Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1004: Furious Gongsunyuan

Chapter 1004: The Furious Gongsun Fate

Among the black magic of extermination.

Immediately after, Shi Feng found the three drops of undead blood that had absorbed the power of the Black Thunder, and suddenly each had a drop of blood.

In Shi Feng's body, the undead blood suddenly became six drops.

After the three drops of undead blood were differentiated, the original three drops of blood continued to absorb the power of Demon Heilei.

"According to the last time, one drop of undead blood was changed into three drops, so this time, can not three drops be divided into nine drops?" Thinking of this, Shi Feng's unrecognizable face and flesh-blooded face appeared an unusually penetrating smile.

With nine drops of undead blood, the power of recovery of the wounded body in the future will be much faster than before.

Just like Shi Feng, who is now in the extermination black thunder, the physical body damaged by the extermination black thunder, after these three drops of undead blood, is recovering faster than before.

The flesh destroyed by such a powerful destructive force as Devil Black Thunder began to grow at a speed that can be seen by the naked eye.

. .

Between the dark and violent world, the black robe man looked at the old woman beside him, and saw that the old woman's pale face became more and more anxious for her in order to resist the force of recklessness.

But even if she was worried, she couldn't help.

The body of the Black Witch of the Shanwu tribe, outside of this great wasteland, despite its fierce name, the general demigod can be easily killed by her.

But here, in the presence of this old woman, under the power of this wildness, she was like a three-year-old child watching an adult fight.

The old man is getting more and more strenuous, but the dark cloud above the sky is no exception. The huge dark cloud is rolling more and more fiercely like a sea wave, rolling so violently, and I really worry that it will break apart. .

Time passed slowly, watching the extermination black thunder, gradually weakening.

"Huh?" And just then, the Heipao people were shocked and made a soft "um" sound. At this very moment, he was feeling that there were dozens of breaths, and he was rushing towards this side.

"Bad grandma! Someone is here!" The Heipao people hurriedly said to the old woman beside him.

"Eh!" At this time, Laoyi had another ray of blood overflowing from the corner of her mouth, and her face paled again.

Followed, the old man spoke, and uttered his voice very weakly, "Damn!"

Later, Laozhu looked up at the sky, looking at the huge strange cloud rolling over the sky, and said, "I have an outsider breaking in, and I can't stop this wild force with you anymore. Let me pull it together!"

"No!" And then, a woman's indifferent voice sounded over the sky. She actually rejected the old lady's proposal.

Upon hearing the woman's voice, the old woman's pale old face immediately appeared angrily, and sneered, "Damn! This kid's thunderstorm will probably end in another three times, and don't need to care. This time! This robbery has been very successful! "

And just as Lao's voice fell, the woman's indifferent voice sounded again, with a firm voice in her tone: "No!"

"You!" Upon hearing those words again, the old man was so annoyed that he couldn't speak. "Eh!" Followed by another ray of blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

"Grandma!" The man in black robes shouted again and again in anxiety, but she didn't dare to keep approaching the old grandma. In such a critical moment, don't touch her easily.

"Damn! This **** woman! Will not join me to withdraw the force that resists the power of wildness. If I withdraw in this way, I will definitely be attacked by the power of wildness. In my current state, it is very likely that This reckless force killed the shock! "

On the pale old face of the old woman, full of anger appeared, and he said to the black robe man.

"Since it can't be withdrawn, then grandma and grandmother, don't take it lightly, I'll deal with those people!" Heipao said loudly.

Followed by, the black robe man printed his hands and drank in his heart, "Hidden!" Her and Lao's figures disappeared at the same time, all hidden into this dark void.

Then, the black robe man with hidden body, his eyes hidden in the black robe, stared tightly at the direction in which dozens of breaths appeared, waiting for those people to arrive.

In the night, her concealment method will do more with less!

Gradually, not far away, every figure appeared.




Soon, the people in the black robes saw one of the familiar figures, which is Jinfu who is holding a thousand-mile mirror!

Seeing Jinfu, the man in black robe screamed badly in his heart.

Jinfu's Mirror of the Thousand Miles has a variety of wonderful uses. Even in the dark, it is difficult for him to avoid his induction.

In the original words, the Heipao people did not worry about this Jinfu, but the last time, he saved Shifeng himself, and Shifeng almost died with the earth **** Zhongzhen.

This husband, now known for his narrow-mindedness, must have hated himself, and would surely blame himself for saving Shi Feng and almost let him die, and he would have betrayed himself.

After the appearance of more than thirty figures, gradually, another figure continued to appear. Among the crowd, the black robe man saw another person who made her afraid.

Gongsun's third son, Gongsun Yuan!

The son of Gongsun Taiyin, the strongest in the wild, was also in the dark last time, and the man in the black robe suspected that he had seen himself and Shi Feng hiding in the dark.

Now, the old man has become more and more strenuous and weaker and weaker. Seeing the appearance of Jin Fu and Gong Sun Yuan, the Heipao people are increasingly worried.

Following this, he turned his head and looked at the Demon Hei Lei, which will take some time to disappear.

"Let's gather our strength together. This time, after the thunderstorm disappears, we will attack together and bomb the mountain witch thief to death!"

"Look! Everyone! Look at this spring! Haha! From this spring, I feel the power of pure yin and yang. It must be extraordinary water. The reason why this mountain witch animal has broken through again so quickly must be with this Spring related.

Hahaha, great! Maybe if I devour this spring, I can enter the two-star demigod state! "

"This water! Really extraordinary!"

In this dark jungle, because of the appearance of these dozens of people, the voice was suddenly heated.

Many people's eyes were gazing into the pond, and many people's faces showed greed.

"This water is really good!" Gongsun Yuan looked at the yin and yang spring and smiled. But then, Gongsun Yuan slowly raised his head, looking up at the sky, looking at the floating mid-air, pointing at the short body of the sky.

On this short body, Gongsun Yuan felt an unfathomable power, even his father, Gongsun Taiyin, the first strongest in the wild, compared with her, like heaven and earth. gap!

Seeing the state of the old man at the moment, the pale old face and the blood on the corners of his mouth, the Gongsunyuan who practiced the magic of swallowing the sky, his heart was so restless that he couldn't calm down anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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