Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 82 Counting the Harvest

"It's Hinata?!"

Because he felt the power of the tail beast, Zheng Dai was physically exhausted and did not participate in the subsequent investigation of the fat boss. It was the next day that he heard the news from Haruno Zhao, and he immediately expressed surprise and indignation...the same surprise as yesterday when he heard that Danzo had done it.

Haruno Zhao nodded and said: "It's Hinata. But this matter ends here. Hinata still doesn't know that we have found the truth after investigating.

Oh, yes, I almost forgot that your boy is a subordinate ninja of the Hyuga clan, but don't tell them. "

Zheng Dai blinked: "Uh... well, I definitely won't say it. I promise!"

"Haha, that's good." Haruno Zhao laughed and said, "Yesterday we followed the lead of Yong Yi, the owner of the printing shop, and guess what we found?"


"That guy was ordered by Elder Danzo to secretly pirate Jiraiya-sama's books and make profits from them, hahahahaha!"

"Huh?" Zhengdai was stunned. It was so shameless that Danzo could do such a thing.

"You didn't expect it, right? Yesterday, Minato was rarely angry. Elder Danzo finally had to use most of his family wealth to compensate, and promised that there would never be any pirated copies of Jiraiya-sama's works in the Land of Fire in the future. He would personally block!"

"That's it..." Zhengdai paused: "What about the Fairy Tale of the Toad Fairy 2?"

"That one, that one is not actually a pirated copy, and it is well written. Lord Hokage is going to re-edit and revise it, change the name, and sell it as a genuine copy in the name of the village. It is estimated that it will bring a lot of revenue to the village. Oh yes, Because Minato is involved, Minato can share 10% of the profits.”

Zheng Dai's eyes twitched slightly: "Then the original author..."

Haruno Zhao laughed: "The original author is probably from Hinata, he can only suffer the disadvantage of being dumb!"

Zheng Dai: "..."

I suffered this loss.

I also remembered this grudge.

Just think that the final profit from this book is... an Asuma head. Now the village owes me twenty-seven million, and Minato owes me three million.

Oh yes, the village still owes me a lot of ninjutsu.

Sooner or later I'll get them all back!

"Why are you looking so weird? Have the side effects of the Nine-Tails power not passed yet?" Haruno Zhao asked with concern: "I am going to take you to take on a C-level or higher mission on March 1st. Do you want to postpone it?"

"No need." Dai Zheng shook his head and said, "I'm almost recovered."

Haruno Zhao nodded: "That's good. It was the first time you saw the power of the Nine-Tails yesterday. Your reaction was quite ordinary. You already knew about that thing?"

Zheng Dai was startled for a moment, then smiled: "Teacher Zhao, after all, I am an academic master who graduated with perfect scores in all subjects. In the two courses of Relations between the Five Major Nations in Modern Times and Introduction to the Ninja World, there are only a few words about tailed beasts and jinchūriki. Although it’s not detailed, I can make a rough guess about the specific situation.”

"I see." Haruno Zhao said: "Then you should take a good rest, the teacher is gone. Oh, yes, don't be immersed in the power of the tailed beast and forget your true level, it will be fatal at the critical moment."

"I know, teacher."

"It's good to know. Remember, you are just a weakling who can be knocked down by the teacher with one hand!"

Zheng Dai was speechless: "Teacher, I suddenly remembered something. My knife was broken by you. That knife is worth several thousand taels. Do you want to pay compensation..."

Haruno Zhao disappeared without a trace.

"Go to Kakashi, he was the one who chopped it with a knife!"

Zhengdai laughed, fell back on the bed, closed his eyes and began to think.

In the end, the blame actually fell on the Hyuga clan. He finally had a little clue about the barrage and attribute points that had inexplicably flashed yesterday, but he still couldn't figure it out.

After all, brainstorming is scary.

Just like Obito, his and Rin's child is about to give them both a grandson.

In fact, he hasn't even held Lin's hand yet.

"Whatever you want, I've used all the attribute points. I don't care how it came about." Zhengdai shook his head and squinted his eyes to figure out whether the pot Hinata was taking was stable and whether he might be exposed.

As Hinata's subordinate ninja, he has 'dedicated' himself to Hinata, so Masadai thinks it's appropriate to let Hinata take the blame for him...

The main reason is that this boss has grown up automatically, and now he really can't carry it anymore.

"The biggest flaw is the original manuscript, which contains my handwriting, oh no, water's separate handwriting!"

The strength of the water body is only one-tenth of the main body, and the power is about one-fourth of the main body. There will be some differences when it affects the handwriting.

"But there are also a lot of reference handwriting left by Mizuoka. The hundreds of sets of test questions and notes from Tokuma, most of the homework given to Mr. Oki when he was in school, and even the last time Orochimaru came to borrow Hinata's scroll, he borrowed the same I asked Shui to separate and copy it's troublesome."

As for homework, Teacher Omu may not save it. It is unlikely that Orochimaru will reveal the information to anyone. Only Tokuma is left, which is a hidden danger.

That guy should keep every note of mine in a precious place, right?

"According to Teacher Zhao, the manuscript was first taken away by Danzo, and then the Third Hokage took it away. The Third Hokage probably wouldn't have checked it, and it would be difficult for him to think of me."

Zheng Dai thought carefully about it for a long time, and then he breathed a sigh of relief. The possibility of being exposed was extremely small. This matter was probably in the past, at least for the time being.

Then he began to count yesterday's gains, and he used all 25 attribute points of 24 points, plus one more point to make Kushina angry.

What resulted was a huge improvement.

Template: Chuunin Template (1/5)

Basic attributes(3)

Physical Strength: 51.25(68.85)

Mental strength: 28.63 (32.12)

Chakra amount: 61.94

Main skills(4)

Three Body Technique Level 1 (51%)

Chakra Refining Method Level 3 (86%)

Throwing Level 3 (83%)

Physical Skills Level 3 (88%)

Auxiliary skills(17)

Ninjutsu Basics Level 3 (91%)

Water Escape-Huge Water Wrist Technique Level 3 (13%)

Water Release - Water Body Technique Level 3 (10%)

(Others omitted)

Real Skill 2: Water Escape - Water Breaking Wave Level 5 (100%) (has reached the current template limit)

One item reaches the limit of the template, UU Reading The four items are only one point short of attribute points, close to the limit of the template, and the luxury water wrist and water body are only three points short.

"So under the optimal solution, with four more attribute points, I can advance to the Jonin Template?" Zhengdai's eyes flashed with confusion, am I that strong?

If it weren't for the real skill Shuizanbo, he felt that there was still a small distance between his strength and the level of a jounin... Could it be that he had been with Haruno Zhao for a long time and overestimated the average jounin?

Meanwhile, the roots.

Danzo's old face was dark, and he glanced at a test paper in front of him with one eye, and hummed: "With similar handwriting, is the person who executed it really the kid?"

"As expected of the person I like, even if the teacher in charge framed me, he showed no mercy, but why is he always so loyal to Hinata?"

He looked confused, and then thought about the large amount of money he had lost, and the clues that had been leaked, and his face twitched fiercely, "Damn you kid, you really think that with my respect and protection, you can provoke Yu again and again. I?"

"Hmph, it's time to teach him a lesson! Haruno Zhao... seems to be preparing to take him on a C-level mission..."

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