Scorpion!"

"I want people to remember me!"

"Konoha Masadai is really strong. He is stronger than me and stronger than Scorpion. Even Dai Fengkage was injured by him. If... I can make him into a puppet, the entire ninja world will remember me, right?"

He stood up, walked to another table, and started adjusting the bottles on the table.

"Even the Third Kazekage-sama can be poisoned, so there is no problem in poisoning him! It's a pity, the Third Kazekage-sama, I'm not skilled enough in making puppets, so I couldn't keep his magnetic escape, so why don't I hand him over?" ...But this time, I will definitely be able to retain part of Konoha Masdai’s abilities!”

"This guy is simply living in the shadow of Scorpion." After listening to Ye Cang's explanation, this thought flashed through Zhengdai's mind.

His talent for puppet control is inferior, his ability to create and develop puppets is inferior, and he is promoted to Jonin a year too late. He is inferior in everything.

After Ye Cang finished speaking, he himself was stunned and shook his head: "No wonder I have a very shallow impression of Xiaochun Jōnin. everyone the impression that he is a genius puppet master who is not as good as Scorpion. I guess he himself will also be affected by this." Very distressed, right?"

"Yeah, it's a bit pitiful." Zhengdai echoed: "The same type of ninja, UU Kanshu, is somewhat suppressed in all aspects. The second place's presence is compared to the first place. But it’s too low.”

"Yeah." Ye Cang nodded: "Even I said just now that he is strong because he is Scorpion's childhood playmate. He is influenced by it. Others probably think so. He swallowed up his own Try hard, this is wrong.”

"Yes, this is wrong." Zhengdai looked at Ye Cang, "If the little insect jounin is more extreme, will he hold a grudge against the scorpion?"

"Hold a grudge?" Ye Cang was stunned: "You mean... you can't, right?"

"That's not good."

Zheng Dai shook his head, saying 'I can't say', but he was already sure in his heart.

It is perfectly normal to live under someone's shadow for your whole life and to be unable to bear it and want to erase the shadow!

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