Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 65 Genocide

"Oh? Didn't you recognize them?" Danzo said unexpectedly: "They are students who graduated from the ninja school last year and became genin one year earlier than you."

No wonder it looks familiar, I saw him in Ninja School. There was a flash of confusion in Zhengdai's eyes, and he waited quietly for Danzo's follow-up words.

Danzo's one eye stared at the wound on Dai's side and said: "Their talents are far from yours, but they almost seriously injured you."

Zhengdai thought for a while and nodded in admission. In the previous battles, he did have a lot of problems with his performance. The biggest problem was "holding back". He always wanted to capture the two attackers alive, but the other party was rushing to take his life and was always fighting for his life.

There is a gap in combat experience, as well as some differences in beliefs and thoughts. The most important thing is that the blood Zhengdai has seen is not human blood after all.

"Thank you, Elder, for pointing out my shortcomings."

Danzo nodded: "The two of them only received one year of assassination training at my root, and they have advanced from the most ordinary genin to the strength that can fight for your life. Do you know what this means?"

Zhengdai thought for a moment and said, "Thank you, Mr. Elder, for your compliment."

"...Did I praise you?"

Zheng Dai looked surprised: "Isn't it? They are genin who have graduated for one year and received one year of basic training. They can only fight with me if they join forces, and I am only a student who has just graduated two days ago..."

Danzo was silent for two seconds: "They were all the last-ranked graduates a year ago."

"A year ago I was ranked fifth from the bottom and couldn't even graduate." Zhengdai said.

This time, Danzo was silent for a long time. Is this kid just pretending to be dumbfounded, or does he really think so?

After thinking about it, he changed his mouth and said: "Just think that I am praising you. You are indeed a rare genius. So, I would like to formally invite you to join the root group. I will personally guide you in your practice, and even... …accept you as a disciple!”

If I go, Danzo wants to accept me as his disciple?

Zheng Dai felt weird. Judging from today's contact, Danzo's character is not as distorted as the Infinite Tsukuyomi. Perhaps this guy is so bad that even the Infinite Tsukuyomi cannot change his character?

This makes it even more impossible to join the root.

"Sir Elder, I have officially become a subordinate ninja of the Hyuga clan, and I have been assigned to the team. I can't join your roots, right?"

"It's the root of Konoha." Danzo corrected him and said, "Don't worry about Hinata. Today Hizashi asked you to meet me here, which represents Hinata's attitude."

Zheng Dai's heart sank slightly, so he didn't understand what Hinata Hizashi meant by patting him on the shoulder three times? What does this mean?

"As for Haruno's omen..."

"Hey, hey, let it go, let it go."

At this moment, there were voices coming from afar, and with two muffled bangs, Teacher Haixing, carrying a small wine flask, wandered this way.

"Hey, I feel like someone here is using water escape. It's really you, the boy wearing a mask. Hey, Elder Danzo, you're here too, hahaha..."

Danzo narrowed his one eye slightly, and the two men in costumes ducked around him, one on the left and the other on the right.

"Danzo-sama, we..."

Danzo tapped his cane to express that he did not blame the two for failing to stop Haruno Omen. Without saying a word, he turned around and walked away.

"Hey? Elder Danzo, are you leaving now? I came up with two jokes yesterday because of the boy Zhengdai, and I will tell them to you!" Haruno Zhao chased.

Danzo didn't even look back.

Dai was stunned, Teacher Haixing... could actually scare Danzo away? Is it so powerful?

Haruno Zhao looked at Danzo's back and patted Masudai's shoulder. A soft green light emerged from his hand and attached to the wound on Masadai's waist.

The wound healed quickly, leaving only blood.

"Oh, you have a good physique and recover from injuries faster than ordinary people." He muttered: "Boy Zhengdai, don't let that old liar fool you to the core. I want to get more jokes from you. What about inspiration, hahaha..."

He waved his hand and wandered away again.

Just as Dai opened his mouth to speak, he saw Haruno Zhao almost swaying and hitting a tree, and couldn't help but shake his head and smile.

"Drunkard, thank you tomorrow."

He thought for a while, frowned and muttered "Hyuuga Hizashi" twice, and walked home quickly.

In the evening, the Hyuga clan practice ground.

Hinata Tokuma wiped the sweat from his forehead a few times, packed up his ninja tools, and prepared to go home for dinner.

He has been in a very cheerful mood in recent days.

In the final exam, he got sixth place and many elders praised him repeatedly. Now he walks with wind.

The most important thing is that the devil has finally graduated, and he no longer has to live the inhuman life of reading notes and doing questions until early in the morning!

"Hey Tokuma, did you miss me?"

Suddenly, Hyuga Tokuma heard a familiar voice. He turned his head stiffly and saw Zhengdai holding a large pile of paper standing not far away waving to him, as if he had returned to the Ninja School in a trance.

He rubbed his eyes in confusion.

"It's me, Tokuma, giving you a question. Are you happy?" Zhengdai said with a smile.

Hinata Tokuma's eyes were red with joy.

A few minutes later.

Using the excuse that the information he took away in the morning was incomplete, Masadai met Hinata Hizashi again.

Hizashi was a little surprised by his arrival and asked, "Have you seen the root ninja?"

Zheng Dai nodded and asked: "You mean... you agree with me joining the root?"

"Huh?" Hizashi was slightly stunned: "Didn't I already tell you that you should refuse politely? Genbu's status in Konoha Village is quite special. Although I won't be afraid, there is no need to offend him.

The way you refused last time was inappropriate, so this time the Root Ninja came to me and wanted to try to invite you again, so I didn't refuse. "

Dai Li was surprised, what was going on? He told Hizashi everything that happened this afternoon from beginning to end.

Hizashi frowned: "You mean, Elder Danzo personally invited you? And told you that I was tacitly approving you to join Gen?"

Zhengdai nodded.

Hizashi frowned deeply and fell into deep thought.

Zhengdai had a strange expression on his face, what kind of trick was Danzo playing? Playing around with the day difference? kidding me?

At this moment, subtitles suddenly appeared across the screen.

‘Hyuuga genocide incident correction rate 1%

Obtain free attribute points*2’

‘Hyuuga genocide incident correction rate 2%’

‘Hyuuga genocide incident correction rate 5%

Obtain free attribute points*2’

Wearing: ╭(°A°`)╮

Hinata...genocide incident? ? !

With his pupils shrunk, he is reading www.uukanshu. nnet Several thoughts flashed through his mind. There were many conflicts within the family, and he was ambitious for the position of Hokage. Danzo...

This number seems familiar.

He was also lost in thought.

At the same time, Konoha was underground, at its roots.

"The appearance of Haruno Omen represents Hiruzen's attitude. It is meaningless to continue the invitation, not to mention that the other purpose has been achieved."

Danzo briefly explained to Aburame Ryoma, who had just come back, that he was puzzled: "With that child's alertness and caution, he would probably bury today's doubts deeply in his heart and not dare to go directly to Hinata to question. Ichigi Thorn has been left by me between him and the Hyuga clan."

At this moment, a famous root ninja suddenly arrived and whispered a few words beside Danzo.

Danzo tightened his grip on the crutch, and a look of astonishment flashed in his one eye: "Go directly to the Hyuga clan to meet Hyuga Hizashi? I actually misjudged him?

No, no, no, could it be said that Hyuga Hizashi only gave him three water escape ninjutsus and gained his deep trust and loyalty?

Or does he have complete distrust of me as the elder of Konoha Village? Impossible, there is no reason why you should not believe me so much? how come? "

His face was uncertain, he stood up with his stick and took two steps, "Damn it, I'm afraid Hinata and Hizashi will be suspicious of this, Hinata...

Does the reincarnation eye exist on par with the samsara eye of the Sage of Six Paths? "

The last sentence is too low to be heard.

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