Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1073: Ben is not counting on you

Chapter 1073: I Don't Expect You

The body is facing the stone maple falling in the stone house group below, and above the right palm, a forest white rune has emerged. This rune is the ancient text representing the law of life.

Running this ancient word of life from ancient times, and motivated by her own power today, Shi Feng is very confident and can maintain the girl's life.

Soon, Shi Feng's figure fluttered down and landed in front of the python, looking at the sad python, and then looking down at the beautiful girl in his arms.

Although Wu Shan was unconscious at this moment, she still kept the expression of extreme pain on that beautiful white face.

The python's hair was all white, and there was only such a daughter in this life, which has always been regarded as the flesh of heart. At this moment, his heart is at stake, how can he not feel heartache!

Shi Feng said calmly, and said to the python: "She was seriously injured. Since you have no cure for her, let's start with Ben Shao."

"You!" After hearing Shi Feng's voice, the python was startled, then looked away from her daughter, slowly raised her head, and looked at Shi Feng.

Seeing this name, the mysterious boy who was born suddenly in this wilderness, the boa constrictor suddenly caught the life-saving straw, and quickly said to him:

"Can you really save my Shaner? If you can save my Shaner, as long as you have any conditions, I will promise you. I can even pass the position of the python dragon patriarch to you immediately!"

"Clan ... Patriarch!"


The last words of the mandarin duck to Shi Feng came out, everyone of the manglong tribe was shocked and shouted.

The position of the python dragon patriarch is high, and the python dragon people dare not follow! How can it be easily passed on to such an outsider.

Mangyu ignored the other members of Manglong, and his face was full of perseverance and seriousness. His gaze kept on Shi Feng's face, waiting for his reply.

Followed by, the python said: "Not only is the position of my patriarch, as long as you can save Shaner, I will match Shaner to you!"

When the python dragon patriarch uttered this sentence, among the python dragon tribes, especially those young men, they looked at the boy with envy.

Wu Shan, how many men's dreams! For many nights, I was thinking about such a wonderful person falling asleep.

Many people are really anxious. They used to practice some healing techniques. They may be able to cure Miss Shan Shan and hug her wonderful body.

However, when Shi Feng heard the words of the python, he was blindfolded and stared at the python with a puzzled expression, saying: "When did Ben Young say that he wants you to be a patriarch? Daughter? "

For the leader of the python dragon tribe! For many men of the Manglong tribe, and even the goddess in the eyes of many men in the entire wilderness, Shi Feng has no interest at all.

"This ..." Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, the python head of the python dragon clan strayed there for a while, not knowing what to say.

His high, sacred and inviolable patriarch's position was even described by him as "what kind of patriarch's position". This ... it can be said that it was an insult to his boa constrictor and even the entire boaurosaur.

But insult it! Even though the mandarin duck is uncomfortable in his heart, how dare he attack in the face of this killing god.

Isn't that self-dead?

"Why, don't you step back? Don't you want your daughter to survive?" Just then, Shi Feng said to Boa again.

"No! Naturally not! Please take your help! Thank you very much!" Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, the mandarin duck quickly spoke.

Followed forward with both hands, handed the beautiful Jiao Shan to Shi Feng.

Shi Feng reached out with his left hand, and dragged the back of Wu Shan, who was passed by the python, and then moved slightly, under a gentle force, Su Shan levitated above his palm.

Then, Shi Feng patted her right palm towards Wu Shan and patted it on her arm.

The ancient rune representing the law of life was immediately shot into Shi Shan's body by Shi Feng. Suddenly, a strong breath of life rose immediately in Shan Shan's body.

"Shaner!" Feeling the breath of life rising from Bian Shan, the whole person who was tight in the python was relaxed.

At this moment, he was afraid that it would affect the boy's healing of his daughter, and his figure slowly retreated toward the rear.

Under this strong force of life, there should be nothing wrong with his heart.

Then, the mana python turned his gaze on the mysterious boy again, and secretly said in his heart: In a short time, he had a powerful force that I couldn't even reach from the realm of Jiuxing Emperor, and certainly had an extraordinary adventure.

He should have entered the remains of an ancestor. It seems that this magical healing technique is also obtained from that ruin.

What kind of treasure is that ruin? Let him achieve this at a young age. Why I have never encountered such a good thing.

Looking at Shi Feng's python, envious in his heart.

As a warrior, who doesn't want to encounter an adventure, then fly into the sky!

It is said that Taig Yin, the hegemon of the overwhelming mountains, was born with ordinary life. But when he was young, he was taken care of by the heavens, and he met again and again, and now he has the status of today.

The powerful Tianlong patriarch, Long Hou, heard that when he was young, his talent was also extremely mediocre. He had nine brothers, all of whom wanted to compete for the position of Tianlong patriarch.

But once, I do n’t know what the Dragon Hou brought back from the outside. From then on, the Dragon Hou's realm is constantly breaking through, stepping on all his brothers, and achieving the supreme patriarch of the Tianlong tribe.


Under the healing of the ancient script that represents the law of life, Wu Shan's wounds are gradually recovering.

The pale complexion that had previously looked pale now gradually turned rosy. In this glamorous face, the color of pain has disappeared, restoring tranquility and elegance.

At this moment, Wu Shan looks like a peaceful sleeping beauty.

And at this moment, Shi Feng withdrew the power of life that entered into Shan Shan. The ancient rune representing the law of life disappeared in Shan Shan, and Shan Shan's tender body slowly drifted towards the python.胥 over there.

The boa constrictor stretched out her hands, catching the daughter who came over, feeling the breath of her daughter at the moment, the heart hanging from the boa constrictor was completely put down.

Although Wu Shan was not completely cured, the situation today is no longer life-threatening. As long as the injury is raised for a while, it will not be a big deal.

"Thank you! Thank you very much! From now on, as long as you have any orders, even if you speak! As long as my python dragon can help, I will do my best to do it." Looking at the stone maple not far away, Mana Thanks gratefully on his face.

"Forget it! Just because of your weak python dragon family, Ben Ben doesn't expect you to be of any help." Hearing the words of the python, looking at the python that was grateful and serious, Shi Feng said truthfully.

(End of this chapter)

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