Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1025: Hell in the Wilderness

Chapter 1025

Shi Feng has always been above this flame tree, and naturally began to devour the burning power of this flame tree.

After devouring this hot force, after flowing into Dantian, it not only quickly turned into energy in Dantian. After the physical body absorbs this hot force, the physical power also increases.

This flame tree is definitely a peerless treasure.

The black robe man was originally a distant event to enter the two-star demigod, but she felt that as long as she cultivated in this flame tree, she could enter the two-star demigod for half a month. Already.

"Hurry up and devour this flame tree. As long as you swallow it, you and my energy can be increased by half, and we are one step closer to the breakthrough!" At this moment, the flame of the flames said anxiously to Shi Feng.

Before the endless years, he missed it once, and now countless years have passed. He doesn't want to miss it again and doesn't want to leave regret in his heart.

However, for this proposal of the torch, Shi Feng seemed to be indifferent.

Taking Dantian, who is now perverted, to devour this tree of flames and increase the energy by half, it is a very fast speed. If you only absorb the hot power from this flame tree, if you want to increase the energy by half, Shi Feng felt that it would take at least ten years.

However, the value of this flame tree is definitely not only to increase the energy in the body, but to absorb the burning power it emits, to cultivate one's thoughts. This is the real magic.

Silent old, practiced most of his life, the energy in his body is already enough, but because he can not break through the bottleneck, he wandered for more than half of his life.

If he hadn't encountered this tree of flames, perhaps he would have only one star and a half in his life.

And the black robe man at the moment, as well.

The value of practicing with this flame tree is far higher than the value of directly consuming it.

Shi Feng naturally does not want to devour this flame tree, but wants to transplant it, if he transplants it into his own blood stone monument ...

Shi Feng was thinking about dealing with this flame tree. Seeing that Shi Feng didn't speak, the Heipao people continued to practice.

At this time, Shi Feng opened his mouth and said to the Heipao people: "I have a piece of mystery, which contains space. I am going to move this flame tree into my space mystery, and you enter my space. Instrument cultivation, how is it? "

For people to enter their own space to practice, this kind of thing must be discussed well.

After all, when you enter another person's space, you must be happy. At this time, it can be said to be extremely dangerous. If that person has a will for himself, he can take the opportunity to wound himself or directly bombard him.

After hearing Shi Feng's voice, the black-robed man sitting in the flame tree, woke up from the practice again, and simply and clearly said: "Yes!"

However, Shi Feng found that the man in the black robe did not have much fluctuation in the mystery of the contained space. It seems that the mystery of the contained space is absolutely extraordinary in the Tianheng continent. Things, but in this wild continent, it should be considered a common thing.

Shi Feng is even thinking that since there are so many demigods in this wild continent, he has seen so many demigods, so there should be ten ranks of demigods.

The tenth-order demigod refiner is in Tianheng Continent, but it only existed in ancient times! Shi Feng really wanted to catch a tenth-level demigod master.

"The mystery in the space, um, it's really convenient to own this! It's just a good place to take away this treasure tree!" However, at this moment, a man's voice suddenly rang above Shi Feng's place.

After hearing this voice, Shi Feng's face suddenly cooled down, his eyes froze slightly, his eyebrows wrinkled tightly, and even a dignified color appeared on his face!

Someone came to his own sky, but he didn't find it at all.

There are two possibilities. Either the visitor is powerful enough to be so invisible to him. Either this person has a wonderful concealment technique, at least, more brilliant than the concealment technique used by the black robe man!

When the sound rang from above, Shi Feng and Heipaoren looked up at the same time.

At this moment, the upper part of the void was boiling more intensely because of the heat of the heavens and the earth, and a row of fuzzy figures appeared in the sky above the Shifeng and Heipaoren.

At a glance, there should be a dozen people!

"Do you know any of these people?" Staring at the row of figures in the sky, Shi Feng whispered, asking the black robe humanely.

"I don't know! But their concealment is much better than mine. I have never heard of such forces in this wilderness, presumably the history must be extraordinary and not careless." The Heipao people replied.

Dozens of blurred figures gradually became clear. Shi Feng saw clearly. There were thirteen people in total. The dress of these thirteen people did not look any different from other people in this wilderness. Some people wore animal skins. Breast exposed.

However, each of them had a black scarf on their faces, as if they were black robes. They didn't want people to see her true face.

However, as the black robe messenger of the wildness, the black robe man had a very beautiful appearance. He didn't want people to see her true face, but he could understand.

But these people, from their body shape, know that they are thirteen men.

"This dress!" Suddenly, Shi Feng's ears sounded the shock of the Heipao people.

"What's wrong with this dress? Except for the black cloth on the face, there is nothing different." Shi Feng said.

"It's the black cloth. In the wild continent, it will be dressed like this, there is only one force, hell!" Said the man in a black robe.

"Hell!" After hearing the name, Shi Feng immediately surprised and asked the black robe humanely: "Slaying power, hell?"

The reason why Shi Feng will be shocked is that Tianheng mainland has a killing power that has been in existence since ancient times, called hell!

Tianheng mainland's **** is the most powerful killing force of Tianheng mainland, none of them!

When Shi Feng was in the city of destiny, he encountered an old man posing as a selling candy gourd and attempted to assassinate. The old man was a killer from hell.

The thirteen people above, in terms of killer dressing, fell into Shi Feng's eyes. Although it was a bit of a nonsense, they were called **** and covered their faces. So soon, Shi Feng thought of Tian Heng's killing power.

Seeing their wonderful concealment method just now, they didn't even sense their arrival. The most important thing for every killer is how to conceal themselves from being detected by prey.

"Have you ever heard of Hell?" Heipao heard the surprised voice of Shi Feng, and then he was surprised.

After hearing the words of the Heipao people, it seems that these **** forces are indeed a killer.

Tianheng continent has a killing power called hell, and this reckless continent's killing power is also called hell! Is there any connection between the two?

(End of this chapter)

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