Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1158: You shouldn't force me!

Chapter 1158 You Shouldn't Fight To Me!

Under the fierce impact of the extermination black thunder, this true god's thunder hammer being grasped by Shi Feng was constantly being destroyed, and the broken thunder hammer continued to be broken into pieces and dropped.

Looking at the thunder hammer that is constantly being destroyed, Shi Feng has no time to stop at this moment. Just sighing in my heart, what a pity this real artifact!

In ancient times, he was owned by the great ancient **** Bai Yilei. Presumably at that time, he also had a huge presence! I just didn't expect that the long years passed, and even it has come to an end!

"Well, that's wrong!" Then, Shi Feng suddenly thought of something, secretly:

"I previously entered the forbidden direction into this true god's hammer, and was quickly broken by the mysterious and powerful force in this hammer. When the destroyer Heilei destroyed the hammer, the power Not even touched? "

Thinking of his previous treatment different from that of Demon Heilei, Shi Feng's brow twisted again.

The powerful and mysterious force he had previously sensed should not be able to counteract that of the exterminator Heilei at all, but at this moment, the powerful and mysterious force turned out to be indifferent, letting it destroy the true thunder hammer.

"Can it be said that there is only a trace of that power left, which has disappeared under the touch of Ben Shao's previous prohibition?" Shi Feng murmured secretly again.

Instantly, the True God Thunder Hammer had been completely destroyed by the Demon Demon Thunder, and Shi Feng's right hand left only a handful of shreds!

After the Devil Black Thunder completely destroyed the true **** thunder hammer, the violent dark thunder surged back towards Shi Feng.

"Well, what is this?" Just then, Shi Feng suddenly made a sound of frivolity, and his eyes followed immediately!

He sensed that in the dark black thunder rushing towards his right hand, there was a pure white thunderball the size of a baby's fist.

Although this pure white thunderball is only so small, it exudes a pure and majestic thunderous breath!

As the Demon Hei Lei kept pouring back in, Shi Feng grabbed his right white thunder ball into his palm.

Staring at the pure white thunderbolt in the hand, the power of the soul is still constantly inducted. Shi Feng need not know that this pure white thunderbolt comes from the true **** thunder hammer.

And the thing that was separated from a real artifact was filled with the unparalleled thunderous breath of pure majesty, and it must be an extraordinary thing.

The real **** thunder hammer was destroyed by the exterminator black thunder, and Shi Feng knew a bit now. The reason why the previous exterminator black thunder caused a change is not the broken true **** thunder hammer. The reason why he brought himself here seems to be For this minefield!

"Then what is this ...?" Shi Feng thought again.

Immediately after that, the white thunder clump in Shi Feng's hands, beating slightly like a heart, exuding a mysterious and powerful momentum!

"This! This momentum!"

Earlier, he entered the prohibition into the true **** thunder hammer, but the prohibition was quickly broken by a mysterious and powerful force. When Shi Feng felt the mysterious and powerful momentum emanating from the mine group just now, he immediately understood, The power that broke his ban came from here.

After understanding the source of that mysterious and powerful force, Shi Feng felt that the mine group was extraordinary!

The original pain caused by the destruction of the true **** thunder hammer gradually disappeared due to the appearance of this pure white thunder cluster.

"Oh! That thing! That thing was taken from the true god's thunder hammer! It's difficult ... is this the legendary source of God?

When Shi Feng was still looking at the white mine in her hand, guessing what it was, suddenly a loud voice came to Shi Feng's ear.

After hearing these calls, Shi Feng looked away from the white thunder cluster and followed the sound.

This coquettling voice was utterly lying on the ground at the moment because of a serious injury, a woman with a tall, beautiful appearance.

With a thought, under the power of Shi Feng's powerful soul, the tall body flew under an invisible force, and slowly drifted towards Shi Feng.

"Ah!" The body floated, shining towards the demon thunder, and looked like some evil boy, and the woman immediately exclaimed, and hurriedly hurriedly hurriedly forward: "You! What do you want ? "

Looking at the man's gaze, he stared at his body for a moment, a bad hunch immediately appeared in the woman's heart.

She has always been very confident about her beauty and her body. She believes that no man in the world will be unmoved by her body.

At this moment she was drifting towards the boy. Although she shouted that way, she knew in her heart what the boy wanted to do to herself!

Then she lamented in her heart! Blame it, this beautiful face and this tempting body!

"He! He didn't fancy me, but fancy Qingyan! How can this **** compare with me except that he is higher than me!"

On the ground, another woman with a good-looking appearance, seeing the young man with an undead body, even chose another woman to fly towards him, and quickly felt her heart full of sorrow.

Some women are like this, like to compare with others! This is true even in such cases.

What's more, this woman just had a good impression on this young man with an undead body.

Now she was lying on the ground with no resistance, and she had previously imagined what to do if he wanted to treat himself like this.

Now he did not expect that he did not choose himself, but chose the woman named Qingyan!

"If you really like me, you shouldn't do this to me! Everything, wait for me to voluntarily say it!" At this time, the woman who flew towards Shi Feng fluttered with seriousness and red lips Qi, said to Shi Feng in front.

Followed by, she said: "Since you like me, you should respect me! If you come strong, even if you get my body temporarily, you won't get my heart!

And with your talent, if you can treat me well, I may also like you, and I may be willing to be with you in the future. "

"Fuck! What's the situation!" After hearing the woman's words, watching the woman show such a serious expression to herself, Shi Feng directly "relied" on her voice. It seemed that she was really talking to herself!

And in this direction, besides yourself, there are really no one else with this four-headed snake underneath!

She thought of Ben Shao and wanted to do that kind of thing to him?

Is your sister Ben the kind of person?

(I want to wish everyone a Happy April Fool's Day! Recently, the baby was born. I have been busy with a lot of things.

Jie Li also knows that he has been updated less recently, so that all brothers and sisters are unhappy, so I apologize to everyone here.

Also here, thank you all for your support all the way to here! I am really grateful for your support! )

(End of this chapter)

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