Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 543: Exclusion

A farewell is better than a wedding. Zhengdai and Yujie, who had not seen each other for a year, hugged each other tightly in front of the hospital for a long time...

He sat down at the small gambling table at home.

After being married for several years and living together every day, no matter how good the relationship is, couples will still have disputes over trivial matters, but Zhengdai and Yuji basically don't have any problems. If there are any problems, they are solved at the gambling table.

We talked about business and at the gambling table.

Yu Jie skillfully shook the dice cup, and the three dices clattered against each other. Suddenly, while shaking, his hand shook, and the dice cup fell from his hand.

Zheng Dai Tan hand caught it firmly.

Yujie lowered her head slightly, and two tears fell. She wiped them with the back of her right hand, then reached for the dice cup, but was caught by the other hand she was wearing.

"Yukai, I won't gamble this time."

Putting down the dice cup, Zhengdai stretched out his arms and gently wiped Yujie's tears, "I'm sorry."

Yujie's body trembled faintly as she cried. She slowly grabbed Zhengdai's hand with both hands, put it against her face, and murmured, "Zhengdai, you are really back, right? This time it's not a dream..."

"...Well, it's not a dream."

Zhengdai took a deep breath, "Is everything okay at home when I'm not at home? Did Changzhi make you angry? Did Xunyin cry?"

Yuji nodded, then shook her head, not sure whether she was saying yes or no.

"Xunyin... is taking a nap, and Nagae is still in class at the Ninja School. Let's go find him... and they miss you too, Zhengdai."

"I know, but don't call them yet. I'll just go and check on them secretly later."

Yujie was startled for a moment, "Zhengdai, you..."

Zheng Dai hummed, "I will disappear again, and I can only stay for 24 hours this time. But don't worry, I have found a way to come back. If everything goes well, I won't have to leave again soon. If it doesn't go well, I can still do it every three to five hours." Heaven comes back once."

"...A year ago, I watched you suddenly disappear in the yard, and I noticed that your expression was not right when you disappeared. At that time, a landslide disaster occurred throughout the Ninja world. I just thought you were there to suppress the disaster. But after the earthquake collapsed and you didn’t come back for a long time, I realized something was wrong.”

"Zhengdai, what happened?"

The turmoil of the world is manifested in earthquakes?

"Yujie, how long did it take for the earth to collapse?"

" wasn't long, about three minutes. But the ground collapsed very violently, and many people died."

Three minutes was probably the length of time it took me to remind Anko of Infinite Tsukuyomi's memory. Orochimaru didn't lie to me. Was it really the power of thinking that allowed this world to survive?

Zhengdai suddenly remembered the classic Naruto fanfic Naruto had read before time travel to fight with Gang Jing. At the end of that fanfic, the protagonist wanted to make a ninja novel for the purpose of witnessing.

Should I write a similar book in that world to describe this world and my experience in Infinite Tsukuyomi, so that more people can know about this world. Will the distance between the two worlds become closer and make it easier to communicate with each other?

This was listed as option one by Zhengdai.

Because the operation is more complicated and the verification period is slower, Zhengdai, who is eager to stay in this world permanently, thinks it is best to find other methods.

But before that, I need to explain the situation to Yujie. With Zhengdai's trust in her, it doesn't matter even if he tells her the attributes.

But this will create more problems. With Yujie's intelligence, Zhengdai will not be able to explain clearly if he is asked about issues related to time travel.

Anyway, this is the real world, so Zhengdai thought about it and said, "Yukai, you know the world is very big, right? I don't mean the ninja world, but the vast universe, the starry sky."

"Most nights, we can see the stars in the sky. They are continents that are similar to the ninja world. Because of the distance, they become so small in our sight."

Yujie hummed, "I remember taking you... up there and bringing back two stones."

Zhengdai nodded. He could survive in a vacuum after the sacred tree template. He had indeed gone up there, to a relatively nearby star.

"The universe is boundless, at least with my ability, I can't find any boundaries. There are people living on some distant stars, and Kaguya Otsutsuki is a person from an alien planet." Masadai added.

Yujie sniffed and nodded slightly.

"Then have you ever thought that on a continent that is far away, there may be a similar development process to our Ninja World. There is Konoha Village, there is the Ninja World, and there is even you and me."

Yujie was slightly startled.

"This is called a parallel world. Even if the probability of such a coincidence is only one in 100 million, if you put it in the boundless universe, the probability will become 100%."

"I come from such a world, and came to this world by some kind of chance."

"Are alien too?"

Zhengdai smiled at her, "The aliens were attracted by the beautiful girls of the ninja world and settled down in the ninja world. They are the ninja people."

Yuji couldn't help laughing, "Let's talk about business, be more serious. Besides, I'm still a girl."

"When I came back, I met Tiantian. Her face was not as tender as my Yujie's." Zhengdai scratched the tear stains on her face, "It's still tender even if she cries like a flower."

Yuji rolled her eyes at him, "Let's get down to business. You said you came from... a parallel world? Did you go back before that? Why didn't you tell me? And in that world, according to you, there is also a me, right? Then you Have you...married her?"

"Why, are you still jealous of yourself?"

Zhengdai smiled and sighed, "I wish there were two of you. That would be so happy. But as I said, the two worlds are only roughly the same, but they are still different. In that world, you were born three or five days ago. Died in infancy.”

"Died young..."

"Yeah. That world didn't have you, this world doesn't have me, but we can become husband and wife. What a fate." Zhengdai said with emotion.

Yuji was also stunned, "Should I still thank the Sage of Six Paths? If it weren't for Kaguya Otsutsuki's chakra, I might have died in this world, right? I remember my father told me when I was a child, when I was just born Almost died."

"Probably. So I have to thank him. I didn't know before. If I knew... maybe I would leave his whole body?"

Yuji chuckled and said, "Fake compassion. UU Reading www.uukanshu.nett You haven't said yet, why did you suddenly return to that world? Do you want to go back after 24 hours?"

"Well, it's because...the world rejects me."

"I'm too strong. This world doesn't want me, an alien, to stay here."

Zhengdai looked up at the sky.

This isn't just an excuse to bypass the attribute bar and infinite Tsukuyomi.

Before, he was immersed in the joy of returning and seeing Yuji, and only regarded some discomforts as the ills of the will-built body.

But now that he calmed down, he could indeed feel the inexplicable power surrounding him.

As if driving him away.

"What's going on? Does the will of the world in fantasy novels really exist?"


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