Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 256 The Weak

"This way please, please put on your ninja."

"Don't be a ninja jounin. It's too unfamiliar. If you call me a ninja, I'll call you a little insect."

‘You actually took the initiative to build a closer relationship? I was so defensive that I was worried that my enthusiastic and proactive invitation to treat me would arouse his suspicion. ’

Xiao Chong's thoughts flashed through his mind, and his smile should be good.

Spanning most of the Sand Ninja Village, Zhengdai looked around and said with a smile: "Xiao Chong, do you want to spar with me after dinner? This is not far from the place where we sparred before."

Xiaochong shook his head: "No, I was convinced by the defeat before and will not ask for trouble again. I come here just because it is very close to my home and I know which restaurant is delicious."

‘The materials for the puppet maker have been prepared, poison this guy to death, and try to complete it within half an hour, and then I must... leave the village!

No matter how the village reacts to my poisoning of Zhengdai, they will always associate the poisoning of the Third Kazekage with me, but as long as Zhengdai and I disappear together, this will become an unsolved case.

At that time, the suspicion of Scorpion was not so easy to clear. ’

Xiaochong had considered all aspects, and when he saw Zhengdai still looking around without realizing it, his eyes began to drift away, with a hint of nostalgia hidden in them, which was quickly gone.

In this village where I have no sense of existence, after cutting off the bond with Scorpion, there is nothing worth my attachment to! Gone!

"This is the restaurant, Zhengdai."

"So remote? There aren't many people there."

"I found this place with great difficulty. The food tastes very good." Xiaochong smiled and guided: "You go to the private room first, and I will order."

"Trouble." Zhengdai nodded, entered the private room guided by Xiaochong, and sat on the guest seat.

The private room is not big, only about ten square meters, and the decoration is simple. There is only a table and two chairs in the middle, surrounded by wooden walls, exuding a refreshing fragrance.

Zheng Dai moved the tip of his nose slightly, stretched out his right hand, turned his index finger into water, saw a faint green color on his fingertip, shook his head and smiled.

"There's something wrong. My level 4 poison preparation and identification skills can't tell when I was poisoned. I can't analyze the ingredients of the poison. I have to hydrate it to determine whether I was poisoned."

"This is at least level five poison making."

"But the current poison is not fatal. Even with my physique, I can probably get rid of it on my own without even having a stomachache. Is it just a primer?"

His eyes moved, his index finger recovered, and Xiao Chong walked in personally carrying two small plates of common appetizers, including young ginger pickled in vinegar.

"Are you drinking? Zhengdai."

"No, just juice."

"Okay." Xiaochong put down the side dishes, turned around and walked out. When he came back with a large glass of juice, he found that one of the two plates of young ginger on the table had been cleared.

Zheng Dai smiled sheepishly: "I'm a little hungry, and I always think that this young ginger before meals is the highlight of restaurant dishes. I'm too lazy to make this stuff at home."

"Oh? Zhengdai, do you know how to cook?" Xiaochong put down the juice and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. If you like to eat, I'll give you that plate. I'll go out and ask the boss for two plates."

Eat, eat, eat you to death!

"Sorry for the trouble."

After Xiaochong went out, Zhengdai hydrated his right index finger again to take a look.

"There is one more kind of poison. This time I can vaguely distinguish it, but I still can't determine the specific ingredients. There are two kinds in a row. Look at it like this. Is there another one next, level six?" Zhengdai picked up a piece of young ginger with chopsticks. Eat it, "He is indeed a genius."


Half an hour later, the table was in a mess.

More than ten empty plates were stacked together, making the corners of Xiaochong's eyes twitch. Is this guy a pig?

No matter, he ate more and took in more poison. I was originally worried that he could make some noise before he died, but now...

Opposite me, Zheng Dai drank the remaining juice in one gulp, covered his stomach and said with a smile on his face: "Thank you for the treat, it makes my stomach feel a little uncomfortable."

He patted his back and said, "Don't be surprised, I'm not eating alone, there's this guy as well. I'll bear half of this meal?"

"No, you told me I asked for it." Xiaochong shook his head, slowly took out... a cigarette from his arms, lit it and held it in his mouth.

"Do you mind smoking?"

Zhengdai smiled: "I don't mind. Speaking of which, I have a teammate who looks a lot like you, Xiaochong. Your smoking is really pleasing to the eye."

What kind of causal relationship is this? Xiao Chong's eyes flashed with confusion, a puff of smoke puffed out, and then he looked at Zheng Dai quietly.

The 14th poison. Zhengdai blinked and felt that the other 13 minor toxins in his body suddenly exploded after inhaling a trace of smoke!

All the strength in his body was drained out in an instant, and Zheng Dai clasped his palms on the table to hold himself up from falling under the chair. Unbearable pain also spread from every part of his body, and he secretly marveled in his heart.

Amazing guy, the most powerful poison I took from Tsunade didn't seem to be as strong as this one. If I ignored it, I might lose consciousness or even die in a minute.

Xiaochong crushed the cigarette and frowned slightly. Could it be that this guy hasn't realized that he was poisoned by now? Why not panic?

Don’t you even have the energy to question me?

A little uneasy feeling arose, and he suddenly saw Zheng Dai grinning: "Xiao Chong, you are worthy of being the playmate of the Red Sand Scorpion. Is this poison imitated from him?"

...Scorpion again? ! !

Xiaochong lost his mind in an instant, his eyes stared crimson, and before he even had time to take the kunai, he picked up the chopsticks on the table and stabbed Zhengdai's head hard!

"Go to hell!"

However, when the chopstick hit him, Zhengdai instantly turned into a pool of dirty black water. The blackness gradually faded away and gradually condensed in one place.

Xiao Chong's pupils shrank suddenly, he flicked his cuffs, and a scroll came out. He held it in his hand, and with a bang, two men, one woman, and three ferocious human puppets were released!

However, before the chakra line could be detected, the face of Zheng Dai appeared in the pool of water, as well as two hands that were shaped like guns.

Opening and closing the mouth while performing dubbing.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

‘Water Release-Water Gun Cannon! ’


Blood splashed, Xiaochong screamed, and the wrists of both arms were pierced by bullets condensed from water!

Real skills 13:

Water Escape-Water Gun Level 6 (53%)

This is a technique that Zhengdai independently developed in the past five months after possessing the hydration technique!

The water splash gradually condensed and returned to its normal state. He dragged a ball of pitch-black water with one hand, and lifted Samehada with the other hand and carried it back to his back. He looked at the person who was crying in pain, and his arms were hanging softly like a small insect that had lost its soul. .

"You...have discovered it a long time ago?"


"It's actually possible to detoxify like this." Xiao Chong closed his eyes in pain, "My poison is just a joke in your eyes, right?"

"No, UU Kanshu your poison is very strong." Zhengdai glanced at the attribute column. This poison attempt actually made him 93% of the poison making and identification at level 4, breaking through level 5!

If Xiao Chong continues to work hard quietly, in a few years, he may become another Chiyo, and even catch up with the Red Sand Scorpion.

Unfortunately, he was suppressed by Scorpion for too long and lost his morale. He used puppets and even framed Queen Scorpion. Xiaochong is a complete... weakling!

As an enemy, Zheng Dai had no sympathy for him.

But as a genius, Zheng Dai still felt a little sorry for him. He slowly raised his right hand and gestured to his forehead, "Don't move."

Xiao Chong secretly groped for a moment in his trouser pocket.

Gave up resistance.


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