Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 5 Don’t leave after school

Who gets 0 points? I got 0 points? I got 0 points? who?

It's impossible, it doesn't make sense.

Obito fell into confusion again in a short period of time. He looked at Teacher Omu blankly, and then glanced at Lin who looked surprised.

At this moment, his and Lin's primary school child regressed into an embryonic state.

"Is it because I didn't apologize to that coward Kakashi? But why should I apologize to him...No, no, Lin wouldn't be like this...Did I copy and change the question...Hey, the handwriting of that note... …It doesn’t seem to be Lin’s.”

"Who is that?!"

Obito finally discovered his blind spot.

Zhengdai couldn't remember Lin's handwriting, only that it was very beautiful and he couldn't imitate it. Unlike Obito's handwriting, as long as the writing is very ugly, Lin can't tell the difference without looking carefully.


There was silence in the classroom. In the front row, the sound of Hong suddenly covering his mouth and chuckling was very noticeable.

Then the whole crowd burst into laughter.

As a low-level member of the Hyuga branch, Hideki Hyuga, who was ranked above average in the class, should have taken the opportunity to mock Obito, but instead of laughing, he tightened his face and looked serious.

"Damn it, which bastard harmed me, don't let me find it..." Obito was furious, and even had the urge to complain to the teacher.

Fortunately, he is not completely stupid. What should he report to the teacher? Someone gave me a cheat sheet for errors?

Kurenai, who was the first to laugh out loud, covered her mouth tightly with her right hand, waved a roll of paper with her left hand, and looked at Obito apologetically, indicating that she didn't mean it. The Obito paper thrown by Mr. Ohki just happened to float on her desk, and she couldn't help it.

Oaki's anger burned for a few seconds, and he seemed to laugh angrily, and seemed to think of something, and said: "Red, read Obito-san's answer to the students."

Hong chuckled again, then quickly held it back and responded: "Yes, teacher."

"The first question is, you have just graduated, and your task client expresses distrust in you because of your young age. What should you do?

Obito's answer is... Kukuku... He told the client righteously that getting fat first is not fat, and getting fat later will overwhelm the kang. Don't bully a young man into being poor! "

Fat first? After getting fat? Don't bully young people into poverty? Although they have never heard this saying before, the students can roughly understand the meaning after thinking about it for a while.

"Hahahaha..." The laughter became louder for a while, and this answer really suited Obito's character.

Obito is confused, is it wrong for me to answer like this? Don’t bully young people into being poor. This is a cool saying!

But why is it poor?

That's right, I don't have much money.

Hong continued to read, "The second question," she glanced at Obito and couldn't help but said: "This question, Obito, your original answer seems to be correct, why did you cross it out?"

Obito froze and began to burn.

The skill of Hao Fireball has improved a lot.

"Question six, briefly describe Article 23 of the Ninja Code." Two minutes later, Hong finally read the key point, and Zhengdai sat up slightly.

Hong was suddenly as disgusted as a broken dog. He actually stopped, glanced at the paper in surprise, and then looked at Teacher Omu inquiringly.

Teacher Omu nodded slightly to express 'read'.

"A brief summary of Article 23 of the Ninja Code: No matter in any emergency situation, ninjas must complete the mission first." Hong Nian said.

The laughter in the class subsided instantly.

On the one hand, Obito seemed to have answered this question correctly, and on the other hand, the White Fang incident was only over half a year old, and all the details were still vivid in his mind.

The pride of Konoha, the leader of the Hatake clan, Sakumo Hatake, abandoned his mission to save his companions, which brought huge losses to Konoha, and committed suicide amidst the condemnation. Because they were in the same class as Kakashi, they had a deeper understanding of this.

After all, Kakashi went from being among the top two students in every exam to being the last.

"Obito answered this question correctly." Someone muttered in confusion. Why did he give him 0 points?

"Obito's answer is not over yet." Hong said weakly: "There will be more...but when the companion is in crisis, exceptions can be made."

...Can exceptions be made?

The students paused for a moment and read the answers together: No matter what the situation, a ninja must put the mission first, but exceptions can be made when companions are in crisis.

Isn't this... the White Fang incident?

Suddenly, many people turned their attention to Kakashi, drifting between him and Obito, and the atmosphere gradually became ambiguous... and solemn.

Kakashi still looked slumped, with no expression on his face, but the 'Kakashi correction level 8%' flashed in front of Zhengdai's eyes, clearly telling him that this was still very touching to Kakashi.

"Rules are rules, how can they be broken casually." Hinata Hideki, who had always had a serious face, suddenly broke the silence and pointed his finger at Obito.

Obito was stunned for two seconds, still confused. Is there any problem with my answer?

A strange look flashed on Hong's face, and he added: "It's not over yet... We call anyone who breaks the rules of the ninja world a waste, but a person who doesn't know how to value his companions is worse than a waste!"

"...This time, it's over."

After Hong finished reading, he found that there was no response. He gave a weak reminder and sat down. He even forgot that there were four more questions that he had not read.

Lin's eyes flashed, her expression quickly changed to relief and joy, and she looked back at Obito.

Obito is still confused. Who the hell gave me the answer? He gave me the same answer... The key is, is it wrong?

Why doesn't Mr. Omu give me points?

The classroom was silent, and Kakashi became the center of attention again. His expression remained unchanged, only his body trembled a few times imperceptibly.

After waiting quietly for a few seconds, a barrage rained down in front of Zhengdai's eyes!

‘Kakashi correction degree 9%’

‘Kakashi correction degree 10%’

‘Get free attribute points*1’

‘Kakashi correction degree 34%’

In the end, the data stayed at 34%, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30, giving Zheng Dai some free attribute points respectively, for a total of five points.

With the addition of a few things that haven't been added yet, Zhengdai feels that he is a person with a large amount of 'deposits'.

If you have 'deposits', you have to consider how to improve your 'quality of life'. You can't lose them all at once, nor can you let them grow hair.

After all, there is a high probability that there will be no interest.

What happened next, UU Reading Zhengdai only allocated half of his energy to pay attention. He watched a small dispute in the classroom and paid attention to the stubborn and rigid Hinata Hideki.

I’ve never seen this guy in anime. Did he die early? A character similar to that of young Ningji wouldn't have similar experiences and endings, right?

‘Kakashi correction degree 35%’

‘Get free attribute points*1’

The subtitles flashed by, and Zheng Dai was stunned for a moment. Are you talking about me getting rich? That's great.

It's a pity that it's just a class time, and it's still the comfort of 'annoying Obito', so Kakashi can only accept this.

When get out of class ended, the subtitles did not appear again. During this period, 6 of the 7 attribute points were also classified by Zheng Dai as the intention to add points.

The bell rang, and as he gathered his desk, Dai suddenly noticed someone standing in front of him, with a cataract wrapped in a white scarf on his forehead - Hideki Hinata.

"Don't leave after school, wait for me at the practice field."


Zheng Dai responded, a little confused.

Have I been hooked up?

When did I provoke him?

Is it because I have more hair than him?

Hinata Hideki didn't explain, as if giving an order, he turned around and left.

At the same time, Obito finally got out of his dazed state and tried to find out which bastard had tricked him, but he was knocked back to dazed state again.

"Obito, I'm sorry, I wronged you. It turns out that your prank was to cheer up Kakashi, so let's work together!"

Lin clasped her hands tightly, tilted her head slightly and held them in her chest, looking so sweet that she was toothless.

"Ah, it doesn't matter..." Obito nodded with a blushing face. He didn't understand, but he couldn't refuse.

After all, his and Lin's children have grown up.

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