Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1096: Mysterious man in flame armor

Chapter 1096: The Mysterious Man in Flame Armor

In the group of flame monsters, the fire desire to continuously launch violent attacks, angrily raging flame monsters.

Fire desire at this moment has vented all the grievances and anger in his heart to these flame monsters.

Looking at these monsters, it was as if I saw the "devil", and he was violently blown out, as if he had killed the "devil" fiercely.

Then kill the "devil" relatives, all those who are related to the "devil".

"Kill!" Fire now had red eyes at those flame monsters, his fists kept blasting out, and violent flames continued to burst from him, raging in all directions, killing one flame monster after another.

But at this moment, the desire to hear another command-like words: "Go to the right!"

Hearing this familiar voice, listening to the extremely harsh sound in the ears of fire, then the fire slowly returned to God.

Then slayed towards the right.

"Ahhhh! Kill! Kill!"

Killing all the way all the way to the right, soon, a human-like, but extremely huge flame monster appeared in Shi Feng's eyes.

"Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!" The approach of the four-headed serpent to Shi Feng and others was felt. The fire giant, despite its humanoid shape, roared like a giant beast.

The huge flame fist took hold, and punched angrily at Shi Feng and the four big snakes under him.

"Oh!" At this moment, the four big snakes also exasperated, and the four-colored snake tail underneath shone with a bright four-color halo, suddenly swinging, and beating towards the flame punch.



The roar of the fierce violent collision first sounded, followed by that, and the flame giant yelled again.

Under the powerful power of the four-colored snake tail, he was pumped fiercely by the four-colored snake tail sparkling with the four-color light, just like the previous flame pangolin.

Although this flame giant is a powerful Samsung demigod flame monster, the four-headed serpent united all its strength and launched a blow with four-colored snake tail, which is comparable to the Samsung demigod and launched a demigod of Samsung demigod.

Just like Shi Feng at the beginning, he trained in the realm of nine-star emperor to become a one-star demigod combat skill, and he can fight with one-star demigod.

And when Shi Feng stepped into a star demigod, killing a demigod with a sword in the void can be easily killed.

The flame giant was pumped away, and the energy of the four-colored snake tail had condensed again, and it was quickly chasing towards the flame giant.

At this moment, the four-colored snake tail was like a long sword with a flying spike, and a sword suddenly pierced the heart of the flame giant.

"Roar!" An extremely loud roar sounded from the flame giant's mouth.

Immediately afterwards, the giant body of the flame giant suddenly collapsed and turned into thousands of fireballs. It was extremely gorgeous and sprinkled densely.

And the power of Shi Feng's soul at this moment has condensed on a flame spar the size of a skull, just another flame **** stone!

The flame **** stone exudes a bright flame.

"It seems that the flame spar was indeed killed by killing the flame monster who reached the Samsung Demigod." Shi Feng looked up and murmured gazing at the flame spar.

Today, the flame giant of Samsung Demigod also broke out this flame **** stone, Shi Feng didn't even want to let go of this place of flame and reach the flame monsters of Samsung Demigod.

At this moment, the four-colored snake tail scrolled towards the sky, had rolled the flame **** stone, and then slowly dropped, the snake tail curled up in front of Shi Feng.

Shi Feng reached out, grabbed this flame **** stone, and put it into the storage ring.

At this moment, the flame monsters in this space may be deeply frightened by the destruction of the flame giants or by the power of the four big snakes and fiery lust, and they have started to retreat quickly.

Soon it started to go back like a tide.

"Drink!" The raging fire sent out a raging rage, and once again, the raging flames erupted, such as billowing fire waves, toward a wave of receding flames, and quickly swept over, and soon the wave of flames The goblin is devoured and destroyed in the flames!

The violent flames sweeping around Huoyu's body slowly disappeared, and his figure appeared again. At this time, the fire's lust, eyes had gathered on that "devil".

Huoyu saw it just now. After the four demon spirit pets under the "devil" killed the flame giant, another flame **** stone burst out.

And the flame **** stone was collected by that "devil" again.

"Selfish! It's too selfish! Now that I have two flame **** stones, I can't bear to give this one!

How hard it is for Ben Shengzi to kill monsters here! And he actually ... "

Huoyu had some regrets at the moment, and regret did not enter this second layer earlier.

If you enter this second floor, you might have found out that the Samsung Demigod monster will burst out of the flame **** stone, maybe you have a lot of flame **** stones now.

If you enter this second floor early, you may not meet this "devil", if you do not meet this "devil", then you are still a free body, or the Son of Fire in the Holy Land.

When the fire desires to regret it, it is hatred in the heart, all blame the person wearing the flame armor at the beginning.

He couldn't go anywhere, but at the entrance of the hole, so that he saw him, and quickly exited the second floor and returned to the passage, causing himself to fall into such a situation now.

"Animals and animals, I blame you! If one day, I will meet you after I become incredibly powerful, I must make you look good!"

Huoyu said in her heart that she had already hated the strong man wearing the flame armor.

Then the flesh flickered and disappeared.

Shi Feng watched the flame monster group recede. This piece of flame suddenly became an empty world of flames. The power of the soul swept out in all directions again.

Obtained two flame **** stones, Shi Feng once again began to search for the flame monster reaching the Samsung demi-god realm.

Just then, the fiery figure flashed beside Shi Feng, and he had returned.

Shi Feng once again controlled the four big snakes and began to move forward quickly.

Shi Feng's current journey is to start exploring the road and enter this strange and vast world of flames. They don't know where to enter the next floor, or whether there is the next floor. These can only depend on themselves. Go explore.

Shi Feng's soul power has been afraid to relax his vigilance while searching for the flame monster of Samsung Demigod Realm.

As I said just now, this is a strange world of flames. Now they have encountered two flame spirits of Samsung Demigod, but who knows if there is any stronger here, which has reached a four-star and a half-god, or a five-star and a half Divine Realm, even higher realm monsters.

And Shi Feng also learned from this fiery mouth that in this layer of flames, he met a strong man wearing a flame armor, which made him feel daunted.

Powerful to unimaginable!

(End of this chapter)

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