Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 254 Fragility

After Luo Sha blurted out and agreed to Zhengdai's treatment, she felt a little regretful.

If Zheng Dai really knew something, wouldn't his behavior be self-inflicted?

Angrily annoyed that she had lost her position in front of Zheng Dai, who had suffered losses twice, Luo Sha tried to calm down and decided to put the matter of Xiao Chong aside for the time being. She narrowed her eyes and watched Zheng Dai approaching, while her body tensed slightly, Be vigilant.

At this time, Dingshi also took a few steps in front of Luo Sha's hospital bed. He had made a guarantee that if Zheng Dai went 'crazy' and severely injured or even killed Luo Sha again, he would definitely be left with nothing to eat.

Zheng Dai looked as usual, with his hands folded over each other, soft green light spread, floating above Luo Sha's chest and abdomen, and he unleashed his palm magic with all his strength.

Luo Sha was slightly shocked. She could clearly feel that her injuries were recovering at several times the speed when being treated by Chiyo. She was surprised by the powerful effect of Zhengdai's Palm Immortal Technique. She was surprised that Zhengdai actually treated him?

Standing next to him, Dingshi observed Luo Sha's face, his eyes flashed slightly, and he smiled honestly: "It is indeed a medical ninjutsu that even Princess Tsunade praised. The effect is really extraordinary. I wonder how long it will take for Dai Fengkage to recover if you are the one to treat it?" "

Zhengdai glanced at him and looked at Luo Sha with a smile: "If he recovers, it will take eight days, but he will probably be able to move around without any hindrance in five days. He can be in time for the Kazekage succession ceremony."

You will be able to move around in five days without affecting the ceremony? Feeling the speed of recovery, Luo Sha couldn't help but feel a little happy, and soon her expression changed again.

This kid's expression... is he asking me to beg him?

snort! Don't even think about it!

Dingshi was stunned for a moment, and immediately said sincerely: "Please do your best to treat Dai Fengying!"

"Of course." Zhengdai nodded: "This is the trouble I caused, so naturally I have to make up for it. Leave all Dai Fengying's injuries to me, and I will heal him as soon as possible."

Dingshi was startled, his mouth opened and closed, and he felt as if he had eaten something. He finally managed to squeeze out a "Thank you".

Luo Sha was a little puzzled and a little wary.

Is there a conspiracy? There must be a conspiracy!

"Rasa Jounin, don't look at me so defensively." Masadai said angrily: "More than two years ago, you almost killed me in that attack in Konoha. Shalang beat me with many bruises all over my body. I also received an uncomfortable healing treatment in the hospital, but I didn’t get this kind of treatment from you.”

"This time I hurt you, we'll just retaliate and it's a draw. You're about to become Kazekage. There's no need to hold grudges like this. Just...let the past go away with the palm magic, okay?"

This kid wants to reconcile with me? Luo Sha couldn't figure out the way to go with Zheng Dai and was silent for a long time, thinking that her injury still needed Zheng Dai's treatment, and she could barely suppress her inner displeasure and ferocity.

"Okay, I will never take revenge on you again."

"Be happy, I will do my best to cure you."

Zheng Dai said with a serious look on his face, and the Palm Immortal Technique he released became three points more refined.

Ten minutes later, Zhengdai and Dingshi walked out of Luo Sha's ward side by side and headed for the hospital exit.

Dingshi was about to speak but hesitated for a long time. After leaving the hospital, he finally couldn't help but said: "I'm putting on my ninja. See you at the hospital at the same time tomorrow?"

"Okay, thank you Jounin Seishi."

"No, no, no, I should be the one to thank you." Dingshi was filled with discomfort, but pretended to be enthusiastic on the surface: "This way, I don't have to worry about explaining to the Daimyo."

Zheng Dai was tired for him.

"Healing Luo Sha is what I should do. After all, I accidentally injured him with two ninjutsus. Although I didn't hold back, I really didn't expect that your Dai Fengying would be so fragile... Oh No." Zhengdai smiled sheepishly.

"I made a mistake, Jounin Seishi. Let's say goodbye. I'm going back to rest."

"Okay." Dingshi watched him leave with a thoughtful expression on his face, "Accidentally... two ninjutsu... Dai Fengying is fragile..."

When they returned to their residence, Teacher Haixing happened to return from outside. The two of them turned into Zhengdai's room in tacit agreement, only to find that there was already a person sitting in the room.

Mito Kadoyan said with a dark expression: "Two guards, did you have a good time?"

The two looked at each other, and Haruno Zhao smiled and said: "This is not for fun, we are going to do business. Besides, Elder Menyan, you can rest assured that Suna Ninja Village does not dare to do anything to you until something happens to us. After all, they should know, You cannot threaten us."

Mito Menyan: "..."

"Hahahaha..." Haruno Zhao laughed: "Is this joke funny?"

Mito Menyan sighed helplessly.

'Hiruzhan, I want Minato. Are you sending this bastard here to make me mad? ’

"Business? Tell me, what's the business?"

Haruno Zhao grabbed the starfish and said: "I have found the best breakout route. If something happened before, only Zhengdai and I could escape, now I can take you with me, hahaha..."

Mito Menyan didn't want to talk to him, and turned his expectant eyes to Zhengdai... You will be a little more reliable, right?

Masadai smiled, but did not touch Mito Monobu's fragile mind, and said sternly: "I am very powerful here. I have figured out the context of the death of the third Kazekage of Suna Ninja Village."

"Oh?" Haruno Zhao narrowed his eyes, his expression became serious, and Mito Kadoyan also sat upright.

Zheng Dai spoke in a deep voice, from the little bug living in the shadow of the scorpion all his life to Luo Sha's abnormal reaction in the hospital, mixed with his own analysis.

Mitomon's eyes flashed with shock: "The death of the Third Kazekage is actually related to Rasa?"

Haruno Zhao shook his head and said: "Not necessarily, he may just acquiesce. At most, he is secretly fueling the flames. It is unlikely that he will take action directly. As long as he is not stupid enough, there is no evidence of his participation."

"But Xiaochong, according to what you Zhengdai said, it may be found out soon... Then, what do you think, Zhengdai, to rescue the Crimson Sand Scorpion?" He showed a slight doubt: "Really Do you want to sell it well to Chiyo? It’s not necessary.”

"It's necessary, I did more than this."

Zhengdai continued the story, explaining the details of the exchanges with Luo Sha and Dingshi in the hospital.

Mito Kadoba's eyes brightened when he heard this. No wonder Danzo was very optimistic about this child. His methods were indeed as sinister as Danzo's. If it were me, I wouldn't have done any better!

At the same time, UU Reading heard such conversations in many places in Sand Ninja Village.

"Have you heard? Lord Dai Fengkage Rasa is seriously injured, and the ceremony may have to be postponed."

"I heard about it. It is said that there was a conflict with the Konoha ninjas? The black tornado in the morning was the Konoha ninja's technique, these bastards!"

"In fact, it's not necessarily the fault of the Konoha ninja. The action was just because of some misunderstandings, and among the Konoha ninjas, only the 11-year-old Konoha's youngest jounin was taking action, but only two techniques severely damaged our generation. Lord Kazekage, alas..."

"Two techniques? Real or fake?"

"I also hope it's a lie, but unfortunately I asked people who were nearby at the time, and that's it. Lord Rasa is quite strong, how could he be so vulnerable to the Konoha ninjas, and with him the entire Sand Ninja Village? They all lose face..."


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