Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1002: Power of terror

Chapter 1002 The Power of Terror

After the group of strange clouds with a woman's voice returned a "good", in the middle of the air, the old uncle only stretched out one index finger, and then pointed to the sky.

Shi Feng suddenly felt that an incomparably powerful force was pointed out by the old man and rushed into the sky.

At the same time, the huge strange cloud above the sky suddenly revealed a huge black mouth, a crystal clear, looking at a giant water dragon like a crystal, from that huge black mouth, watching It seems to be spouting.

As soon as the water dragon came out, as if the ancient dragon had come alive, opened the mouth of the dragon, and issued a violent sound of the dragon's yin, causing a violent turbulence in the space.

Exuding a strong Longwei.

Immediately afterwards, the giant water dragon suddenly moved, like a dragon returning to the sea, and Zhang Ya's claws dived down.

All of a sudden, the powerful force pointed out by the old man, and the submerged water dragon, and the exorcist Black Thunder under the blast, all three possessed the energy of the powerful force of destruction. It seemed like they were colliding together in mid-air at the same time.

Below, Shi Feng looked up, his heart filled with shock. These two people are definitely monsters among the monsters, and they can launch such a powerful force.

Shi Feng can be sure, even if the black cricket with the power of two stars and demigods, under the power of these two monsters, it must be instantly wiped out.

I don't know how powerful these two monsters have been for a long time?

Five-star demigod? Six-Star Demigod? Seven-Star Demigod? Eight-Star Demigod? Still higher?

All thoughts flashed quickly in Shi Feng's mind. The self who once lived in the Tianheng continent was really just a frog at the bottom of the well. I didn't know the vastness of the outside world.

"Boom!" A roar like a blast of heaven and earth suddenly exploded in the sky, and immediately followed, the old voice came from the sky: "Boy, go up. The wild power above, has I was temporarily blasted out of a mouth, and we will temporarily support you and let you successfully complete the robbery. "

After hearing Lao's voice, Shi Feng immediately sensed the force of Lao's finger and collided with the water dragon. At this time, the strong force has disappeared, and the water dragon has turned into thousands of water drops. , Nourish this world.

The violent black thunder, now without any resistance, dropped suddenly.

"Thank you, senior!" Shi Feng quickly thanked the old man, and then looked again at the black strange cloud in the sky, and then thanked him, "Thank you for your help!"

Shi Feng's voice has echoed in this world. But at the same time, his body flickered and had disappeared.

When Shi Feng appeared again, he was already under the falling Demon Black Thunder, looking up at the huge black mine that was about to fall on himself, Shi Feng shouted: "Come! You want to destroy Ben Less, then come to destroy the lesser. Seeing whether you disappear or the lesser perish. "

When he screamed, Shi Feng blasted out with a punch.

At this time, the violent black thunder instantly swallowed up the defiant person who resisted.

"Finally, it's finished!" In the mid-air distant space, the man in black robe stood proudly in the void alone, and said softly, looking at the devouring Heilei who devoured the man.

Then her eyes turned, looking at the short figure not far from the black thunder, and murmured again: "However, she did not expect that she was still living in this world.

According to legend, at that time, she was a strong power of six-star demigod. In this long time, how far did she go? "

. .

"Look! Look at that! That black thunder!"

"It's the exterminator Hei Lei! That evil mountain witch undead body, can't he be advanced again?"

"Such a villain! You must not let him live! Let's hurry up and see if there is any way to remedy it!"

In the distance of a jungle, there are fifty-two human figures in suspension, watching the heaven and earth vision appearing in the distant night sky together.

The strong human race originally entered this ancient ruins, about 500 people. As a result, they fought against those black monster-headed barbarian monsters, and in the bone-bone land, they encountered those bone-bone monsters. As a result, five hundred people were killed and wounded, becoming more than fifty people today.

Most of them have been reduced to a cold body in this ancient ruins. But it's not necessarily, maybe the corpse has been shredded or devoured by those vicious savage demon.

Among the fifty-two people, the third son of the Gongsun family, Gongsun Yuan, was led by Gongsun Yuan, who was pursued by the black prince and fled. I don't know when it suddenly appeared.

However, at this moment, the Gongsun Yuan didn't know what happened. The hands were covered with long black hairs, and they continued to spread toward him.

"Damn! What the **** are these!"

In fact, not only Gongsun Yuan, but most of the fifty-two people also grew black long hair on their hands.

Even in my mind, from time to time, if there is no, there is a magic sound like nothingness.

"Three sons, this Demon Demon Thunder should be the cruel animal of the mountain witch tribe there. What must he have gotten in this ancient relic. What should we do now?" Someone asked for the opinion of Gongsun Yuan Road.

"A strange encounter? Crossover? Undead body?" Gongsun Yuan frowned, shifting his gaze on the long hair of his hands, and looked up at the huge black vortex that appeared in the distance, the violent black thunder that descended. .

Then, Gongsun Yuan opened his mouth and said, "Evil Shanwu tribe, we can't let him grow up, and we will ruin our famine in the future. We will go and kill him."

"Hmm! Kill! Kill him!"

"Kill him!"

Immediately after, a cold drink sounded and the intention of killing was diffused. The fifty-two figures were stunned and flickered towards the front.

"I waited here to go through the dangers and almost died. This evil Mountain Witch tribe, even if I had an adventure one step earlier, and once again advanced, it is indeed a crime to die!" Someone was full of taste, and said fiercely in his heart.

"This animal! This animal is advanced again! Damn it! Damn it! This time, my husband, you must die!" There was a man holding a mirror of a thousand miles, looking at the black thunder in that direction, He said fiercely in his heart.

Unexpectedly, today's husband even got into this crowd of more than 50 people.

Lei Hong, a strong Lei tribe, was drained of blood by Shi Feng and died as a dead body.

The Dangzu strongman swung the tiger, because Gongsun Yuan provoked the black king of the monster tribe, making the blackbird angry at these tribal strongmen. After the huge dragon tail was swept away, dozens of tribal strongmen were killed. One of them died. It is a tiger with demigod power.

(End of this chapter)

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