In the evening, Ye Cang walked hurriedly on the streets of Sand Ninja Village.

The discussion between two civilians on the street made her pause for a moment. After hearing the details, her red eyes flashed slightly, she murmured, 'What a guy with bad ideas,' and continued to move forward.

Walk all the way to the Kazekage building and arrive at Kazekage's office.

The third Kazekage died, and the Dai Kazekage Rasa was seriously injured. It was impossible for the Suna Ninja Village to temporarily elect another Dai Kazekage, so Chiyo had to sit in the Kazekage's position personally and handle village affairs.

"Elder Qiandai, you are looking for me."

Hearing Ye Cang's voice, Chiyo, whose body was hidden behind thick documents, tried her best to poke her head out and smiled kindly: "Konoha Masadai found you today and asked you to accompany him to visit our Sand Ninja Village?"

Ye Cang nodded: "Yes, he and I have known each other since we were in Konoha. He also took me around Konoha, so today..."

"No need to explain, I know." Chiyo interrupted: "What exactly did you talk about? Can you tell the old woman? Don't mention the chats between friends. Others, especially those about our village... you know what to do What to say."

Ye Cang showed a slight hesitation, while Chiyo looked at her quietly. More than ten seconds passed, and Ye Cang still didn't speak, with a slightly worried look on his face.

Ye Cang then said: "Elder Qiandai, Zhengdai had long expected that you would ask me this question, so he deliberately asked me to send you a message, saying that... I would like to sell you a favor so that you don't mind his previous offense."

"Oh?" Chiyo was stunned for a moment, and the wrinkles on his old face bloomed like chrysanthemums, and said: "Interesting kid. Konoha, first there were the Sannin, then Namikaze Minato and Haruno Omen, this generation is Konoha again Zheng Dai, and that damn White Fang's son, genius never breaks, it's really...

Tell me, what does he want to say to me? "

Ye Cang paused and said: "He told me that there was something strange about the death of the Third Kazekage. It was not death of illness but assassination. Currently, your grandson, the Red Sand Scorpion, has been secretly arrested as a suspect."

Chiyo's eyes narrowed, these guys in Konoha really knew it!

Yekura silently observed Chiyo's reaction. Seeing this, he was convinced that Masadai was not lying, so he continued: "He said he didn't believe it was Scorpion and wanted to find out the true cause of the third Kazekage's death."

"Huh?" Chiyo was stunned, and his face immediately softened. Is this how you want to make a deal with me?

"Later... we met the little insect jounin. Zhengdai said there was no need to investigate anymore. He speculated that it was the little insect jounin who did it. The reason was that the little insect jounin was always suppressed by the scorpion. He was second in everything, and he had been doing it for ten years. , twisted in heart, designed to frame Xie."

"Xiao Chong?!" Chiyo stood up in shock, thought for a moment, and shook his head: "No, no, I watched Xiao Chong grow up too. That child is kind-hearted and has always gotten along very well with Scorpion, not to mention his I know the ability to prepare poisons. For such a powerful poison, only Scorpion is available in the Sand Ninja Village..."

Under the excitement, even Chiyo felt a little distracted. She blurted out a lot of things before finally stopping. She looked up at Ye Cang. She sat down with her legs bent and murmured: "No."

However, once the seeds of doubt are planted, they will continue to grow. Chiyo secretly wondered why he had never doubted the bug, and quickly frowned.

Although Xiao Chong is half like her grandson, she really hasn't cared much about Xiao Chong in these years, and even always ignores him subconsciously.

Xiao Chong's sense of existence is very weak. In her impression, he is just a 'talented puppet master inferior to Scorpion and an imitator of Scorpion', but she has never faced it seriously.

If you think about it carefully, a 15-year-old jounin puppet master who can control three puppets at the same time is almost as talented as her.

It's a pity that I met Scorpion.

At this time, Ye Cang said again: "Zhengdai also gave a confirmation method. All he needs to do is retrieve all the poisonous weeds and venom records extracted by the little insect Jonin at the Medical Research Institute and analyze them."

Chiyo closed his eyes slightly, hesitated for a moment, and sighed helplessly: "If it was a provocation, I have to admit that this kid did a really good job. No wonder Luo Sha will suffer from him. If it is true, then the old woman will probably owe him a debt. It’s a favor.”

"Also, Elder Qiandai." Ye Cang hesitated for a moment and then said: "I was walking on the street just now, and I heard many people talking about Dai Fengying being seriously injured, saying..."

She said a few words, causing Chiyo's expression to change slightly, and she said loudly: "Sunagami!"

An ANBU flashed up.

"Do you know what's going on outside?" Chiyo asked, "It's about Luo Sha."

The ANBU paused, took a few steps forward, came close to Chiyo, and whispered a few words.

Chiyo's face immediately turned ugly.

"You idiot, Dingshi, was taken advantage of by that brat." She was a little tired. The two Kazekage candidates in Sand Ninja Village were really stupid.

"Elder Qianyo, this is our dereliction of duty. We just discovered these discussions. Do you want to stop them?"

What can we do to stop it? The more we stop it, the more evidence we get from the side. Chiyo shook his head and said: "Ignore it. Go to the Medical Research Institute and secretly get the purchase records of poisonous weed venom in the past three months. Say that I want to see it, but don't make it known to everyone."

Anbu was stunned: "Yes!"

"There's more." Chiyo hesitated for a moment: "Call someone again and send Huang Sha to see me."

Yellow Sand is the third and final Kazekage candidate in Sand Ninja Village besides Ra Sand and Ding Shi.

Things were developing according to the trajectory expected by Zhengdai. At this time, Zhengdai didn't do anything else. He packed up his things and went out to look for food with Teacher Haixing and Mito Kadoyan. But after taking a few steps, they were stopped.

"Little insect jounin?" Masadai specifically increased his volume, reminding Haruno Zhao and Mito Kadoyan of the identity of the visitor, "Has your puppet been repaired? Could it be that... you want to come to me for another spar?"

Xiao Chong had a simple smile on his face: "It has been repaired a long time ago, and the damage is not serious. These two are Konoha Haruno Zhao Jōnin and Mito Kadoyan elder. Hello, I am Suna Ninja Village Xiao Chong."

Haruno Zhao's eyes moved slightly, was this guy the Third Kazekage who was responsible for the assassination? You really can't tell from the appearance, and that's right. Except for Elder Danzo, which bad person would write bad words on his face?

"Hello, little insect jounin."

"Excuse me for interrupting you, but are you three going to eat?" Xiaochong asked.

"That's right, do you have any recommendations?" Zhengdai took over.

Xiaochong showed a little bit of embarrassment and said: "Today I saw the legendary Konoha Shodai for the first time. I was a little too excited. Thinking about it afterwards, it was really rude to suddenly ask to fight you once. I don't know if I have done anything to you." Causing distress.

I came here to see you. I want to treat you to a meal as an apology. How about we all three of you together? "

Just as he was making a sound, when Xiao Chong looked at him before, his greedy eyes reappeared in front of his eyes.

Is this guy targeting me?

Do you want to make me a human puppet?


Haruno Zhaonori looked at Mito Kadoyan, shook his head and said: "We will not get involved in the affairs of you young people. Zhengdai, you can go with him."

Zhengdai nodded: "Then I'm welcome, little insect jounin. I'm very good at eating."

Xiaochong showed genuine joy: "Thank you. Please come with me, wearing a ninja."


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