Chapter 1095: Unreconciled

The flame pangolin with the state of Samsung Demigod was blasted by a thirst and turned into a thousand fire groups.

One of them looked like flame-like spar, exuding the bright light of fire, which was extremely dazzling.

Seeing this flame spar, even if the fire spin is sensed, it contains the pure energy in it.

"Flame God Stone!" Huyu suddenly exclaimed, followed by ecstasy on her face.

The fiery figure immediately came to the flame spar, reached out his right hand, grabbed the flame spar in his hand, and sensed the power of the hot flame.

The flame **** stone is a superb spar produced in an extremely hot place. It can make this ecstatic face appear on the sacred child of the flame holy place and the demigod face of Samsung Demigod. Precious and rare.

The flame **** stone, which contains the strong and pure flame power, is definitely a rare and unique treasure for the craving of fire.

Unexpectedly, the flame monster that killed this Samsung demigod also appeared a flame **** stone.

However, after the desire for fire, he immediately realized his current situation, turned around, and looked at the "devil".

as expected! "Ah!" Huoyu sighed in his heart. He saw the eyes of the "devil" at this moment, still staring at himself.

It seems that he has been paying attention to this flame **** stone from now on. It seems impossible to own a flame **** stone!

"Damn greedy man! This monster was originally killed by the Son, and this flame **** stone should be owned by the Son! Ah!"

Fire desire roared unwillingly in his heart, and his heart was full of helplessness.

The left hand quietly clenched his fist and raised his fist of hatred.

I didn't expect that I had fallen to this point.

The fiery figure flickered away, and quickly moved towards the midair where Shi Feng and the four snakes were.

"嗷! 嗷! 嗷! 嗷!" The flame pangolin was destroyed, and under the violent attack of the four big snakes, one raging flame monster was constantly being destroyed.

"Master!" On the big yellow snake, a red figure flashed in front of Shi Feng, returning with fire in a red uniform.

Then, the heart of fiery desire was filled with reluctance and helplessness, and handed the flame **** stone in hand to Shi Feng.

At this moment, the left fist became tighter and tighter.

At this moment of passing to the flame **** stone, the heart full of grievances still appeared.

Think about who you are. Now you have to hand over the loot from killing a monster!

Shi Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed the human head-sized flame **** stone that was delivered by the desire for fire. He sensed the power of the flame and nodded his head with satisfaction and said:

"This flame treasure is good! The credit you received this time will be recorded by Ben Shao, and you will continue to do well in the future. As long as you sincerely do things for Ben Shao, Ben Shao will not treat you badly."

The desire to fire directly ignored this "devil" sentence.

If you don't treat me badly, give me this flame **** stone!

You give me!

Of course, these words of fire are only dared to speak in their hearts and grumble in their hearts.

His face was still very honest, and he responded to Shi Feng: "Well, master, I will!"

"Ah!" The man in black robe next to him, seeing the Tianjiao figure who is famous throughout the barren continent, turned into this stubborn look, and sighed secretly.

This man can do a good job of subduing this arrogance into this pair.

Under the powerful attack of the four big snakes, all the raging flame monsters have been swept away.

Shi Feng had no other gains except the flame **** stone that burst from the pangolin.

The flame **** stone has been placed in the storage ring by Shi Feng.

Shi Feng's heart was really satisfied to get the flame **** stone. Now he still has the unused anger demon lotus, and the yellow bead, plus this flame **** stone, has entered the two stars and gods Samsung, prepared a lot!

The power of Shi Feng's soul has once again spread out in all directions towards this flaming land, and then she moved with her heart.


The four big snakes under him once again sent out a raging rage, and under the thought of Shi Feng, they rushed forward fiercely and fiercely.

And just when the four big snakes flew out not long, there were waves of flame monsters coming from all directions.

These surging flame monsters have been in Shi Feng's induction, and Shi Feng's face is still indifferent.

The flame monsters that are surging at this moment are the highest in the realm of two stars and demigods. The four big snakes are enough to cope.

In the mouths of the four big snakes, four powerful energies are already condensing.

Shi Feng's gaze was still looking forward, and he asked Huoyu beside him: "You are also from the Yan tribe, this fire cave?"

"Yes." Hearing Shi Feng's question, he nodded fiercely.

Followed by his answer to make Shi Feng more satisfied, he also said, "In order to enter the realm of four stars and demigods, I have been training abroad. Some time ago, I entered this mountainous wilderness, and I heard people say that it is dangerous The place is called the Flame Cave, so come and see. "

After listening to the fire, Shi Feng nodded slowly.

"嗷! 嗷! 嗷! 嗷!" The four big snakes were still roaring at this moment. In this space where several people of Shi Feng are located, the flame monsters have gathered more and more. At a time, this space is all Become extremely confused.

"You shoot together, we speed up!" Shi Feng said to the fire with a commanded tone.

Huoyu heard the words that commanded her, although it was extremely harsh and uncomfortable in her ears, the words were like commanding a low-ranking thug, but Huoyu still had to answer: "Yes! "

After the answer, the fiery figure flickered again, and the flame monster rushing forward.

Soon, the fire desire joined the battle, constantly launching violent fire attacks, killing the surging fire monsters.

The four-headed snake with the stone maple and the black robe was still a flame monster sweeping the way while rushing forward.

And at this moment, Shi Feng's soul power suddenly felt, in the direction of his right, there was a flame monster reaching the realm of Samsung Demigod.

According to their distance from the flame monster, they can avoid it completely. However, remembering the flame **** stone obtained earlier, Shi Feng quickly controlled the four large snakes and killed them to the right.

Followed the opening, and commanded the urge to enter the group of flame monsters, which was killing the flame monsters, "Go to the right!"

(End of this chapter)

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