Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1100: Ancient Mang Continent

Chapter 1100: Ancient Mang Continent

"Ah! Damn it!"

An extremely angry roar sounded from the violent self-explosive energy center.

This voice is exactly the voice of the Lord of Fire.

It seems that although the Lord of Flames was overwhelmed by the violent self-explosive power of the giant frog, the powerful him did not die.

At this moment, under the roar of the Lord of Flame, the violent and explosive force of the sky and earth began to quickly disperse.

A flame god, like a flame **** of war, wearing a flame **** sword, gradually reappearing.

At this moment, the flames of the Flame Lord were burning fiercely, beating madly, and their faces were full of anger facing the approximately three-foot-long space gap.

It seems that Xiaomi took advantage of the giant frog's self-detonation to generate a powerful blasting force, and took the opportunity to enter the gap in this space and return to their **** land!

The battle has ended. Looking at this battle, the original Shi Feng was hurt by both defeats. He took the opportunity to pick up cheap thoughts. Now seeing such an ending, Shi Feng hastened his thoughts and did not want to stay in this dangerous place anymore. .

Under Shi Feng's mind, the four snakes under him, the huge snake body turned around immediately.

But at this moment, glaring at the flame **** in the gap in the space, he suddenly turned around and looked at Shi Feng and others.

Shi Feng instantly sensed an immensely hot, powerful momentum that made her unable to compete at all, instantly covering herself.

Not only Shi Feng, but also the black-robed people, the fire, and the four-headed snake under them all felt the same.

"Eh! Hey!" Under the momentum, the four big snakes couldn't help but send out a big cymbal, and the voice was full of fear.

Immediately following, the giant snake flickered quickly and moved quickly!

But at this moment, a few people in Shi Feng only felt a hot breath appearing in front of them, coming to their faces!

Immediately afterwards, in the void in front of them, a fiery flame burned, and the majestic power appeared like a flame of war.

It is that flame god! Blocked the way of Shi Feng several people.

The four large snakes moving quickly saw the flame lord in front, and made a short pause!

It, where dare to continue to move forward, and hit the flame god!

It stopped abruptly, and that was the fear of powerful soul instincts.

"Eh! Heh!" The four-headed snake roared again with restlessness and uneasiness.

Shi Feng looked at the powerful flame prince in front of him and said, "Prince, we just entered this place unintentionally, and there is no malicious intention!"

"Malicious?" Hearing Shi Feng's words "malicious", the flames of the Lord of God roused, showing a disdainful sneer.

Followed by, the Lord of Flames spoke again, proudly saying: "This seat is going to kill you, like killing ants, and you dare not be malicious to this seat!

I ask you, what is the strength of the strongest man in the barren continent? "

"Nine-star demigod!" Huo blurted after hearing the words of Flame Lord.

"What! Our strongest man in the barren continent is only in the nine-star demigod?" And when the flame **** heard the words of fire, the mighty face changed immediately.

Jiuxing Demigod Realm! It is the strongest realm in the wild continent now! But from the mouth of this flame god, it is only the nine-star demigod.

From the words of the flame god, several people in Shi Feng have been certain that this flame **** should not be a person of this era at all.

He said here, there have been endless years to guard this rift in the space, and they did not know how long the endless years were originally.

Now it seems that it should be ancient! Only in the legendary ancient times can there be a legendary true god.

Only "nine stars and demigods" will be used to describe the present era.

At this time, Shi Feng opened her mouth and said to the Lord of Fire: "Yes, the lord! The real **** state of the reckless continent is only spread in ancient legends! Now no one on our continent can break through to the **** state. "

After hearing the words of Shi Feng beside him, the man in black robe turned his face to look at him, and said, "You, a man of the Tianheng continent, even call us a barren continent!"

"I didn't expect it! The souls of our barren continent have fallen into such a state! Sad! What a shame! How powerful our former barren continent is. No wonder the protoss who just called us the barren continent , A low-level continent! "

When the Lord of Flames spoke, a sadness appeared on his face.

Seeing such a flame god, Shi Feng and others just calmed down.

It seems that the Flame Lord was fierce just now, it was fierce to that foreigner.

"Secretary, do you know what happened to our reckless continent that year? Why don't you see the gods and creatures now!" Shi Feng asked the Flame Lord.

This question is a question that Shi Feng has been pursuing in his past or present life.

The state of the true God can be said to have reached an immortal state. Without external forces, the gods cannot be destroyed.

But who can destroy God?

But nowadays, nothing is left about the myths about the gods.

In the Tianheng continent where they are located, although people consider demigods to be true gods, Shi Feng passes through this wild continent, plus ancient books that have been viewed.

He is convinced that there was also a real deity in Tianheng's past.

Hearing Shi Feng's words, the Flame Lord turned cold and replied coldly: "All of this must be related to the race that claims to be a protoss!"

"A tribe that claims to be a protoss? Is that the same person just now?" Shi Feng said again, asking the Lord of Fire.

"That's right!" When the flame **** talked about the protoss, his face was cold. Followed the road:

"This is an extremely belligerent, extremely brutal, and extremely powerful race! Many, many years ago, they invaded our reckless continent! In our reckless continent, an unprecedented war broke out! And that space gap!"

The flame prince said, pointing to the rift in the distance about three feet long, saying:

"That rift in space is one of the passages that their protoss opened up to our barren continent. After we discovered it, I accepted this mission. This life guards this passage and prevents those from the protoss from entering!

I didn't expect that I would be endless years! It is even more unexpected that our most powerful warrior in the wild continent is now only in Jiuxing Demigod, hey! "

"So, you haven't left here after guarding this place. As for the reason for the deities of our reckless continent disappearing, you just guess that it is related to that protoss?"

At this time, Shi Feng opened her mouth again, and asked the Lord of the Flames the words of the Lord of the Flames.

(End of this chapter)

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