Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1072: Scrolls of Tianheng Continent!

Chapter 1072 Records the Scrolls of Tianheng Continent!

Looking at the silver scales all over his body, Xiaomi's face was full of panic and fear.

At this time, she spoke again and issued the voice of a middle-aged man: "My son, you don't have to panic. You are the most powerful deity who has awakened my protoss! But my father did not expect that you were born with a silverscale deity , My son, it really is the capital of heaven! "

"Silverscale body ... I ..." Xiaomi heard what he said again, lowered his head and looked at his hands again, murmured.

Then, she said again: "My son, go with my father, return to our Xeon Protoss, and fight the continents with my father and mother! This kind of continent with only humble souls will sooner or later be controlled by our Protoss. These humble Souls, sooner or later, will become slaves of my tribe, and they will only deserve to be slaves of my tribe. "

When Xiaomi said these words in the voice of a middle-aged man, his face was full of pride. Subsequently, Xiaomi's figure slowly rose to midair.


"Protoss? Conquer all continents? This continent with only lowly souls?" When Shi Feng, not far from the sky, heard the words that Xiaomi had previously spoken in that man's voice, his eyebrows locked again.

From his words, Shi Feng learned some information. This remnant soul is a race that claims to be a protoss and considers noble.

They do not belong to this barren continent, and regard the creatures in this barren continent as humble beings.

Regarding the creatures of the Manghuang continent as humble ones, then to what extent is the deity of this remnant soul, or their proud protoss, on which continent they are located?

Has the deity of this remnant soul reached the state of true God?

They fought on various continents. In addition to this wild continent, as well as the Tianheng continent where they once lived, how many continents existed?

What kind of realm can the top continent and the top people achieve?


Not far from Shi Feng, Xiaomi's Jiao's body rose to midair, and she was in front of Shi Feng.

At this moment, in the eyes of everyone in the Manglong clan, this Xiaomi is no longer the Xiaomi they knew in the past, who saw how Xiaomi wanted to leave, who would dare stop her?

Although everyone knows, at this moment, Ms. Lu Shan is unconscious in the arms of the patriarch, her life and death are unknown, and she has no connection with Xiaomi.

"Wait a minute! Dad!" At this moment, Xiaomi suddenly spoke, and with her voice rising, Jiao's body rose, followed by a pause.

Subsequently, Xiaomi slowly turned around and faced Shi Feng in the void not far away.

When Xiaomi looked towards himself, Shi Feng's face suddenly changed, revealing a dignified color.

The girl suddenly stopped looking at herself. What was the purpose?

Shi Feng did not forget that she was held hostage by herself that night. Although she didn't do anything to her and had no deep hatred with her, she just scared her.

But who can guarantee that she will hate herself.

What's more, she is not the weak girl that night, and she has gained great power.

Xiaomi looked at Shi Feng, but then Shi Feng felt that the girl had no intention of killing herself.

Later, Shi Feng saw Xiaomi flip her right hand, and a seemingly broken and very old animal skin scroll appeared in her hands.

"This?" Looking at the scrolls in Xiaomi's hands, Shi Feng faintly guessed.

Is it! Is that it! Record the ancient scroll of Tianheng continent?

If this is really about the ancient scroll of the Tianheng continent, then it is no wonder that the power of his soul has rummaged through the stone room and has not found it.

"And if this is not the scroll, what would it be?" Except for that scroll, Shi Feng couldn't think of anything else.

"This is the scroll I told you that night, here you are!" Xiaomi's hand leaned forward.

But immediately afterwards, Shi Feng saw the young girl Xiaomi, her body flickered suddenly, suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Even Shi Feng's soul power can no longer sense her existence in this world.

It seemed that in the short span of time, she had already left, leaving only that animal skin scroll, which was still in the void.

After one breath, the animal skin scroll trembled and fell down.

Shi Feng's left hand quickly turned into a claw, a suction, the ancient animal skin scrolls, and immediately flew towards his palm, soon he was sucked into the palm of his hand, holding it tightly.

"The way back to Tianheng mainland!" Shi Feng said quietly, looking down at the animal hide scroll in his hand.

After leaving Tianheng for so long, I do n’t know what ’s going on there. I ’ve always been upset, and I ’m not sure if something really bad happened there.

The power of Shi Feng's soul was released, and the words recorded in the broken animal skin scrolls quickly flashed through Shi Feng's mind.

These characters are the traditional characters in the Mang continent. Like the characters in the ancient Tianheng continent, Shi Feng has no dyslexia at all.

"That's right! It's the scroll that records Tianheng's continent!"

"This wild land was once inadvertently entered into the Tianheng continent."

"The abyss of sin!"

It is recorded in the animal skin scroll that one person accidentally entered the Tianheng continent from a place called the abyss of sin!

After that are some of his descriptions and experiences in the Tianheng continent. For those, Shi Feng has no interest at all.

What he wants is the place called the abyss of sin!

In the abyss of sin, there is a forest called the sinful forest, and that person is the Tianheng continent that entered the sinful forest.

"Yan Shan! You wake up! Wake up!" And just then, a cry of sorrow came from below.

"Huh?" After hearing that roar, Shi Feng looked down and threw the animal skin scroll into the storage ring.

The scream of grief was the python of the python dragon's patriarch, who yelled at the daughter in his arms.

Wu Shan was in a coma at this moment, she didn't know her life or death, but from the roar of the python, she could not hear her condition.

Shi Feng's soul power swept down, and he soon discovered that this sloppy flesh was wounded. Fortunately, their python dragon specializes in flesh. The flesh is tougher than the warriors in the same realm.

Injured by ordinary people like this, presumably already dead, this aunty, did not die!

Although she did not die, she only hung up in one breath. If she continued to do so, she would die sooner or later.

Listening to the yell of the python dragon tribe just now, it seems that his injuries to his daughter have been powerless.

"This girl is quite polite to herself. Now that you meet, save her life! By the way, ask them where the evil abyss is." Shi Feng looked down at Wu Shan in the boa's bosom below, and said quietly. .

Followed, Shi Feng's figure landed towards the python below.

(End of this chapter)

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