Ninja World: Start With A Shock Escape, Save Tsunade from War Demigod

Chapter 99 Five Escapes - Rasengan! 【Ask For Flowers! 】

"Wind Style - Spiral Shuriken!"

"call out!!"


In the silent forest of death, a high-speed rotating white light group flew out with a sharp whistling sound.

This light group, like a sharp sword, cut off all the trees in front of it, and then, the white light flashed and exploded.

"The power is not bad!"

Looking at the big pit in front of him, Ye Ming nodded with satisfaction, this Wind Style-spiral shuriken almost caught up with the small tailed beast-jade.

Even, because of the addition of the wind attribute, it has an unparalleled cutting power. If it hits the body of the creature, the cutting power is enough to make any ordinary creature shred directly.

"Then... Now try adding other attributes, let's start with the thunder attribute,"

Ye Ming raised his hand, and immediately, a Rasengan formed in an instant, and then, a wisp of electric arc appeared around the Rasengan.

"Crack crackle crackle..."


The arc of Rasengan's hand was sucked into it by the high-speed rotating blue Chakra, merged into the blue Chakra, and spun together.

"Wong Weng......

With the addition of the thunder attribute Chakra, the blue Rasengan gradually changed.

The first is its color. After adding the thunder attribute, the blue Rasengan began to slowly turn into a dark purple. At the same time, one after another electric snakes circled continuously on this dark purple Rasengan.

At the same time, Rasengan, who gradually turned dark purple, began to become a little restless.

The spherical Rasengan, after adding the thunder attribute, began to become violent, and the entire spherical shape appeared one after another, like a thorny sphere.

"This... should be considered complete, right?"

Looking at the dark purple Rasengan floating in his hands, a bit violent, with the possibility of an explosion at any time, Ye Ming was a little uncertain.

After all, in the original book, no one has tried the Rasengan Garei attribute.

"Try it!"

Ye Ming was no longer struggling, and directly threw the dark purple Rasengan to the front.


Dark purple, Rasengan carrying thunderbolt, at the moment when he got out of Ye Ming's hands. It turned into a purple light, like a purple lightning, piercing the void.


The trees that were touched by the purple light instantly turned into ashes, as if they were burnt out by the high temperature in an instant.



With the sudden appearance of white light and the explosion of purple light, Lightning Style Rasengan temporarily released countless thunder and lightning, obliterating everything around it.

"Hehe! It seems to be a success, Lightning Style Rasengan? Well, this name is not cool enough, so let's call it Lightning Style + Super Cool Rasengan!"

Ye Ming looked at the ground that seemed to be ravaged by a thunderstorm in front of him, touched his chin, and gave this move a very "shiny" name.

"By the way, why is my naming style somewhat similar to Yongdaimei?": Suddenly, Ye Ming was a little dazed, feeling a little strange.

Since the selling attribute can definitely be added to Spiral 1, then other attributes can also be used, so try these other three attributes. "

"However, it is too troublesome to try one by one. Since it is feasible to add five attributes to Rasengan, then..."

Ye Ming's eyes suddenly became sharp, and he let go of all the momentum and opened his arms.


"Wong Weng Weng..."

In front of Ye Ming, five blue dots suddenly appeared, and then, the five blue dots floating in front of him kept spinning, followed by strands of Chakra, forming five football-sized Rasengans .

Looking at the five Rasengans floating in front of him, Ye Ming's expression was extremely serious.

After all, this is without contact, the void concentrates Chakra and outputs Chakra, which wants to be controlled by incomparably powerful mental power.

Seeing the formation of five Rasengans, Ye Ming's mouth twitched slightly, and then he became serious again. Because, next is the main event.


Ye Ming's hands were flat in front of the five Rasengans. The five Chakra attributes of wind, thunder, fire, water, and earth are added to the five Rasengans in front of them.

"Once upon a time..."

Along with these five Chakra attributes, are added to the Rasengan King.

The five Rasengans in front of Ye Ming began to change. The originally blue Rasengans began to change towards white, dark purple, dark blue, fire red, and dark black.


A whirlwind centered on Ye Ming, heading in all directions, the clouds above Ye Ming seemed to feel something, like a sea of ​​clouds, and began to churn continuously.

ask for flowers...

All the animals in the forest of death seemed to sense something, and they all lay down on the ground and shivered, and even a lot of animals began to incontinence.

In Konoha Village!

"This... what's going on? This sense of oppression..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was processing the documents, suddenly felt a palpitations, suddenly stood up, came to the window, looked in the direction of the forest of death, and then quickly returned to the desk, took out a crystal ball, Infused with Chakra.

Suddenly, a picture slowly appeared in the crystal ball.


Looking at the figure in the picture, Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned, and then, his eyes turned to the five spheres of different colors floating in front of Ye Ming.

"What kind of ninjutsu is this? Five Escaping Chakra Nature Transformation? Is Ye Ming developing ninjutsu?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the five Rasengans of different colors in front of Ye Ming in the crystal ball, his pupils suddenly widened.

He is also a powerful ninja of the Grandmaster's five escape ninjutsu, and naturally saw the Chakra Nature Transformation of the five Rasengans.

And it was when he saw it that he was shocked, because, in the entire ninja world, he had never heard of anyone condensing five Chakra Nature Transformations like Ye Ming.

Even if he, the ninjutsu professor, wants to release the five escape ninjutsu at the same time, he needs the assistance of Shadow Clone.

"What kind of ninjutsu is he trying to develop? What a monster!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen stared at Ye Ming in the crystal ball very solemnly, he wanted to take a look. Ye Ming, what kind of power does this five escape ninjutsu possess.

"Crack clap clap..."

"Crack crackle crackle..."

However, at this moment, arcs of electric arcs suddenly appeared in Sarutobi Hiruzen's crystal ball, and then, the entire crystal ball began to slowly crack.

"not good!!"


When Sarutobi Hiruzen saw this, he just wanted to stop spying, but before he could make a move, the entire crystal ball exploded.


Sarutobi Hiruzen was instantly annoyed as he watched the crystal ball explode.

This is his darling, and now it has been destroyed like this, how can he peep in the future...cough! How to detect potential enemies in Konoha?


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