Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1157: Impulsive Destroyer Black Thunder

Chapter 1157 Impulsive Demon Destroyer Black Thunder

Nine Thunder is here, Nine Black Thunders, and Qi Qi bombarded the evil thoughts of the white **** of thunder, and instantly swallowed up the evil thoughts of the white god. The void, the dark black demon Ray suddenly began to explode and became extremely violent. ,confusion.

"What a tragedy!" Shi Feng murmured softly as he stared at the side of the violent bombardment.

This evil thought, as Shi Feng said earlier, his existence was originally a tragedy!

It has been passed down from ancient times to the present, fighting for the human race, and the great and selfless white thunder **** in people's hearts actually has evil, selfishness, and greed in his heart, but he forcibly separated the evil thoughts by secret methods, and achieved his perfect white thunder god. , But also doomed to the tragedy of that evil thought.

He has the memory of Thor in white and lives with those selfish and greedy people who had been in Thor in white, but does not have the power of Thor in white. The most sad thing is that he does n’t even have a flesh. I do n’t know where to find such a flesh. It turned out to be that way.

Under the bombardment of Jiu Lei's power, that evil thought could be wiped out! Followed by, Shi Feng no longer cares about the place where the nine thunder bombers bombed, looks back, looks at the handle that is tightly entangled by the four-colored snake tail, and now is the true **** thunder hammer in front of himself!

"The True God Thunder Hammer, the ancient True God war weapon, but unfortunately, it has been damaged!"

Looking at the slender slit in the center of the true **** thunder hammer, Shi Feng shook his head full of pity again.

However, at the same time, Shi Feng secretly rejoiced in his heart. If this real artifact was not damaged, but was urged to kill himself by that evil thought, he might already be ashes under the powerful real artifact. Right!

"This! This thunderous evil was defeated by that boy! Justice, finally defeated evil!"

On the ground where the white thunder shone below, the six men who had been paying close attention to the battlefield above, saw the dark black magic thunder engulfing the white clothes, and someone immediately exclaimed exhilarated.

They walked from the gate of the gate just now. They thought they would die. But in the current situation, the evil thoughts were corrupted and devoured by the raging black thunder. They seemed to be fierce. More lucky and less.

The evil thoughts are destroyed, then they are tantamount to "rebirth with fire"!

"That boy! Called that undead monster by that evil thought! It was really unexpected that today we not only saw the ancient tomb of the thunder **** in white clothes, the evil thought of the thunder **** in white clothes, but even the undead **** in ancient legends. Some monsters, undead monsters! "

"The demon thunder urged by this boy must be the legendary exterminator Hei Lei, but the exterminator Hei Lei, in the legend, is not to say that God descended from the sky to destroy the undead devil? How could he be He used it! "

"Undead monster! So handsome! This ... this is a real man! These wastes are not even as good as one of his toes! I ... I really want to be with him! Accompany him to the world! Pride Heroes of the world! "

Among the six people, one of the beautiful girls looked at the shining figure of the dark thunder in the sky, murmuring secretly.

Looking at her, her cheeks were a little ashamed. For a moment, she was a little foolish!


After Bai Yi's evil thoughts were devoured by the raging dark demon thunder, the true thunder hammer that had been struggling in the four-colored snake tail gradually calmed down.

Shi Feng wrapped around the right hand of the dark thunder, and once again poked out towards that true thunder hammer.

Ever since this real artifact was sensed in the ground, the Devil Black Thunder in Shi Feng's body has not stopped until now, and has been constantly changing.

The right hand grabbed abruptly, Shi Feng once again grasped the true **** thunder hammer into his hand. Once he started, the exterminator Heilei in the body became more violent.

With the previous hit into the mark and being back bitten, Shi Feng did not mess with this real artifact at this moment.

Although he no longer sensed that there was instrumental spirit in this true god's thunder hammer, but with the previous lesson, it would not be so simple to completely surrender this true god's thunder hammer.

"True God Thunder Hammer! What is that mysterious and powerful force that instantly removed the imprint of Ben Shao? That thunder god's evil intentions urged this True God Thunder Hammer to attack Ben Shao, but it did not motivate that power. Obviously, the Thunder God Evil thoughts can't be stirred! "

Shi Feng looked again carefully and sensed the true thunder hammer in his hand, said.

The mysterious and powerful force in this true god's thunder hammer, if the evil thoughts could be urged, that force would have been urged to kill himself.

Although it is a damaged true God of War weapon, it seems that this True God of War weapon still has secrets that it does not know!

"How? You suddenly became so impulsive?" Suddenly, Shi Feng felt the Demon Black Thunder on her body and became even more violent, all gathered towards her right hand holding the true **** thunder hammer. .

It's as if a man who hasn't seen a woman for hundreds of years suddenly sees a peerless beauty.

Once again, Shi Feng did not control, and let it gather into his right hand, and then stormed into the true thunder hammer.

Just as the Demon Black Thunder continued to rush into the True God Thunder Hammer, the original True God Thunder Hammer began to struggle in Shi Feng's hands again.

It's as if the beautiful lady is resisting the old hooligan invasion of Devil Black Thunder!

"Ka-Kha-Kha-Kha!" As Demon Black Thunder rushed in continuously, at this moment, a sound of strange noises continuously passed into Shi Feng's ears, and Shi Feng looked at the pair of true **** thunder hammers. Eyes widened immediately.

The abnormal noise just now is the sound of this true God Thunder Hammer constantly breaking apart! Rifts and fissures constantly surfaced on the True God Thunderhammer.

"I rely!" Shi Feng said "reliance", and said to the exterminator Heilei who rushed into the thunder hammer of the true god:

"This is too bad! You found this thing in order to destroy this thing? Although this thunder hammer is damaged, even if it is damaged, it is also a real artifact!"

The true god's thunder hammer kept breaking and breaking, and Shi Feng felt a pain in his heart. Just now, he let the extermination black thunder “make a fool of himself”. This damaged real artifact had been completely used up.

Pieces of pieces are falling from this thunder hammer.

After all, this true God Thunder Hammer is a true artifact of ancient times. The refined material must also be made from real god-level materials.

In the original words, perhaps the powerful magician can also refine the god-level materials from it, but now, these are all destroyed under the black magic of extermination!

Destroy it as soon as you meet! How much hatred is this?

(End of this chapter)

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