Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1142: Ugly and strange

Chapter 1142: Ugly Eight Monsters Take Over


Between the ice and snow, the rage of fierce beasts echoed continuously.

However, Shi Feng's howl to these monsters was not at all concerned.

The uneasiness in his heart did not originate from these monsters.

"Looks like I've been followed!" Shi Feng murmured secretly.

It's definitely not easy to follow him. Even the power of his soul could not be sensed.

"Did it come from the strong man of Gu'ershan?" Shi Feng said secretly in his heart, and his soul continued to sweep in all directions, but as before, there were no characters who made him feel dangerous.

But the more this happened, the more Shi Feng dare not care.

The reason why Shi Feng thinks it is Gu'ershan! Because the people of the Han family should not have arrived so soon.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Shi Feng frowned suddenly, he immediately sensed that the void behind him had a slight fluctuation just now.

"Get out of Ben!" At this moment, Shi Feng drank suddenly, condensed the sword finger in his right hand, held it high, and a huge forest white sword emerged at Shi Feng's fingertips, and then followed the action of Shi Feng, The void behind him slammed down.

"Boom!" The violent slashing caused a violent rumbling in the space, and the violent snowstorm whistling between heaven and earth was shaken into nothingness under that force.

Mori's white sword collapsed, but Shi Feng's face became more dignified, and his blow was completely empty!

In other words, the person just appeared behind him, but when he launched the attack, he moved away at a speed that he couldn't capture at all.

At this moment, it disappeared into my own perception!

Although Shi Feng's soul power is still sweeping in all directions, it is still the same as before.

Who the **** is this!

Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng gave a cold drink: "What kind of person are you! So sneaky, what is the attempt of following Ben Shao! Get out!"

Shi Feng's cold voice fell, and the monster between the heavens and the earth suddenly stopped roaring at this moment. For a moment, the world suddenly quieted down, and some, just the whistling of the wind blowing snowflakes.

"Whirring whirring!"

"Thunder for nine days!" At this moment, Shi Feng gave a low drink, and then a violent dark black thunder erupted.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" Immediately after, thunders and thunders continued to explode, and there were nine bursts!

As soon as the dark black thunder appeared, it was like Shi Feng's soul power, spreading out in all directions.

"Oh!" Just as Shi Feng launched the thunderstorm for nine days, suddenly, a strange weird and unpleasant laughter sounded like a night owl.

Immediately, Shi Feng felt a strong force suddenly emerged from above, then shrouded it down!

The dark black violent thunder that had just erupted on Shi Feng's body, at this moment, even disappeared under the strong force!

Nine days after the thunder was broken, Shi Feng's body suddenly shook!

"Well! I didn't expect that the person I was going to chase and kill would only have such a skill. My Yaner, really a trivial question!" At that moment, the unusually weird voice sounded again.

Shi Feng heard clearly, the voice came from above him.

However, just when that powerful force was shrouded from above, Shi Feng had already gathered all his attention in the sky.

At this time, an old figure was gradually appearing in the void above the stone maple, gradually becoming clear.

The man's hair was gray, and his face was covered with dense scars. With a sudden movement of his face, he looked like an earthworm creeping on his face. It was extremely ugly and infiltrating!

When the man said the words of chasing and killing and Yaner, Shi Feng knew that he had come for himself.

Yaner! It was the girl who joined Gongsun Taiyin to kill herself that day in the Demon God's Fall! Lady Gueshan, Gu Yan!

Shi Feng looked up at the ugly figure in the sky, her ugly face, and said coldly, "People in Gu'ershan! Someone finally came after me!"

But the ugly eight monster smiled after hearing Shi Feng's words. This smile was uglier than not smiling, and the scar on his face began to squirm again. The ugly Bagua shook his head and said:

"You are wrong! My God is not from Gu'er Mountain! But you can say that My God is from Gu'er Mountain, and it's not bad! Because sooner or later, My God will marry my family Yan'er, and sooner or later, he will become the son-in-law of Gu'er Mountain. Just treat yourself as a **** of half Gou! Oh! Oh ... "

The ugly Bagua was talking and suddenly made a weird laugh. It seemed that thinking of him marrying his Yaner and becoming the son-in-law of Gu'ershan was a very happy thing.

"Welcome Gu Yan, the maiden of Gu'ershan? You?" When Shi Feng heard the ugly and horrible words, she was incredibly surprised.

He had seen the maiden of Goue, though arrogant and arrogant, self-centered and blind. Although Shi Feng hates that kind of woman, but if she talks about her looks, she is definitely a first-class beauty.

Such a heavenly girl, if married to such an ugly old man, still makes Shi Feng feel twisted.

"Wait! Listen to the fire and say, isn't it necessary to marry the Holy Son of Gu'eshan?" Shi Feng suddenly thought.

At this time, when the ugly and strange monster heard Shi Feng's words, he took it for granted that he and I were beautiful and beautiful, and naturally, only I was dominant and qualified to marry her!

"Capturing her!" Shi Feng secretly remembered such a name. Then, his voice sounded again in the space where the blood stone stele and the **** were located: "Have you ever heard of the name" Hou He? "

The strength of the old man, Shi Feng could not see through. I wanted to ask for anger, did you know about this person.

Followed by, Shi Feng said, saying to the duohe: "The young lady of Gu'ershan has also been seen before. You are really a good match, you look good!"

"Eh! Heh!" Hearing Shi Feng's words, the old man suddenly made a weird smile and said:

"You kid can talk very well! Listen to my God's heart comfort. However, since my family has issued a wanted order to you, then my God must catch you and give you to my house!

The moment God delivers you to my family Yaner, oh! Presumably my family Yaner will be very happy! By the time! At that time, my family Yaner was happy, maybe it was not necessarily that she gave me her body in advance!

Huh! That wonderful body of my family Yaner! If I could taste it, it would be worth letting me die immediately! "

The ugly Bagua was talking and laughing, looking at his ugly face at this moment, it seems that he has begun to be intoxicated in his imagination.

(End of this chapter)

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