Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 83 Preparation for Illusion Practice

After recuperating at home for three days in a row, on February 27, Zhengdai was completely freed from the weakness caused by the use of Nine-Tails Chakra and returned to full condition.

Being bored at home for three days, especially having to act like nothing happened in front of Uncle Craftsman and Aunt Xiu, really made Zheng Dai choke.

So as soon as he recovered, he couldn't wait to carry two bags of biscuits and left the house.

There are two things to do before going out. One is to give Asuma the two kinds of cigarette cakes in his hand, and the other is to go to Hong to get knowledge about illusions.

Two months after putting the practice of illusion on the agenda, Zheng Dai finally took action. The reason for the delay was that he planned to solidify the illusion into a fourth real skill!

There are only four points left to advance to the template. If you don't prepare, it will be too late. Moreover, with the six consecutive points he had gained in Taijutsu, his physical strength increased by leaps and bounds, but the increase in chakra volume was unsatisfactory, and his mental strength had obviously become a shortcoming.

‘Genjutsu is a fighting method that uses chakra to interfere with the opponent’s five senses. ’ On the way, Zhengdai briefly recalled the knowledge he learned in the introduction course of ninja studies at the ninja school, ‘It requires strong chakra manipulation talent, high IQ, and extremely high combat literacy. ’

"I have all three of these, so illusions are easy for me." Zhengdai was full of confidence.

Arriving at the Sarutobi clan, he exchanged a few words with the guard at the door. Soon, Asuma, sweating profusely, walked out of the clan quickly.

"What about training? Asuma."

"Ah." Asma responded: "Zhengdai, do you have a problem with me?"

Zhengdai smiled and picked up the two pockets on his hand: "I've got a gift for you."

"A gift?" Asma was startled: "This is for no reason, how come it suddenly..."

"Son of Hokage-sama, don't you have to curry favor no matter what happens?" Masadai teased a few words, opened one of the bags, took out a piece of cigarette cake and handed it to Asuma: "Try it?"

"Biscuits?" Asma was even more confused and didn't dare to reach out to take it. "You're not studying cooking skills and using me as a test subject, are you?"

Zheng Dai laughed, shook his head and said, "You still can't believe my cooking skills? Try it."

Right. Asuma nodded. No matter how bad the food Zhengdai made, it wouldn't taste as bad as his mother's. There was no reason for him to drug himself...

Asma took the biscuit, took a tentative bite, chewed it three times, and her eyes lit up.

"Well, it's delicious. How is it made? It has a special fragrance." He ate all the cookies.

Zhengdai smiled and said nothing, took out a biscuit from another pocket and put it into Asma's hand, "Try this again."

Asuma took a bite without hesitation.

‘Asma correction degree 1%

Obtain free attribute points*1’

It's just as I expected! Zheng Dai Anxi, correcting Asma's beginning, really doesn't have to be so troublesome to let him get addicted to tobacco, just let him who avoids tobacco taste tobacco for the first time.

Unintentional tasting is also tasting, but I don’t know if this kind of tasting without being addicted to cigarettes can be corrected to 5% or even 10%?

Everything else is difficult at the beginning. Zheng Dai found that correction is easy at the beginning, difficult in the middle, and then it becomes easy again at the end.

"Well, don't these two kinds of biscuits taste exactly the same?" Asma asked confused.

Zheng Dai: "There is only one ingredient difference between the two biscuits. The first one has some tea leaves in it, and the second one has some tobacco in it."

"Oh." Asma nodded, and then his eyes suddenly stared: "Tobacco?! I'm wearing you...I...bah, bah, bah, vomit -"

Dai Zhengdai was speechless. You wouldn't have such a big reaction. What you knew was tobacco, but if you didn't know, you thought I was feeding you shit.

He patted Asuma on the shoulder: "Don't panic. The little bit you collected from Hokage-sama last time was only enough for Hokage-sama to smoke twice. I made more than a hundred biscuits of this size, each piece The tobacco content in the biscuits is so minimal that it’s okay to eat just one, but I’ve eaten several.”

"...That's it." Asuma relaxed slightly, "You scared me to death Zhengdai."

"Don't worry, how could I cheat you." Zhengdai smiled and picked up two bags of biscuits in his hands, "This is what you want to help Mr. Hokage quit smoking.

Normally, you let him eat the kind with tea leaves, and when he gets addicted to cigarettes, let him eat the kind with tobacco leaves. The trace of tobacco leaf content in it should be able to stop the craving for cigarettes a little bit, the rest depends on the Hokage-sama's determination to quit smoking. "

Asma paused, her eyes brightened, and she suddenly felt more grateful: "So you still remember, Zheng Dai, I thought it had been two months and you had forgotten about it. Thank you, thank you."

"We're all teammates, no need to be polite."

Asuma nodded repeatedly and took the biscuit, feeling a little emotional in his heart. Thinking back to the beginning, when he was in the Ninja School, he didn't like Zheng Dai as the boss, mainly because he always felt that Zheng Dai was trying to gain popularity, so he regarded him as an enemy.

However, after being in the same team for so long, he found that Zhengdai didn't seem to have that kind of interest in Hong, and he was a very interesting person, so he gradually regarded Zhengdai as a friend...

"Go back and help Master Hokage quit smoking. I'll leave first... Oh, by the way, where is Hong's family? I have something to do with her." Zhengdai asked with a smile.

Asuma was slightly stunned and his eyes turned red.

Friends are nothing but enemies!

In order to deal with the inexplicably sensitive Asma, UU Reading www. uukanshu. net Zhengdai explained for more than ten minutes. He had a headache so much that he almost lost his hair. Compared to Asuma, Hong was much neater and neater. Knowing Zhengdai's intention, she lent Zhengdai two books in just ten minutes.

"Basic Principles of Illusion"

"Basic Use of Illusion"

Zheng Dai found that something was wrong with his thinking.

Illusion is one of the three essential skills for ninjas. It is mentioned in the introductory ninja course in the ninja school, and conventional cracking methods are taught.

It's not a skill.

It's all-encompassing!

It's impossible for Zhengdai to activate the entire illusion skill in the real skill bar. Otherwise, wouldn't it be better if he activates the entire ninjutsu skill?

To activate, you can only activate one illusion. He was in a predicament that he hadn't seen for a long time. He didn't have a powerful genjutsu that was worthy of being a real skill... It was impossible for Hong to give him the family secret technique.

"Teacher Haixing can use illusions. I don't know if he has only scratched the surface, or if he has considerable attainments in illusions. Is there any illusions worth using as a real skill?"

Speaking of genjutsu, as a Naruto fan, the first thing that comes to mind is the Sharingan Eye Technique such as Tsukuyomi, Izanaki, Izanami and so on. That has nothing to do with Masadai who is not from the Uchiha clan.

Zheng Dai most hopes to learn another kind.

The Second Hokage's forbidden technique, Darkness!

"Turn off the lights. Let's ask Teacher Zhao first. If it doesn't work, we can find a solution from Hinata. I'm in hot water right now."

When I got home, I was wearing a water body.

"You have also rested with me for three days. It's time to get to work. Pick out all the genjutsu-related information from the information given by Hinata, along with the two books that Hong lent me, and learn it together."

The water avatar said expressionlessly: "Yes."

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