Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1141: Snow mountain

Chapter 1141: Snow Mountain

One person died and was buried with the whole soul of the Great Wild! It's no surprise that these overbearing words roar out of Han Wei's mouth!

With the power of the Han family, it was easy to destroy the entire ice and snow wasteland.

The creatures of the ice and snow wasteland did not know that a fierce killing was approaching them!

Shi Feng also didn't know. After killing Han Xiao, the picture of killing him has been seen by Han Wei, the head of the Han family.


Shi Feng is still proudly standing on the fast-moving four-headed snake. Think of the white-haired old man in front of him. When speaking of their origins, Shi Feng was so terrified that when Shi Feng thought, his voice was immediately on fire The space where I want to sound:

"Do you know a power called Han?"

"Han family?" Hearing Shi Feng's voice and hearing the words Han family, the fiery face changed slightly, looking a little serious, and asked, "Han family! Which Han family are you talking about?" "

In fact, the fire desire also asked such a subconsciously. When he asked it, he already knew in his heart which devil was talking about which Han family.

In the wild wilderness, in addition to that family, which family dare to call themselves the Han family! Even if all the family members were named Han, they couldn't be called like that.

"The owner of their house seems to be called Han Wei! But I can see from the expression on your face now that this Han family should not be simple anymore." Fire desire, but the Holy Son of the Flame Holy Place, can move him, It must be extraordinary.

"This is an ancient force that is not weaker than our sacred place of fire! Throughout the reckless continent, it is a peak existence!" Huoyu said, saying.

In fact, you don't need to say it like that, Shi Feng almost guessed from the look on his face just now.

Followed by, the desire for fire seemed like something, and asked, "Boss, what do you ask Han's family? Could you meet the Han family's people and kill them?"

Just now the two of them were outside in the snow and ice world, and later they basically killed when they saw someone. Now that he is aware of martial arts in this mysterious space, this fierce "demon" should be his own killing at this moment.

This desperate "devil" personally took the **** slaughter. It is estimated that the outside world of ice and snow has now been stained with blood red, with a strong **** smell.

In the fiery mind, there was even a corpse of blood, a scene of **** on earth, among which there were several miserable corpses that belonged to the Han family.

"It did kill the two Han people." Shi Feng replied when he heard the fire.

Huoyu just wanted to ask this "demon" who knew who killed Han's family, and Shi Feng's voice echoed again in this boundless space: "The one I killed was heard by Han's family owner. A grandson. "

"What! A grandson of the Han family's owner!" Hearing the words of Shi Feng, exasperation followed. Followed and exclaimed:

"The Han family's owner, Han Wei, has only such a grandson! Boss! You even killed Han Xiao, the waste, that is Han Wei's lifeblood! Now, Han Wei will definitely find you desperately!

On Han Xiao's body, there must be a secret method for Han Wei to show. As soon as he dies, the scene before his death will be seen by Han Wei! The secret method that Huoyu said was once applied to him by the Holy Place of Fire.

To cast this secret method, the caster also needs to pay some price. Generally, the major forces will cast their descendants.

"Oh, right?" Shi Feng still responded indifferently after hearing the words of fire. From his voice, it seemed that it was a sparse and ordinary thing to kill that Han Wei's only grandson.

"Here! Is he listening to me right now?" Hearing Shi Feng still had nothing to do with him, and he was angry in his heart.

Followed by lust, suddenly said: What happened to me? When did I care so much about this "devil"! If he was killed by Han Wei, wouldn't it be what I want!

Han family! Goue Mountain! Now that these two powerful forces are chasing him, the hope of his death is one more point! And if this "devil" died, then I would not be free again!

Thinking of this, Huyu's heart suddenly became clear! The idea is clear, and even the realm in the realm has stepped up to a great order!

"Haha, okay! It won't be long before this prince should be able to break through! And after that demon's death, this magical treasure tree will also be owned by the priest! Uemoto's heavenly resources will definitely be able to step into the apex of the demigod in the future! Pride the whole world! "


Shi Feng also casually asked how the Han family did not expect, it turned out to be such a powerful force.

Original Gueshan Tracking! According to the mysterious method said by Huoyu, it must not be too long, that Han family should come to kill themselves!

Two top ancient forces!

Gradually, the four big snakes under Shi Feng had flew out of the endless snowfield ice field, and entered the endless iceberg below.

This area, according to the corresponding on the map, should be the snow mountain.

But at the moment Shi Feng entered the snow-capped mountains, suddenly, his heart rose with anxiety, and Shi Feng's brow gradually wrinkled, revealing the dignified color.

Snow and ice mountains often have snow beasts. However, it is marked on the animal skin map. The strongest snow beast in the snow-covered mountain range is just a six-eyed snow toad of the first order!

However, if it really is a big demon of Samsung demigod, Shi Feng's heart can't rise to this feeling.

This mountain of ice and snow is another danger!

Shi Feng looked down, staring at the ice and snow peaks that were connected together, and a fierce snow beast in the mountain reflected in Shi Feng's eyes.

The power of Shi Feng's soul has swept down towards the snow-capped mountains below.

The realm of these snow beasts is strong or weak, but the strongest Samsung demigod, the six-eyed snow toad stone maple, has not been seen yet, presumably as the demon king of this snow mountain, it will not appear so easily.

Shi Feng now sees the strongest, but it is only a few first-class demon gods.

But the four big snakes flew by. Under the mighty and mighty momentum of the four big snakes, the snow beasts below, including the one-star demigod big demon seen by Shi Feng, instinctively fleeed crazy!

"嗷! 嗷! 嗷! 嗷!" The four serpents roared at the snow and ice mountains below, and the snow beasts rushed, and the area below them suddenly became confused.

However, since Shi Feng's feeling of uneasiness rose, she has not relaxed her vigilance, she has always been a solemn look. My heart secretly said: "What is that feeling? What made me feel uneasy!"

This uneasy feeling was Shi Feng's martial arts instinct.

Shi Feng martial arts keen intuition, never made a mistake. My heart is upset, then what must be bad for him is about to happen!

(End of this chapter)

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