Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1148: Ben less gives you five days

Chapter 1148: I Shall Give You Five Days

When Shi Feng thought, the huge snake body of the four big snakes fell to the ground.

Then, under Disha's earth magic power, he sank quickly to the ground.

The huge snake body of the four-headed snake and Shi Feng returned to the ground, and the snowflakes fell, and soon the traces left by this land were covered up.

Shi Feng and the four-headed snake continued to rush through the earth.

Shi Feng continued to use Jiu You Gong Gong and the ancient words of life, recovering her wounds. However, after this period of recovery, the injury has recovered almost again.

If he meets the **** killer again at this moment, Shi Feng can fight with him without four big snakes.

The killer, speaking of that killer, came without a shadow and went without a trace. Every time he saw him, Shi Feng felt some headaches and wished to kill him directly.

And this time, he seemed to have made a special trip for himself, and the sword that had previously penetrated the ground and killed himself was so accurate!

"Does it mean that I was in the Demon God's Meteorological Site that day, and I fought these **** assassins, but what mark did they make and did not find out?" Shi Feng frowned tightly, thinking of this possibility, said secretly.

Then, the power of Shi Feng ’s soul began to gather in her own body, sensing the internal conditions of the body.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng shook her head slightly. Under his keen soul induction, he didn't sense anything abnormal in his body.

Then, Shi Feng whispered secretly again, saying, "This weird work is very strange, it is very likely to have a kind of mysterious and strange mark, and even the power of my soul cannot be sensed now.

If the power of the soul can step into the state of the demigod and sublime completely, it may be possible to find out what is wrong. "

Shi Feng said so, but now he has no clue about the re-elevation of the realm of the soul.

The mystery of the soul is far from being comparable to martial arts.


"Ah! Where! Where is the little beast, get out of the gods!"

In the snow-capped mountains, there was a roar like a beast, followed by a roar, the world was turbulent!

The ugly and ugly old man, who has won the title, has been blasted in the snow and ice mountains, and is about to blast out the stone maple that escaped from him.

Now, that person is not only the one whom his beloved Yan'er wanted, this person, in front of himself, pretends to be injured and fools himself, and then dares to attack when he is not ready, and bombs himself with a dark monster!

The most annoying is that he finally escaped!

For Duo He, the young man in the two-star demigod situation was a great insult to him.

"Ah! Small beasts! Before God catches you and God gives you to my Yaner, I will have to rip you up to hide the hatred of my heart! Ah!"

Dou Hu was upset again in the sky, followed closely, a palm suddenly shot towards a snow peak in front, and a huge black palm print blasted on that snow peak.

"Boom boom boom boom!" The entire Xuefeng suddenly experienced a severe shock, as if the earthquake was approaching, and it was suddenly collapsing.

"Oh!" The wild demon screamed with extreme panic, sending out from the crumbling snow peak, this world suddenly became extremely chaotic.


"Boss, what's the situation with you now?" Shi Feng's figure was still rushing through the earth. At this moment, in the blood stone monument, the sound of the fiery son's fire was sounding.

Hearing the sound of fire, Shi Feng replied: "Relax, Shao Ben can't die!"

"Oh! That's great! I thought you had encountered that pervert and had been worried about you! If you're okay, that's great!" Hu Shi heard the sound of the stone maple sounding as if it were Said in a relieved tone.

It seems that he is really worried about Shi Feng's safety.

In the blood stone monument, Huoyu sighed secretly and heard Shifeng's voice. Shifeng proved to him that he is still alive in this world, which is really not wonderful for him.

Devil, devil! Why don't you die! Why not be killed by that conspiracy!

Although previously in the space of the Blood Stone Monument, Huo Yu saw the demon's body rise up a golden circle to block the attack of the black dog and the shadow, and knew that the "devil" was unfathomable.

But nonetheless, the fire desire kept praying, hoping that something would happen to him and fall.

Like just now, he heard the demon talk about the pervert of the famous wild land.

After that, Yuhu didn't hear the voice of this "devil" again, and thought that this "devil" had really happened, and Huyu still fantasized about it.

But it turned out that the "devil" had spoken again.

"What's your martial arts perception now?" At this moment, Shi Feng's voice once again rang in the blood stone monument, in the space where the **** was.

Now that he is being chased and killed by the ugly monsters, if this time, the flame sage can successfully enter the four-star demigod state, then the situation will be completely different.

"Boss, you're almost there!" Huoyu replied.

"It's almost there, how long will it take?" Shi Feng said.

When Shi Feng was talking, her voice sounded a little hasty and impatient.

"Ten days, if you continue in this state, within ten days, I should be able to successfully enter the four-star demigod realm!" The fire screamed, and the sound was full of pride.

The reason why the fire desires to be proud is that he thinks he has unique talents. Although it is said that this flame tree helps, but it is mainly his talents.

If ordinary people, based on their current situation, even with the help of this flame tree, from Samsung demigod to four-star demigod, it can be a year or two to break through, it is already very good.

Those who qualify as mediocre may not be able to take this step in a lifetime.

And myself, the talented and unique Son of Fire Holy Land, only took a dozen days.

Originally arrogantly speaking those words, thinking he was about to hear Shi Feng's surprised cry, he had already evoked a sneer of sneer at the corner of his mouth after he said those words.

But then, Shi Feng's exclamation did not sound, but continued to say in a urging tone: "It's still too slow! Five days, five days into the four-star demi-god realm, otherwise, Ben Shao I will kill you! Ben Shao can do it! "

"Nani!" At this moment, it was the turn of the fire to express surprise.

"This ... this demon! I rely on it, five days! Now this state of the Son can break through the four-star demigod in ten days, that is the unique talent of the Son to reach, five days, you It ’s so easy to step into the four-star demigod! You have a break for Ben Shengzi! "

Hearing Shi Feng's words, Huoyu yelled in her heart!

(End of this chapter)

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