Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1151: Thor in White

Chapter 1151: Thor in White

Originally dark underground world.

When the huge vortex like a white thunder condensed appeared, the thunder light shone, and the underground world shone to the ground. It looked white and holy, as if it came to an unspoiled paradise.

It was also after this huge thunder vortex appeared, Shi Feng felt that the Demon Black Thunder in his body became increasingly unsettled.

Shi Feng opened his mouth and said to the four-headed serpent and Disha: "Disha, four away, you go back to the space world of the blood stone monument first!" The **** light has dyed this white area into a **** monster.

Demon blood fell, Disha and the four serpents had disappeared.

Followed by, Shi Feng's figure flickered forward, and soon, before flashing to the huge white Thunder vortex, without any hesitation and pause, Shi Feng continued to flash in.

He has to figure out what can cause the exterminator Hei Lei to change things like these worlds and mines! What is there?





This is a world where white thunder continues to shine, and white thunders are like white long dragons, flying wildly in this world, and then colliding with each other, emitting violent rumblings.

Then it turned into thousands of white Razers flying wildly in all directions, and some gathered with other white thunder and lightning.

Shi Feng is at the center of such a white Thunder riot. At this moment there are no other figures besides these riotous Thunder and him.

The seven people he entered in one step are now missing!

Then, Shi Feng's eyes stared forward, and the extinct Devil Black Thunder, which had a movement in his body, was facing Shi Feng and pointed forward.

"Go!" Shi Feng drank in a deep voice, his body flashed out at the same time, at the same time, the power of the soul was spreading in all directions, alert to the dangers that might appear in all directions at any time.


Shi Feng marched all the way, and a violent dark black magic thunder guard had erupted on his body. As he moved forward, the white-white thunder that rushed towards Shi Feng was immediately destroyed under his magic thunder.

Along the way, with the exception of the white thunder from time to time, Shi Feng did not encounter other fierce dangers, there is a bodyguard of extermination black thunder, has always been peaceful.

At an hour, Shi Feng saw a world of white thunder, and still did not see half of the other creatures.

But at this moment, Shi Feng had sensed that the exterminator Black Thunder on her body suddenly jumped a bit, and an unusual and strange feeling emerged from the exterminator Black Thunder.

Then even Shi Feng, felt the front, an unusually strong thunderous breath came over. This thunderous breath was simply incomparable with those white thunders around.

"Is it really a thunderous treasure? There is a huge tombstone outside. This white thunder world should be inside a tomb of an ancient man. Before this life, it must be a strong person who cultivates the attributes of thunder and lightning. After death, there are thunderous treasures. He was buried, and was sensed by the exterminator Heilei inside me.

The magic treasure that can be sensed by Demon Hei Lei is definitely an extraordinary thing! "

Thinking of this, Shi Feng accelerated the speed of moving forward.

Now that I have been chased by several powerful enemies, what I need is more powerful power! If you can get the treasures that make Devil and Black Thunder change, then your combat power will definitely be improved again.

"Ha ha ha ha ha! You idiots!" And just then, suddenly, a mad laugh, came from the front, and clearly passed into Shi Feng ears.

"This voice? It's the man in white clothes!" Shi Feng had heard it immediately, and the crazy laughter was the weird young man in white clothes that I had seen outside before.

Although Shi Feng was far away at that time, with his ear strength, the conversations of these people at that time were all heard in his ears, so at this moment when he heard, he heard the voice of that person.

"You! Third brother! Why are you this?" And then, a woman's coquett sounded, her voice unbelievable.

Not long ago, they just became brothers and sisters with different surnames, and said that good blessings can be enjoyed with different difficulties!

Say yes, who has selfishness, it's gone!

"Bai Xu! You! You proposed that we be brothers and sisters of different surnames. It was you who said that you had selfishness and died out of nature! Isn't you afraid that you will actually suffer from death and destruction of nature!" At this time, an angry yell Ringing.

"Destroy the heavens and earth? Haha! Hahahaha! Only you, the humble ants, are afraid of the destruction of the heavens and heavens! Imagine the days when the heavens and earth fell upon the gods to destroy them, but how could it have the gods? You thought you could destroy the gods. God? "

At this moment, the voice of the young man in white resounded. The voice at this moment was full of disdain, as if he did not take the trouble of heaven and earth into consideration at all.

Soon Shi Feng saw that on the ground in front of which a white thunder shone, lying on a figure, it was six people except the young man in white! Seeing that they were lingering at the moment, they were already seriously injured.

A white figure hovering over these people was the young man in white.

On this person's body, the white thunder walked away. This white thunder is exactly the same as the white thunder in this space. Shi Feng sensed the momentum of this man, and at this moment, he felt a sense of integration with this white Thunder world.

"What's going on here? Who is this person?"

Just as Shi Feng was thinking about it, Shi Feng suddenly saw that the young man in white suddenly looked over to himself and smiled grimly:

"Haha, you are here too! Heir to the undead head! I did not expect that after such a long time has passed, this **** can still see the undead demon in this world!"

After hearing the man's words, Shi Feng's brow suddenly frowned!

Such a long time has passed! See you again ...

Hearing what he said, it seems that he was born a long time ago, and is still an era with the ancient undead deities?

how can that be!

"Who are you?" Shi Feng said in a deep voice, asking the young man in white who had always made him feel weird.

Although Shi Feng is not a man from this wild continent, even if this person reports his identity, he must have never heard of it.

However, in his blood stone tablet, there is a fierce sage of fire! If it is a man who is famous for the wild continent, he must know it with eagerness.

"Oh! My God? A long time has passed. Presumably the world has forgotten the name of My God! My God's name is Thunder, and the world calls My God in White!"

(End of this chapter)

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