Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1024: Magical flame tree

Chapter 1024 The Magical Flame Tree

Consumed the silent old black thunder dragon, flying back towards Shi Feng, rushing to Shi Feng's right hand.

It looked like it was being absorbed quickly by Shi Feng's right hand, disappearing layer by layer.

When the entire raging black thunder dragon disappeared, Shi Feng had completely devoured the deathly force, soul, and blood of the silent old man. The energy in Dan Tian has been improved slightly.

At this moment, Shi Feng's hands are adding a seemingly ancient bowl, which is the lonely Tiangu ancient bowl.

Suddenly, a black thunder burst out of Shi Feng's hand, and soon the ban on the ancient bowl of Tian Di was broken. Later, Shi Feng put the bowl into his storage ring.

This mouthful of ancient bowls of heaven is a one-star demigod-level defense device. With it, Shi Feng can fight with others in the future and can strengthen his own defense.

Today, his defense force is almost against the sky again.

The nine ghostly bodies of the one-star demigod have a half-artifact black crow feather feather battle suit, plus this ancient bowl of heaven, there are nine drops of undead blood in the body, and the ancient words of life.

So many means combined, it is really difficult for ordinary people to kill him.

Later, Shi Feng looked down again, and it was his turn to decide the fate of the two people.

However, the moment Shi Feng looked down, the headless body of the patriarch Yin Zheng, the headless corpse, spewed red blood on his neck again, and spewed towards Shi Feng from above.

At the moment Yin Zheng was killed, the power and soul of death had been devoured by Shi Feng. This Yin Zheng is a one-star demigod, and the blood in his body is naturally incomparable to ordinary people.

If it were an ordinary person, it would be possible that the blood in the body would have been evaporated to dryness in this hot place of Jiuyang.

Gradually, the headless body of Yin Zheng gradually dried up and turned into a dried-up dead body.

Huang Ye and Yue Chen, who were not far away, were horrified.

This is the second time they have seen the corpse become a dry corpse under this evil evil.

The first time they saw it was Lei Hong, the strong Lei tribe.

Lei Hong was killed by sucking all the blood from his body, which shocked many people at that time.

Followed by, Huang Yan and Yue Chen, and then slowly looked up to the sky, looking at this moment still standing proudly in the void, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, looking down at their teenagers.

Although this boy is young, no one who has seen him sees him as an ordinary boy.

This is definitely a decisive and decisive man.

"I'm willing to be loyal to you, and I will look forward to you in the future!" I remembered the former old man who didn't kill himself, the full moon tribe chief minister Yuechen, and immediately shouted full of sincerity, shouted at Shi Feng in the void.

"I'm Huang Ye, and I'm willing to recognize you as the leader, and look forward to your future!" At this time, Huang Ye also spoke.

Nowadays, they have already come to this step. In order to survive, they can only try again.

I wish he was like a silent old man.

Later, Huang Yan said again: "I have let go of my mind, master, you can conclude a master-servant contract with me at any time, and I am sincerely loyal to you."

At this moment, how much Huang Yao hopes that a force can immediately enter her mind and conclude a master-slave contract with herself. In that case, you don't need to die.

Although he became a slave, it was better than death.

But just when Huang Yan and Yue Chen were looking forward, their faces were full of sincerity, and when they stared at the man in the sky tightly, they saw the man and shook his head relentlessly at them.

Seeing Huang Ye and Yue Chen at this moment, the heart fell directly to the bottom.

The whole body was drained of blood, and Lei Hong, a dead body, and Yin Zheng, a headless body, reappeared in their minds.

Shi Feng said: "Both of you were people who wanted to die, how can you allow them to live? If you want to kill, you must have the consciousness of being killed!"

Shi Feng said, with five fingers on her right hand, she had already faced the Huanghuang and Yuechen below.

At the sight of Shi Feng's action, Yuechen followed the roar quickly: "No! Don't kill me! As long as you don't kill me, I'd like to recognize you as your righteous father! Righteous father, don't kill the baby!"

In order to survive, afraid of being sucked to death and dying of blood, the prince of the full moon tribe has completely no dignity and no lower limit.

Can say anything!

Even the phoenix on the side was unacceptable to these words uttered by Yuechen.

Since Shi Feng wanted to kill these two people, he naturally remained indifferent to everything they said. Suddenly, a strong suction suddenly appeared on his right hand with five fingers.

The phoenix and Yuechen, who were already seriously injured below, had no resistance at all, and felt that they were enveloped by a mysterious cold power. Then, their blood began to boil violently, and then rushed up against the current. .

There was an unspeakable feeling of discomfort all over the body.

After seeing the young man's killing methods, they already knew that the young man was about to devour the blood in his body.

"No! Do n’t kill me, your righteous father! Do n’t kill your baby! Righteous father, the poison of the tiger is not a child! My full moon tribe, and two peerless beauties, as long as the right father enters my full moon tribe, you can enjoy Ah! "Yuechen in pain, still begging, hoping to touch Shi Feng with his sincerity.

But at this moment, his voice had become extremely hoarse, and for a moment, a blood arrow burst out from his mouth.

After the blood spurted from his mouth, he followed closely, and his eyes and nostrils simultaneously spewed out four blood arrows, shooting towards the sky.

Not only Yuechen, but also five blood arrows spewed out of the five holes of the face of the Phoenix prince at the moment, and their bodies are drying up quickly.

Soon, the two patriarchs of the one-star demigod were turned into two dry corpses.

After swallowing up the death force, soul force, and blood of the two men, Shi Feng no longer cares about the two dry corpses. Before they died, they were the heads of a tribal clan who exclaimed the wind and rain.

Death in this hot place is no different from the two wild dogs.

Shi Feng turned around, looked at the flame tree below, and said, "Ben Shao is here to kill the enemy. You are better, and you have been training till now. How does this flame feel?"

Just as Shi Feng's words fell, a faint dark shadow slowly appeared in the flame tree, gradually becoming clear, who else besides Heipao!

After Shi Feng and her arrived, she entered the flames of fire above, and has been absorbing the pure heat of cultivation.

"Very good!" After hearing Shi Feng's words, the Heipao people replied:

"The hot power that this flame tree emits can be instantly turned into my energy when it is inhaled. And cultivation in this tree can also make my thoughts more accessible and better understand the realm. As long as I continue to use this This state of cultivation continues, and within half a month, I can enter the state of two stars and demigods! "

(End of this chapter)

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