Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1003: Abnormal blood

Chapter 1003

As soon as Dang Hu died, all six people who had been deceived by Jinfu into the ancient array that day had all died. This Jinfu appears again today, and no one feels anything.

What's more, at that time, after the Mountain Witch demon defeated Baiya, the powerful men launched a siege to him. Later, when the demon flees, Jinfu can show up at a critical moment and show his hidden figure with a thousand-mile mirror.

In the end, this man was to fight against the evil Shanwu tribe boy and was severely wounded. At that time, if that evil spirit made up another attack, this man might really be dead!

These are things that everyone can see.

Today's husband is in the crowd, and no one feels that he is related to the evil Mountain Witch tribe.

"These two grasshoppers, when I found out that they hadn't shot them, let them continue to crawl in this ancient ruins, but they did not expect that these two grasshoppers would jump to such a situation.

But fortunately, I have swallowed the magic of the sky, and what adventures he has, in the end, is just to complete my Gongsun fate! Gongsun Yuan looked at the heaven and earth vision place, a sneer evoked in the corner of his mouth, and said coldly in his heart.

While outside, he did find the existence of the hidden Shi Feng and the Heipao people, but at that time, Gongsun Yuan did not take those two people to heart.

The undead body of the Mountain Witch is said to be just a star and a demigod.

But at this moment, this Devil Black Thunder has appeared again! Means that the teenager is advanced again.

"The power of the two-star demigod has devoured his power, and I can certainly break through! It seems that the two grasshoppers were the right choice at the time." Gongsun Yuan sneered again and said.

Fifty-two strong human races, hurriedly moving forward, have reached the sky above a spooky jungle, and continue to rush towards the area of ​​the extermination black mine.

As they passed through the jungles of trees and teeth, like monsters and monsters, suddenly, an invisible and powerful force suddenly appeared. There was a sound of pain, followed by a continuous sound.

The rushing figures over the jungle were then shot into the jungle one by one by the invisible power.

In the face of this invisible and powerful force, no one can resist, even the grandson of the third son of the Gongsun family is no exception!

The weird and strange jungle of strange trees suddenly became lively again.

. .

"This black thunder has appeared again!" In the middle of a void, a black dragon dragon coiled a huge black dragon body, and two dragons stared into the distance.

The black cormorant, who also entered this ruin, was initially attracted by the huge black vortex and the black thunder.

However, some accidents happened midway. When the blackbird entered the ancient ruins, the black vortex and the black thunder had disappeared.

But the black owl learned from the mouth of the big demon under his hand that it was the thunder of destruction that a teenager of the human race was crossing over and robbing!

Now, seeing the reappearance of the black destruction thunder, the blackbird hastily yelled: "Hou! Let's follow the king to see! What kind of genius is this human race! It even inspired this black thunder."

The blackbird roared, and the voice shook the world.

"Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!" On the ground below, a roar of a wild demon rang quickly, in response to the black roar's roar.

The army of black monsters led by Hei Ling originally reached eight hundred heads of wild demon, but in many menacing battles, there were countless deaths and injuries. Today, there are only more than three hundred heads arriving with Hei Ling.

Subsequently, the black dragon's huge dragon body flickered, and flickered in the direction in which the black thunder appeared.

Then, a fierce savage demon began to move.

. .

In that dark world, the violent black thunder is still falling, and it has become increasingly violent at this moment.

However, Shi Feng, who is among the black magic thunder, has blocked all the falling black thunders with his own body and the strength of his whole body. Below, there is a pond of yin and yang spring water.

If the stone maple is slightly unsupported, the yin and yang water pond will most likely be turned into ash, with huge losses!

"Eh!" And at that moment, the old man who still pointed at the sky with a finger suddenly made a low "er" sound like a pain, and then a ray of bright red blood spilled from the corner of her mouth.

It seems that although she is extremely powerful and unfathomable to the people of Shi Feng and Heipao, but to continue to resist the legendary power of savageness, it gradually emerges.

Not only her, but also the dark cloud above the sky, at this moment it was rolling.

"Grandma, are you okay?" The black robe person asked the worries anxiously when she saw the blood overflowing from the corner of her old mouth and the pale color that appeared on her old face.

"It's not dead! My power should last until the kid's extermination and thunderstorm is over." The old man said with an old, hoarse, low voice. But her voice at this moment sounded weak.

Then, the man in black robe turned his head and looked at the violent huge black thunder, whispering: "This kid's exterminator Hei Lei is at the most violent time. If this thunderstorm is over, it must be Wait some more time. "

Among the black magic of extermination.

"Sure enough! This time, the power of destruction and destruction is just the same as last time! Such a force will destroy me now!" Shi Feng at this moment, completely unaware of the external situation, was still immersed in his own robbery. He laughed dismissively.

The flesh on his body was constantly destroyed under the violent thunder, and he was constantly reborn. With each new birth, Shi Feng felt that her body became stronger.

This crossing was no pressure for Shi Feng. It is only a matter of time.

However, Shi Feng already felt that under the smelting of the Demon Demon Thunder, the black Thunder that was under his control was also absorbing the energy of the Demon Demon Thunder.

Today, Shi Feng's body contains three drops of undead blood. Due to the sudden drop of two drops of undead blood last time, this time, Shi Feng also paid special attention to the changes in his blood.

But the three drops of undead blood stone maple had noticed that they were absorbing the power of the black thunder. After noticing this situation, Shi Feng secretly thought:

"After the last mine thunder robbing, why did two extra drops of undead blood come out, is that one drop of undead blood that absorbed the power of this black thunder, and then spawned?

If that's the case, then that Xuanyuan Changyun really hasn't been killed for nothing! "

Even now, when entering the state of demigod, this immortal blood is a treasure for Shi Feng!

If all the blood on my body becomes this immortal blood, then my physical body is really an immortal immortal body!

(End of this chapter)

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