Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 66 Visitation

If it weren't for the prompt in the attribute bar, Zhengdai wouldn't have even thought about that. But as soon as the six characters of the Hyuga genocide incident came out, Zhengdai connected the previous experiences together, and an inexplicable sense of familiarity came over him.

Ambitions coveting the position of Hokage, hidden conflicts within the family, and Danzo's involvement... aren't these the three elements of the Uchiha genocide?

So, the one who was exterminated in the Infinite Tsukuyomi world will become Hinata? And what I want to correct is not the person, but this thing?

Zhengdai glanced at the attribute bar.

Free attribute points: 13

Probably because of his own reminder to Hizashi, Hizashi became more suspicious and wary of Danzo, so he jumped the 5% correction rate.

And this 5% gave him 4 attribute points!

Compared with correcting people, there are two more points for correcting events, or maybe twice as many. It’s a profit.

"No, if there is just some suspicion and vigilance, the correction rate will jump by 1% or 2% at best. Moreover, the correction rate jumped within five seconds after I explained today's experience to the daily difference. This proves that... the daily difference You didn’t tell me something!”

A thought suddenly flashed through Zhengdai's mind, and he remembered another doubt. Last time Hizashi drove away the root ninja, he told him that he didn't need to pay attention to the root ninja again. However, this time his attitude changed drastically and he asked him to be nice to him. reject.

Something must have happened in the meantime!

"Did Hizashi seek the skin of a tiger in order to overthrow the clan? He is really bent on annihilating the clan and there is no turning back." Zhengdai An was vigilant and suppressed the other words he originally wanted to say.

Mere persuasion may be useless, but it will make you unable to explain why you are on guard against your roots.

Then do it your own way.

After leaving the Hyuga clan, Masadai stood there and had his hair cut, pondered for a moment, and walked in the opposite direction to his home.

Passing by a fruit shop, he thought for a while, went in and bought two baskets of apples, one basket in each hand, and walked faster after leaving the store.

A few minutes later, he came to Konoha Hospital for the second time. Walking into Konoha Hospital, he stopped a passing nurse sister and asked politely:

"Hello sister, are there two boys aged 11 or 12 who were sent to the hospital this afternoon? I want to visit them."

"The eleven or twelve-year-old boy..." The nurse sister recalled for a moment and asked, "What kind of injury did he suffer?"

"One's face was swollen on both sides, and the other's right shoulder was stabbed by a kunai. It's quite serious." Zhengdai replied: "About three-thirty."

"Kunii penetration wound?" The nurse sister was stunned for a moment: "That is indeed very serious, but I... I probably haven't seen them before. Just wait a moment, and I'll ask other people for you."

"Okay, sorry sister." Zhengdai responded with a smile, standing still and waiting.

About two minutes later, the nurse sister hurried back, found Zhengdai and asked, "Little brother, are you sure they were sent here?"

"That should be it?" Zheng Dai scratched his head and said uncertainly: "I saw the two of them being taken away and said to be taken for treatment. They are both civilian ninjas. If they don't come to the hospital, where else can they go? ?”

"That's right...but our hospital did not receive these two boys this afternoon. How were they injured?"

"I accidentally hurt him during the sparring session."

Just as Dai was smiling, he suddenly seemed to remember something and said, "Hey, sister, they are ninjas from the Roots. Could it be that they were not sent here because the Roots have their own medical ninjas?"

"The root?" The nurse sister was startled: "What is the root?"

"Sister, don't you know?" Zhengdai was surprised: "The root is Shimura, the elder of Konoha Village..."

"Wearing it!"

When Dai was mid-sentence, he was interrupted by a voice from behind. The corner of his mouth curled up, but he immediately stopped it. When he looked back, he saw a ninja dressed in shorts looking at him from behind, gesturing for him to come over.

Zheng Dai looked surprised and walked over quickly, saying: "Are you inviting me to join your roots again?"

"The existence of the root is a secret and must not be leaked to ordinary people without authorization. Juri and Hefeng are receiving treatment at the root, and you do not need to visit."

"Ah, confidentiality...I'm sorry, I didn't know." Zhengdai apologized repeatedly and handed over the two fruit baskets hanging on his arms: "Then can you trouble uncle to help me hand over the fruit baskets to them and hurt them?" It's so serious, I feel so sorry."

Doubts flashed in the eyes of the root ninja, and he slowly took the fruit basket, nodded and said: "Okay."

"Thank you." Zhengdai thanked him, then turned around and ran to the nurse sister to apologize, and followed the root ninja out of Konoha Hospital.

When the root ninja disappeared carrying two fruit baskets, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

"Duanzo, the old thief, indeed sent people to keep an eye on me, but after this time, he may not dare to keep an eye on me."

Ten minutes later, Zhengdai entered the Hyuga clan for the third time today. When Hinata and Hizashi saw him, they were in a daze: "What happened again?"

"It's okay, Hizashi-sama. I left you just now. I thought that the two seniors were seriously injured in the afternoon, so I felt a little sorry. I bought two fruit baskets and went to the hospital to visit them.

As a result, I asked the nurse sister and found out that they were not there. When I mentioned the roots, a root ninja suddenly came out, stopped me, and told me that the existence of the roots should not be told to ordinary people.

I just want to ask you, isn't this root part of the dark part? Why keep it secret? "

"There are some differences between roots and ANBU... huh?" Hyuga Hizashi was suddenly stunned, frowning and asked: "You mean, as soon as you mentioned roots, a root ninja appeared and stopped you?"

Zheng Dai was stunned: "Yeah... uh, are they following me? Staring at me?"

Hinata Hizashi nodded slowly, the sharp look in his eyes flashed away. I'm afraid not just staring at Zhengdai, but more importantly, staring at 'Zhengdai who enters my Hyuga clan's territory'! Humph, Danzo!

‘The correction rate of the Hyuga genocide incident is 6%’

‘The correction rate of the Hyuga genocide incident is 7%’

"...It's over?" Two lines of lonely barrages passed by, and Zhengdai cursed in his heart.

Hizashi, you are a pig teammate. I am very tired from performing this scene, so you just give me two points as an appearance fee?

You've been rolling your eyes for a long time, can't you understand that Danzo is an old yinbi?

If you tease Danzo one more time, Danzo might explode... I really want to blow your head off!

At the root, Danzo stared at the two fruit baskets in front of him in silence for a long time, his face gloomy.

After taking one glance (or even two glances) at the subordinate who was still reporting with his head lowered in front of him, I almost couldn't help but hit his head with my hand.

"I understand, go down."

"Yes. Lord Danzo, do you want to give these two fruit baskets to Juri and Zefu? Also, do you want to follow that child for a while longer?"

"No need to follow him, he went to Hinata."

"Hinata?" The root ninja was stunned. Was I not the only one following that child?

Danzo tightened his hand on the crutches and held back one word: "Get out!"

"Ah, yes!"

"Idiot!" After his subordinates left, Danzo finally couldn't help but curse. On the same day, he suffered two losses at the hands of a child. The cooperative relationship he had just established with Hizashi during this period was probably on the verge of destruction. broken!

After a long while, he whispered again: "You are truly a born spy. I want you even more."

"Ryoma, go ask Orochimaru to come."

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