Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1099: Giant frogs top!

Chapter 1099: Giant Frogs Peak!

Thousands of golden sword-mansions, each one exuding a strong breath and killing intention, moved in unison, killing together towards the flame god.

"Yan! Violent!" The Fire Lord issued a simple and rough roar!

At the same time, the Great Sword of Flame in the hands of the Lord of Flames pointed at Changtian.

At this moment, the flame god's body produced a violent flame blast, a powerful blasting force, centering on him, swept madly in all directions.

Thousands of golden sword-mansions were immediately blasted with the blasting flame.

For a time, the battlefield in front of Shi Feng and others became extremely violent and chaotic.

Watching the force of rage still sweeping rapidly in all directions, was stricken, Shi Feng quickly manipulated the four snakes underneath to retreat!

This explosive force was much stronger and more violent than the flame sword that the Fire Lord had previously split.

If you wait until it really rages, and you plan to escape, you will regret it!

The four-headed snake continued to move backwards rapidly, and after a long distance, it suddenly stopped the huge snake body.

Although the four-headed serpent has been moving backwards rapidly, the eyes of several people in Shi Feng are still condensed on the violent battlefield.

The flames blasted by the Lord of Flames swept in all directions. At this moment, even the original golden sword-mansions that were pervasive and invincible disappeared under the blasting flames.

This Xiaomi attacked with a true God of War weapon. At this moment, it seems that the Flame Lord is even better.


Shi Feng and others found that Xiaomi and the golden giant frog under her disappeared.

As if suddenly evaporating from this place of fire, even Shi Feng's keen soul's power can no longer be sensed.

Shi Feng couldn't sense it, but the flame **** had already sensed where they were going. The flame center of the explosion, the flame sword in his hand, once again stabbed with a sword to break the sky.

Suddenly, like a volcanic eruption, an unparalleled power of heaven and earth pervaded, and a magma that could burn everything, burst into a flame like a fire dragon.

"Huh! Lord of Flames! You are not destined to stop my son from returning to the land of my god, haha, hahahaha!" And at this moment, a conspiracy-like laughter sounded above the Lord of Flames.

The huge golden frog appeared on the flame **** prince and the rising magma. In addition to the golden frog, there was Xiaomi standing proudly on the back of the golden frog and holding a golden magic sword.

At this moment Xiaomi's face covered with silver scales, full of sneer, said: "Go Jinyu, in order to let my son return to the land of God, your death is worth it!"

When Xiaomi was talking, the golden sword in his hand waved again, and a golden sword-shaped mane like a giant pillar was chopped out by Xiaomi's sword and blasted towards the fire dragon magma that rushed up.

"Boom!" Two powerful forces slammed into each other, and the space in this fiery land immediately trembled.

Even Shi Feng, who avoided the distance, felt that the whole world was shaking.

"Oh!" And at this moment, a giant frog howled violently, ringing through the whole space.

Immediately after that, an extremely powerful momentum rose from the body of the golden frog, and it seemed that the golden frog suddenly turned upside down at this moment.

At this moment, its momentum can be compared with the flame **** below.

Then, the huge golden body of the golden frog suddenly moved and fell down!

The golden frog's huge body fell, and Xiaomi's figure was motionless. The suspended void looked down, and the golden sword in his hand continued to burst into a strong golden swordman's face.

"This weird frog has burned its destiny, and is determined to fight with that flame god?" Shi Feng said, looking at the state of the golden frog at the moment.

The giant frogs covered with golden scales, as if Mount Tai were pressing on top, plunged downwards.

The magma of the flame **** monstrous outbreak originally had the upper hand with the golden swordman bombardment, but at this moment the golden weird frog joined, pressing down with its huge golden body, and the giant frog followed and suppressed the soaring sky. The rising magma was pressed against the Flame Lord.

"Has the victory been divided?" Shi Feng murmured as he watched the golden frog burn his virgin essence, exempt his life, and his life-threatening fighting method, coupled with the assist of Xiaomi, who held a true sword.

Just then, I saw that giant frog's huge body was about to hit the Flame Lord, and the Flame Lord immediately burst into a burst of drink: "Drink!"

With a shout, more violent power rose from him! For his existence, the power seems to be endless!

But when the Lord of Flames burst into drink, and just when the amount of violent violence rose, the giant frog that was pressing down suddenly made a hissing and exhausting, yet painful roar: "Oh!"

Its entire body suddenly swelled, swollen half full, and the frog's face fell into the frog's body.

The giant frog shone with a dazzling golden light, like a little sun.

"Boom!" The giant frog called by Xiaomi as a golden eagle, with a huge body, suddenly exploded at this moment. In that world, it produced a strong force of self-explosion!

The giant frog blew himself up!

That battlefield suddenly became more violent, powerful energy raging wildly, as if to devour everything and destroy everything.

Even the flame prince who had just risen with more powerful power and the body burning with flames were immediately drowned by the violent energy generated by the golden giant frog's self-explosion, and disappeared into the sight of Shi Feng and others.

"Haha! Hahahaha!" Xiaomi, proud of the sky, laughed proudly, and her body was in a violent self-explosive energy. The golden sword in her hand shone with bright golden light, which made her whole body bathed in golden light. Here, help her resist the violent energy around her.

"Flame Lord, the God said that you can no longer stop my son from returning to the land of my God. This time God will let you go for the time being! When the God comes to your lower continent again, it will be the death period of your Fire Lord! "Xiaomi yelled at the cold voice below, at the same time, her shape suddenly rushed down, and rushed into the more violent energy center below.

Like the flame god, disappeared in the sight of Shi Feng and others.

"Sister's!" In the distance, Shi Feng scolded in his heart, full of pity!

That powerful golden weird frog exploded, and the energy it generated was too strong. Its soul, blood, instantly turned into gray under that self-explosive energy.

Even the power of death was destroyed by the power of self-detonation at the moment it was produced.

Originally, Shi Feng also planned to capture the powerful power of death and take the opportunity to break through. Entering into the two-star demigod, he would devour the power of death.

Who knows what happened?

(End of this chapter)

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