Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1147: Not everyone can insult Ben Shao

Chapter 1147: No One Can Insult the Young

Under Emperor Sha's supernatural powers, Shi Feng's figure quickly shuttled through the earth.

With the use of both hands to form a handprint, Jiuyou Gong and the ancient writings of life are rapidly operating, recovering the injury caused by the ugly and powerful monsters.

At this moment, Shi Feng looked cold with a pale face. He had sensed that a lingering strange sword light entered the ground, stabbing down towards himself from top to bottom!

Jian Guang, like a shooting star! When Shi Feng's soul power sensed that sword light, Xun Ye recognized the person who pierced the sword light.

But because of recognizing this sword light, Shi Feng's tight nerves and body relaxed. I breathed a sigh of relief.

"It wasn't the one who chased and killed him, but the assassin of hell! Ben Ben didn't know why he knew Ben Ben was here, but he wanted to take advantage of Ben Ben's injuries and go down to death!"

Although Shi Feng was seriously injured and his combat strength fell sharply, although he felt that the stabbing sword-like light was stronger than that when the demon **** fell to the ground, he still didn't take it seriously.

With a thought, "Oh!" The four big snakes underneath roared in unison, the huge figure of the four big snakes shuttled under the ground suddenly, and the four-colored snake tail once again shone a bright four-colored light , In the ground, suddenly a swing.

With the cooperation of Disha's supernatural powers, the four-colored snake tail passed by in the earth as if it had touched layers of air.

Immediately after that, under a sudden sweep of the four-colored snake tail, the meteor-like sword light was swept into invisibleness.

"Kill!" Then, Shi Feng was drinking coldly again, and he and the giant snake body with four big snakes rushed straight into the ground.

He Shi Feng! He Jiuyou Emperor Nether! Not everyone can bully! If you want to take his life, you must first be prepared to pay a heavy price, that is, you may lose your soul.

Suddenly, the bodies of the four serpents and Shi Feng flew out of the ground, breaking through the layers of white snow, returning to the ground, and returning to the world of snowflakes and snow.

This little world is empty, and it doesn't look like half a creature.

"Oh!" And at this moment, under the mind of Shi Feng, the four big snakes again screamed at the sky, the four-colored snake tail shone brightly again, swept away in all directions, swept out one Amazing four-color swirl.

"Drink!" And at this moment, a sound of shouting rang out not far from Shi Feng and the four big snakes.

Immediately afterwards, a figure appeared in the range of four-color vortexes not far from the left, wearing a black scarf on his face, that is the Son of Hell, kill!

Immediately, the killing figure showed a figure, and under the sweep of the four-colored snake tail, he was severely beaten and flew out.

Encountering his flight, Browsing his brows tightly, although covering half of his face, he still could see that he felt pain in the blow of the four-headed snake.

Although Shi Feng's soul power has reached the peak of the nine-star emperor, under the body of Hell Qiao, he still cannot sense the existence of that hell.

This time the four-headed snake swung and swept the tail, which could sweep the **** killer. It was also Shi Feng who ordered the four-headed snake and accidentally hit it.

"I didn't expect that the last time the demon **** fell apart, you have entered the realm of Samsung Demigod! I do n’t know, how did you find this! But these are not important anymore, wait a minute, you will die! "

Looking at the killing in the fly, Shi Feng drank coldly.

At this time, the huge body of the four-headed snake suddenly moved again, and chased away towards that killing question!

"Huh!" At this moment, Killer asked a heavy rage, and then hummed again: "This time I failed to kill you, next time, you will not be so lucky! You will never escape me Hell hunting until it kills you! "

Killing said, immediately, his inverted figure disappeared into the void.

Xunwen didn't expect that this time he almost succeeded. This person was indeed seriously injured. It was originally a rare opportunity to kill him, but he planted it on the tail of the four-headed snake.

Unexpectedly, this big snake is so powerful!

Previously, Shi Feng was taken down and beat down, killing and asking was actually seen in the distance. At that time, it was actually a great opportunity to kill this person.

But at that time, killing the question was hesitant, because there was a four-star demigod who was strong, there was no self-confidence in killing the question, and after killing Shi Feng, he could escape from the ugly and powerful monster himself. .

So kill the question and look for another opportunity. After sensing that Shi Feng was injured on the ground, she took the opportunity to pierce the meteor sword light toward the ground, hell's unique lone star sword!

Unfortunately, although Shi Feng was seriously injured, the weird four-headed snake also suffered the shock of the powerful force, but it was still intact and the killing trick was broken.

"Want to run!" Seeing that the killer disappeared, Shi Feng quickly drank again. At this moment, the snake tail shining with the bright four-color light swayed out again and flung forward.

Suddenly, the fascinating snake-tail colored shadows in front of the void were almost woven into a large colorful network.

But the hell-killer's body disappeared as if it had been completely turned into air. The four-colored snake tail had almost wiped out the void, and the land had been swept fiercely.

"It seems to have escaped!" Shi Feng said secretly, this killer's body is indeed strange.

At this moment, Shi Feng's thoughts followed, and the four-colored snake tail fluttered fiercely, and at this time also stopped. "Hmm! Hmm!" Roared again and again, howling out of the four snake heads.

"Sin beast, shut up Ben Shao at this very time, don't yell!" Shi Feng bowed his head and looked down at the four snakes, sulking coldly.

But now they are fleeing, so yelling and making so much noise will only attract the enemy.

In Shi Feng's cold drink, the four serpents calm down and stopped yelling.

Then, Shi Feng glanced and began to look at the Quartet. At this moment, she should be above a snow peak, and in the distance, there are still snow-colored peaks.

Today, this road in the air is absolutely impossible. In the air, the target is too big, and it is too easy to be discovered by the ugly monster. Based on the current situation, it is still safe to continue to use Disha's supernatural powers.

What's more, it won't be long before, it's not just the one who is going to kill him. The people of Gu'ershan should have entered this snowy wilderness!

Soon after, there will be that ancient and powerful family, the Han family!

(End of this chapter)

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