Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1150: Weird man in white

Chapter 1150: The Strange White Man

"Agree, I agree! Since we entered here together and discovered this ancient ruins together, we should share this ancient ruins together, we must not be selfish!"

"I agree!"

"Yes! That's right! Let's share everything about this ancient man's ruins. Who has selfishness, it will be destroyed!"

The seven people under the huge tombstone spoke at this time, saying one after another that they should share the ancient ruins together.

And just after they made their statements, the young man who had previously suggested that they be brothers and sisters of different names to share the ancient ruins together, suddenly a white light flashed through his eyes, and his mouth opened slightly, quietly. There was a grin as if conspiracy was successful.

He was wearing a white robe, and there was a hint of white thunder light flashing on his robe.



Disha's supernatural powers of the earth, coupled with the rapidity of the four-headed serpent, Shi Feng also came to this dark underground world. Soon, Shi Feng saw the huge and intricately carved huge tombstone.

The tombstone exudes the vicissitudes of ancient vicissitudes. At first glance, this dark space has existed for a long time.

Then, Shi Feng saw the seven young figures under the tombstone.

Five men and two women!

But then, Shi Feng's sight was condensed on a white figure. Shi Feng didn't know why. The white figure gave him a special weird feeling.

As for what it feels like, Shi Feng is not very sure, anyway, this feeling is weird.

Like ... It feels like a dead person!

"This person and me, there is a close breath between us, but it's different!" At this moment, the emperor beside Shi Feng suddenly spoke to Shi Feng.

"Oh, do you feel the same way?" After hearing Di Sha's words, Shi Feng frowned slightly and turned to look at him.

Originally I thought that I only had this feeling, but I didn't expect that as the corpse emperor Emperor Sha, he felt a close breath, which should be similar to the same kind of breath.

However, although this person gave Shi Feng and Di Sha a sense of death, Shi Feng could clearly sense that this person should indeed be alive.

So the moment Shi Feng met this person, she felt very weird.

Then Shi Feng saw the white figure under the huge tombstone in front of him, suddenly turned his head and looked at them.

Immediately, a white and bloodless face caught Shi Feng's eyes. This face seemed to be full of morbidity, without any spirit.

The next moment, the face facing Shi Feng suddenly smiled at him, and that smile looked so eerie and weird.

"This man definitely found himself hiding in the darkness." Shi Feng murmured secretly at the strange white smile.

I felt that this person was weird before, and when she saw that miserable white face with a smile, Shi Feng felt even more strange to this person.

Then the man turned his head back, as if nothing had happened.

Shi Feng was pretty sure the person had seen himself, but he didn't even notice the other six people beside him.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng saw the seven people in front of her, kneeling down toward the huge tombstone together, and the next moment, a burst of applause came over: "The sky is up, the loess is down ..."

Shi Feng looked at these seven people as if they were praying.



On Shi Feng's body, bursts of black thunder light continued to shine.

After coming to this underground world, Shi Feng felt that the extermination black mine became more and more riotous. It seems that what caused the extermination black mine in his body to move is indeed the ancient ruins in front of him. There was something wrong.

The ancient huge tombstone, an ancient relic that caused the extermination of the Black Devil, what is there?

"I hope to die on the same day and the same month!"

It didn't take long for the seven young figures in front of them to stand up. It seemed that they had finished worshipping!

Later, Shi Feng saw the seven people, and suddenly launched a fierce attack together, banging at the ancient huge tombstone in front of them.

"Boom Boom! Boom Boom! Boom Boom! Boom!" For a moment, the huge tombstone trembled violently. Not only did the tombstone tremble, but even the underground world they were in, there was a dramatic Shock and shake.

Before long, a huge white vortex suddenly appeared before the huge tombstone, and in an instant, it seemed as if that huge tombstone had been devoured.

This huge white vortex shone with pure white light, and the thunder flickered, as if all the white thunder had condensed!

"Passage! The passage into the ancient ruins really appeared! The third brother's eyes are truly extraordinary, this is what you can see!" At the moment when the huge white vortex appeared, the tall and thin young man hurriedly shouted. Road.

And just after the tall and thin young man shouted, the young man in white robe that made Shi Feng feel weird scratched his head and laughed, "Second brother, don't say that, I just happened to be a blind cat and died Mouse, I just guessed it. "

It seems that this weird young man in white robe is the youngest among them.

"Anyway, thanks to the third brother, we saved a lot of time and trouble!"

"That's right! It's all a loss of Brother Three! If we mess up, we might trigger a dangerous and lethal prohibition!"

"Well, that's right! The third brother contributed!"

Hearing a sentence from those six, the expression on the face of the young man in white robe became more and more embarrassed, and then smiled and said, "Oh, don't say that! Okay, seven of our brothers and sisters, Enter this ancient ruins first, let us inherit the ancients' inheritance! Seriously, I ca n’t wait any longer! "

"Well! Me too. Let's go. Now that the channel appears, let's enter quickly to avoid sudden changes!"


Immediately following, these seven young men flashed their bodies one by one, toward the white vortex that swallowed the huge tombstone. Soon, every figure had flashed into the huge white vortex. Into the mysterious ancient ruins!

Seeing their statures are so rapid, it seems that they really can't wait!

Shi Feng's gaze has been condensed on the seven people and never left, especially the eerie young man in a white robe.

Just listening to what they said, the huge tombstone should be the white robe youth who saw the anomaly, and then let them bombard the tombstone together, and finally blasted out the white vortex channel.

Shi Feng sensed that this huge white vortex exuded a strong thunder and lightning attribute. When the figure of the seven men flashed just now, the energy breath revealed by the white robe youth was exactly the same as that of the white thunder and lightning attribute!

Is this ancient relic made by man?

However, how can a man-made secret place make a change in the Devil Black Thunder in his body?

Destroy the black thunder, but the thunder of the heaven punishment!

(End of this chapter)

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