Ninja World: Start With A Shock Escape, Save Tsunade from War Demigod

Chapter 100 Danzo's Cooperation With Orochimaru: [Seeking Flowers! 】

"This sense of oppression is..."

Just when Sarutobi Hiruzen was annoyed that his precious treasure was destroyed, Tsunade, who was busy establishing the Konoha Medical Department, also felt an inexplicable sense of oppression.

She suddenly put down all the work she was doing, and came to the roof of a newly built house, looked in the direction of the forest of death, and carefully sensed the sense of oppression.


Tsunade, who was feeling serious, was suddenly stunned, because she sensed a familiar Chakra breath.

And that sense of oppression was the familiar Chakra aura.

"What kind of plane is this guy doing?": Tsunade relaxed after identifying the owner of the Chakra scent.

"Forget it! I'll ask the guy when I go back in the evening,"

After "530" knew that the inexplicable sense of oppression was caused by Ye Ming, Tsunade stopped paying attention.

After all, the Konoha Medical Department has just been established, and she still has a lot of things to do now. When she goes back tonight, she will have time to ask Ye Ming.

In a pitch-dark road under the mountain behind Konoha Village, a figure with his right eye covered by a white cloth and a mutilated arm walked slowly forward with no expression on his face.

This person is none other than Danzo who escaped with a Mangekyō Sharingan as a Body Replacement Technique.

Speaking of which, Danzo was also a little sad. On that day, he originally planned to use this Mangekyō Sharingan to control Ye Ming by performing illusions, so that Ye Ming could be used for him.

Moreover, he is also confident that his Mangekyō Sharingan can definitely control Ye Ming.

Because, this Mangekyō Sharingan is his former companion, the disciple of Second Hokage, Uchiha Kagami.

And Uchiha Kagami's Mangekyō Sharingan has a pupil technique that can change the minds of others.

However, this pupil technique has a disadvantage, that is, the preparation time is a bit long.

Thinking of that Mangekyō Sharingan, Danzo expressed that he felt a little distressed. It's not that he was so extravagant that he used the Mangekyō Sharingan as a Body Replacement Technique!

Just when Danzo's mind was flying, he finally reached the end of the chongdao.

At the end of this gully was a heavy door, and when Danzo opened the door, a room appeared in front of him.

However, this room did not have a bed or daily necessities, but some bottles and jars, as well as corpses soaked in potion.

Obviously, this is a laboratory, and a laboratory for the study of the human body.

The whole laboratory plus the bottles and jars inside looked a bit dark and terrifying.

However, even in such a dark laboratory, there is a person, holding a notebook on a laboratory table, looking at the person on the laboratory table, or what the corpse is recording.

"Orochimaru, how's the research going?"

After Danzo walked into the laboratory, he came directly to Orochimaru beside the experimental bench, first glanced at the corpse on the experimental bench, and then asked Orochimaru beside him.

"Hehe!": Orochimaru closed the book, let out a deep and deep laughter, and said to Danzo: "Sir Danzo, are you too impatient? You know, those are Senju Hashirama's cells, I've only been in contact with me for so little time, how can I be so fast!"

Speaking of this, Orochimaru paused for a while, still with a dark smile on his face, a pair of snake eyes, but stared at Danzo tightly and asked: "Hashirama's cell vitality is too strong, even if I have diluted it a lot. It has been done all over the place, but it still can't make people integrate Hashirama cells perfectly.

Perhaps, we can consider using Senju clan, preferably with Hashirama blood, as experimental subjects, for example, Tsunade, or... Senju Nawaki's corpse

After Orochimaru finished speaking, his eyes kept staring at Danzo, as if he wanted to see how Danzo would react.

And Danzo listened to Orochimaru's words, still with a dead face, lowered the remaining eye, as if thinking.

In a moment!

Danzo looked at Orochimaru again, and asked slowly: "I can give you the corpse of the Senju bloodline, but you don't need to think about it, the blood relatives of the First Generation, Tsunade's strength is there, and there is another That Ye Ming is helping her, it is impossible to capture her alive or kill her, as for Senju Nawaki's body..."

Danzo said this, was silent for a moment, and then continued: "I don't know where Senju Nawaki's gone.."

"Then...what about his organs? I saw with my own eyes that Senju Nawaki's organs were dug up! Danzo...sir!": Orochimaru's mood was obviously fluctuating when he talked about Senju Nawaki.

Senju Nawaki, the only grandson of the First Generation, the sister of his friend, and his only disciple.

But Senju Nawaki with such multiple identities, since he was killed in front of him and his organs dug out, this is the shame of his Orochimaru life.

Danzo listened to Orochimaru's words, looked up at Orochimaru, expressionless, and did not open the door.

And Orochimaru is also looking at Danzo, the smile on his face has disappeared, just staring straight at Danzo's one eye.

After a long time, Danzo looked away and said slowly, "Senju Nawaki's organs are no longer with me.

Having said that, Danzo turned around and walked towards the gate. At the same time, his voice came into Orochimaru's ears again: "The corpses of the Senju clan, and the survivors, I will arrange for them to come over, but I hope , the next time I come, you can give me a satisfactory result."


Watching Danzo walk out slowly, saying while walking, leaving the back of his head for him, these two words appeared in Orochimaru's mind inexplicably.


"This is?"

At the same time, Danzo and Orochimaru frowned, and a 5.9 sense of pressure came.

Immediately afterwards, Danzo looked at Orochimaru sharply, thinking that Orochimaru was going to fuck him, but when he saw Orochimaru, who was motionless, he put down his guard and carefully sensed the source of this oppressive feeling.

However, when Danzo felt this oppressive feeling and the familiar Chakra breath, Danzo was a little frightened.

Because he was so familiar with this Chakra breath that he could even remember it freshly.

"Huh! Is that Mr. Ye Ming?"

Orochimaru glanced at Danzo, who was a little frightened, and there was some disdain in his eyes. At the same time, he became more curious about Ye Ming.

Don't get me wrong, Orochimaru is curious about Ye Ming's body... uh! More precisely, he wants to study the secret of Ye Ming's body.

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