Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 542 I’m back

Although he couldn't wait to return to the familiar world and wanted to see Yujie and his children again, Zhengdai did not lose the necessary caution.

There is no absolute immortality, only relative immortality. It is impossible for Zhengdai to die in the Naruto world, but traveling between two worlds may not be without risks.

What's more, he didn't fully trust Orochimaru, so he used his sub-body to explore the way first.

I thought that Yao Mozi wouldn't appear at least initially, but I didn't expect that when the child pressed Orochimaru's head with his hand for a moment and sensed the world through the connection between the two Orochimaru, something went wrong.

Without any warning, the child, who had half the strength of Zhengdai, fell straight down!

Then it collapsed into water splashes and died!

Zhengdai's expression changed slightly, and Orochimaru quickly joined hands to play tricks: "How could this happen? I didn't know it would be like this, Zhengdai-kun."

Frowning slightly, Zhengdai sensed carefully and found that no memory of the death of his son was transmitted to him.

What can completely cut off the connection between me and my child body... Hey, no, he's not dead!

Masadai stretched out his hand to signal Orochimaru to be quiet, closed his eyes and quickly sensed another slightly hazy perspective.

In the bustling Konoha streets, pedestrians were constantly running around, and sometimes someone passed through his body. He... seemed like a wandering soul!

"I see, did the consciousness go to that world along the connection between the two Orochimaru? Without the support of consciousness, it is just a sub-body and will naturally die. If it were my original body, the body would definitely remain active, but it would also become alive. dead."

Knowing the reason, knowing the failure, I am not anxious but happy, at least... the way back is open!

There is only a tiny amount of consciousness contained in the separate body. The conscious body floats like a wandering soul for a moment, and then naturally dissipates. After that, Zhengdai made many attempts to let the clone work hard to suppress his consciousness when sensing the world through Orochimaru, hoping to find the coordinates of the real body to cross.

But still can't do it.

"I'm afraid these two worlds are not as simple as different spaces, but really different worlds... Even like the world before I traveled and the world of Naruto, no matter how strong my spatial ability is, I can't go back. to the real world.”

After reaching this conclusion, Zheng Dai was not discouraged. He could not enter with his real body. It was actually the same for him to enter with his conscious body.

It is not difficult for him to build a body from scratch. Kaguya's will can form a life like Black Zetsu, but it will be a little weaker than his original body.

The question is how to ensure that there is always a return?

It is true that that world is reality for him. If he chooses between staying there forever and staying here forever, he will probably choose that side, but this does not mean that he wants to separate his consciousness from his body, nor does it mean that he wants to separate his consciousness from his body. It means that he is never ready to come back if he has a choice.

"The next best thing is to cut the soul in half."

"Zhongce is to find Orochimaru over there after his consciousness has passed, and use the two Orochimaru as a transit point. But according to him, Orochimaru over there has six levels of strength. If he doesn't cooperate, a temporary body will be constructed. There may not be anything we can do to get him."

"The best option is..."

Zhengdai thought about it for a moment, and then looked at Orochimaru with burning eyes: "Hey, I'm sorry, before I can bypass you and find that world, I need to temporarily aggrieve you."

Orochimaru suddenly panicked.

Things seemed to have developed unexpectedly.

The look in Zheng Daijun's eyes... seems a bit familiar.

A week later.

"Countless senior time travelers came to Hokage, and they were all afraid of being pulled onto the experimental table by Orochimaru and sliced ​​into slices."

"But I am a different handsome man. I pulled Orochimaru onto the experimental platform."

Zhengdai looked at Orochimaru lying quietly on the experimental table, feeling a little emotional in his heart.

At this moment, Orochimaru's clothes were neatly dressed, and there were no messy tubes inserted into his body. The only thing that was unusual was...his skull was lifted open by Masaida.

Of course, he didn't die.

Just like a craniotomy, Masaidai's superb medical level allowed Orochimaru to survive for more than 72 hours in this situation.

At this moment, Orochimaru's gray and white brain was still beating from time to time, and two chakra wires were connected to it and connected to a certain converter.

This is Orochimaru's technological achievement.

Completed the high-end operation of neural signal → chakra signal → neural signal.

After checking, everything was normal. Zhengdai surrounded the underground laboratory with a barrier to ensure that no outsiders could come in. He also preset the delayed activation of the illusion to 24 hours later.

At that time, Orochimaru's brain will send out some kind of neural signal to help Masedara return to his consciousness, thereby realizing the login and logout operation from the 'same port'.

He can only do this in a short time. 24 hours is not long nor short, which is enough for him to reunite with his family, explain the reason for his disappearance, and find other ways to enter that world.

Taking a deep breath, he lay on the experimental bed and placed two copper pieces on his temples.

Oh haha, it feels a little strange.

‘I made Orochimaru a server to play online games in the Naruto world? ’ This was the last thought that flashed through Zheng Dai’s mind before he left his body.

After the falling sensation that seemed to force him to wake up, Zhengdai found that he was floating as if he were performing a spiritual transformation. Unlike the hazy feeling coming back from his body, his consciousness was very clear.

He saw the familiar streets of Konoha clearly.

‘Abnormal entry into the infinite Tsukuyomi world’


‘World Correction Degree 6’

"Garbage attribute column, there is garbled code again, I didn't expect that I would find it again!" Silently murmured, Zhengdai heard a familiar shout from the front.

"Stop! Stop! You loser!"

"Killing people! Help!" The girl, who was a little more mature, ran away with her teeth and claws bared, and her father was out of breath after chasing her.

When Tiantian passed through Zheng Dai's consciousness, she glanced back as if she was sensing something, and then was frightened by her father's pursuit and threw her away.

It's like being chased for a year.

The corners of Zhengdai's mouth curled up, and he gradually solidified his body. He took a deep breath of the air here, and unknowingly, tears filled his face.

"It's worthless, it's really worthless."

Cursing himself softly, Zhengdai gathered his thoughts, used visual illusions to prevent people around him from seeing him, and walked step by step towards his familiar home. UU reading www.uukanshu. net

In the courtyard, Yujie, whose appearance had not changed but whose eyes were a little more melancholy, shook the wet clothes in his hands and suddenly looked at the courtyard door with emotion.

"That brat Changzhi is growing up so fast. His clothes are a whole size bigger than a year ago."

The clothes fell to the ground, covered with dust.

Zhengdai stretched his arms: "I'm back."

"Wearing it?" Yujie murmured, her smile blooming like a flower, and she rubbed her red eyes, "Really, you made all my clothes wash in vain."

I didn't ask where Zhengdai had gone.

No question why he disappeared for more than a year.

Yuji just complained that her clothes needed to be washed again, and went over to hug Zhengdai like a wife greeting her husband on a business trip, hugging him tightly.

"I miss you, Zhengdai."

"I miss you too, Yuji!"

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