Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1001: Woman's voice

Chapter 1001: Woman's Voice

"Boom!" A huge black thunder, and Shi Feng rushing up a distance, exploded in mid-air.

Devil Black Thunder seemed to be blocked by an invisible and powerful force, unable to continue bombarding downwards, and unable to bomb the main lord Shi Feng.

And Shi Feng, suddenly burst into pain, rushed straight up to him, and immediately felt an invisible and powerful force on his body, and shot him as a whole.

This power was exactly the power he had taken back to the jungle many times when he wanted to break away in the dark and strange jungle.

Now, that power not only blocked the lowered Demon Black Thunder, but shot himself again.

There was a loud bang, and Shi Feng, who was photographed by that force, suddenly landed. Shi Feng looked up to the sky again, looking at the exterminator Hei Lei, who was blocked in the air, and suddenly yelled unwillingly: "No!"

Although this exorcism black thunder descended from the sky, and wanted to destroy such anti-heavy people, the benefits are really huge. If you miss this time, it will be a huge loss.

Next time, I don't know when it will appear.

"No! This time! I definitely can't miss it! Absolutely not!" Shi Feng yelled again, and his figure rushed straight up and up again.

When the figure rushed up violently, Shi Feng's body had burst into a fierce black thunder, a blood-colored swordman shone in his hand, and a bloodthirsty sword appeared in his hand.

"Drink! Void Sword Kill! Thunder nine days!" Shi Feng screamed again, and the black thunder on her body rushed straight up.

The bloodthirsty sword is also a sword that pierces the sky, a huge blood-flame sword that appears in the void, and then a sword wants to break the sky!

But just after the Blood Flame killed the Great Sword, Shi Feng immediately sensed that the Blood Flame Killing Sword disappeared without a trace under the mysterious and powerful power. , Like a boulder sinking into the sea.

At this moment, the black thunder rushing from Shi Feng's body was still sounding thunderous sounds one after another, with a more violent and powerful force, but also impacted into the sky, and it was necessary to break that force , Let the extermination Hei Lei fall on the body.

. .

In the middle of the distance, the old man with a height of only one meter still had his eyes condensed on Shi Feng in the distance. When he saw the strong and invisible power of the Shi Feng resistance, he shook his head slightly and said:

"This heaven and earth, as well as the remnants of ancient reckless forces, cannot rely on this boy's power to break this reckless force anyway."

"Ancient reckless force!" The man in black robe exclaimed involuntarily when he heard the words of the old man in front of him.

The power of ancient wildness has been recorded by the Heipao people in ancient books. It is a powerful force in ancient times, comparable to the power of the true god.

I did not expect that this power would still remain in this world.

"That dark cloud!" And at this moment, the man in the black robe who looked up at the sky suddenly saw the huge vortex not far away, and appeared to follow Shi Feng before, and even imparted Shi Feng's demigod combat skills. The huge dark clouds, among the dark clouds, still showed two huge scarlet eyes.

"It seems that when seeing the Black Devil come to this area, it can't bear it again." The old man grinned over the old face after looking at the black giant cloud.

"Grandma, who is it?" After hearing the words of the old man, the black-robed man again made a sound like a silver bell, and asked the old man.

"It? It has an unexplainable, unclear relationship with the undead head!" The old man said, and then said:

"Since it has previously taught the boy's true God of War skills, God of Magic and Thunder, then at this moment, he will definitely help this boy, and I will work with it to break the wild power and complete the boy."

After finishing the last sentence, the old uncle flickered and disappeared.

"Undead head?" After the old man left, the man in the black robe still remembered the old taboo's name, but then the man in the black robe reacted and whispered, "The undead head? The undead! Heiyun, is it really related to the ancient legend of the true god, the immortal demon! "

Previously, when Shi Feng got the thunderous lightning of the combat technology **** and magic thunder for nine days, she mentioned it to her. The group of black strange clouds may be related to the extermination of the black thunder or the undead god!

. .

The huge black vortex above the sky continues to drop the huge black thunder, but it is still blocked by the powerful invisible force and cannot continue to fall.

Shi Feng was still launching powerful attacks, but his attacks were constantly broken by that invisible force.

He has no way of remembering how many times he was photographed by that force.

At this moment, he is unable to withstand the baptism of the Demon Heilei, and his heart is becoming increasingly unwilling.

If you continue this way, the black thunder will disappear, and your advanced this time, you will find nothing.

"Boy stepped down, don't waste any more effort!" Just then, an old, hoarse, low voice echoed in this world, and soon, in the void not far from Shi Feng, a figure flashed. , The mysterious and powerful old man appeared.

"Senior!" Shi Feng shouted, looking at the old lady who came.

"I'll take a shot and break through that power and let you experience the extermination of mines and thunders. You step down first." The old man spoke again and said to Shi Feng.

"Okay!" Shi Feng nodded after hearing Lao's words.

This mighty old lady, maybe she can really break that invisible and mighty power.

In her own words, Shi Feng already knew that it would be useless even if she kept launching her efforts to continue the bombardment. The reason why I didn't stop before was just unwillingness.

Later, Shi Feng's figure flickered, leaving the void to the old uncle. When his figure reappeared, he already appeared on the ground below.

The old man stood with his hands behind him, standing proudly in the void, looking up at the sky. Although his figure was short, at this moment, it was like a giant.

Later, Lao's gaze looked again at the black strange cloud in the distance, and she cried, "Since you and I have the intention to help this kid, then you and I will work together to help him break through this wild Power, how? "

Shi Feng has now discovered that the black whirlpool that he had seen before appears again in the distance of the black vortex that brought down the Black Devil.

"Okay!" A woman's voice suddenly sounded in this world. Shi Feng could hear that the voice came from the dark cloud.

Inside? Is it hiding a woman?

This old man lives in this ancient ruin. Even if there is another woman living, Shi Feng doesn't think it's strange.

(End of this chapter)

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