Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 4 Zero Points

After lunch, the third grade students returned to the classroom one after another. The classroom was very quiet, except for the sound of turning books from time to time. In the corner of the classroom, there was a little incident. Lin stared at Obito for ten minutes with a bulging face.

Obito went from confused, to nervous, to blushing, to happy, to wildly imaginative. It wasn't until he and Lin's children were able to get along that he heard Lin whisper softly: "Obito, you have to apologize."

"Ah? Ah! Sorry, sorry." Obito explained in a panic, and then suddenly became confused.

How could Lin know what I was thinking? Did I accidentally say it? It's over, it's over.

"Not with me, with Kakashi."

"...Kakashi? That coward? Why should I apologize to him?"

"You still said that!"

"Ah? I, I..."

Obito looked confused.

On the other side, Zhengdai, who imitated Obito's tone and wrote a note, hides his merit and fame. He actually didn't have much hope for this low-level way of blaming the blame.

In his opinion, it doesn't matter much even if he is discovered. After all, if he wants to conquer Kakashi, he will probably have to play the 'villain role'.

If you are lucky enough to succeed, it will be even better. They are all children and easy to deceive. After paying attention secretly for a while, he withdrew his gaze and reviewed his book.

After all, what Xiao Zhengdai masters is what Xiao Zhengdai masters. Even if he consciously inherits the memory perfectly, Zheng Dai will feel very unsure if he doesn't read it again.

After reading through it, I feel even more confused.

"I studied Mao Gai in elementary school. It's really hard to be a ninja..." Combined with Xiao Zhengdai's memory, he closed his eyes and recalled the contents of the book. From an adult's perspective, his understanding seemed to have deepened a lot.

Look at the attribute column again: Introduction to the Fire Country’s Characteristic Ninjaism Level 0 (70%)

"Improved by one percentage point. As expected of me... I have an incredible IQ." Zhengdai scanned the textbook again, twice, until Teacher Omu walked into the classroom with the papers.

The introduction to Shinobiism, a characteristic of the Fire Nation, is still 70% at level 0 and has not been improved.

"I can't calm down, and the free attribute points always seduce me." Zhengdai passed the blame and then added more points.

Whether to add valuable attribute points to this seemingly useless auxiliary skill, Zhengdai struggled for most of the afternoon before finally making up his mind.

Adding it to it is the simplest and most accurate way to test the effect of adding points, with the least risk.

Whether adding points can take effect immediately and in what way is very important for wearing.

One fictitious and one real in the attribute column: Introduction to Ninjaism, a characteristic of the Land of Fire, Level 1 (0%)

Zhengdai sat quietly and waited for half a minute, and found that he didn't seem to have changed much. He didn't receive the initiation as expected, nor did his memory suddenly increase many times and memorize the entire book.

Until the paper was handed out and Zheng Dai scanned the ten questions, he was able to master all of them. !

Look carefully, it's not an illusion.


"Students, answer the papers quietly, don't whisper to each other, and don't cheat. It's just a simple in-class test, and the final assessment results will not be entered." Teacher Omu warned: "Start answering the questions, the time limit is half an hour, hurry up."

Just as he was wearing his pen, he suddenly paused again.

‘Question 6: Please briefly explain the content of Article 23 of the Ninja Code. ’

Zheng Dai fell into deep thought.

It’s not that he can’t do it, he was able to answer this famous question even before traveling through time. He just remembered something.

"This question has a clue!"

Compared with the relaxed and carefree Zhengdai, Obito was very panicked. He realizes that he is filled with the will of fire and is a man who wants to become Hokage. Let him answer the questions...

"I'll answer a little and copy a little more. Maybe, should, probably, maybe... I'll pass, right?"

He thought unconfidently, searched and searched for half an hour, and answered three and a half questions.

The rest, not at all!

"Elaborate on the twenty-three articles of the Ninja Code. What? There are more than a hundred articles. Who can memorize this..."


Suddenly, a small paper ball hit the table. Obito was stunned for a moment, looking around furtively, then reached out to open the note.

When he saw the dense answers inside, he was extremely excited, "Lin? It must be Lin!"

At this moment, he and Lin's child had grown a few years older and was attending a ninja school.

After fantasizing a little bit, he quickly started copying. There is only half the time left and there are a lot of words.

It wasn't until two minutes before handing in the paper that he could finish copying the answers. He put away his pen with confidence, straightened out the full paper, and waited for the paper to be collected.

"It's time for the exam, students, stop answering questions and put down your pens. Students in the last row collect their papers," Teacher Omu ordered.

Soon, forty-one papers were gathered on the desk, but Teacher Omu did not collect the papers and leave as expected, letting them study by themselves. Instead, he sat down calmly and took out another piece of paper from his arms.

The sharp-eyed classmates saw that it was a report card, "Teacher Omu, didn't you say that in-class tests are not counted in the final assessment?"

"Yes, I won't enter it. This is your second grade final report card. Teacher, let's compare it. After studying for another two months, who is still standing still?"

Da Mu glanced around with squinted eyes, and many students in the class lowered their heads with guilt.

No progress? It would be good if you have already passed the required subjects and have not regressed.

Brush your grades? That's the preserve of genius.

Teacher Omu had expected it and was not annoyed. He could even roughly guess the students' progress and regression based on their usual class status.

But a few were beyond his expectations.

"Kakashi didn't hand in a blank paper this time...answered the sixth question..." Damu hesitated for a while before making a check mark and writing ten points on the paper.

"Kakashi, ten points." He announced the score on the spot, and the students' eyes gathered. Kakashi looked indifferent and stepped forward to take the paper.

"Asma, 89 points, not bad."

"Mute, 94 points, stable results."

"Kay... um... 33 points, improvement."

"Oh!!" Kai cheered.

Teacher Omu announced the results one by one. The atmosphere in the classroom was half relaxed and half tense. UU Reading Most people had no intention of studying by themselves.

"Nohara Lin, 99 points, keep it up."

"Gu Liang, 67 points, not bad..."

"Just wearing it, just wearing it..."

Teacher Omu was reciting, and suddenly he made a long note. He looked up and looked for it. After a little recall, he finally remembered which student was named Zhengdai.

He was wearing an honest child's smile.

Teacher Omu smiled and nodded: "Very good, great progress, 91 points."

The classroom fell silent for a moment, and then countless stunned looks came to him. Everyone who has been classmates for more than two years knows clearly who has what level.

Is this guy Zhengdai secretly tutoring?

Gu Liang's eyes were blank, and he felt that things were not simple. Did Zhengdai want to sneak into the good student group and get close to Lin? You have ulterior motives!

Kakashi also looked up at Masaida.

"It's all taught well by the teacher." Zhengdai maintained the smile of an honest child, stepped forward to take the paper, returned to his seat, secretly curled his lips and raised his eyebrows at Kakashi, winked, and shook the bangs in front of his forehead.

Kakashi: "..."

‘Kakashi correction degree 7%’

Teacher Omu didn't notice, he lowered his head happily to mark the next paper, and soon froze.

"Uchiha Obito, Obito..." He made another long sound, raised his eyes and stared.

Obito suddenly became nervous.

Oh no, no, no, I copied everything hard before, so I didn’t get full marks in the exam. Can Teacher Omu believe it? No, even a decent person can score 91 points on the exam. Isn’t it normal for me to have a perfect score?

Reasonable and reasonable.

He held his chest out and raised his head, feeling proud.

Teacher Omu was stunned for a moment, his eyes twitched, he raised his hand and slammed it, and the paper was flying in the air!

"Are you still proud?! 0 points!"


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