Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1162: Discuss killing undead monsters!

Chapter 1162 Discuss Killing the Undead Demon!

The four-headed snake didn't know when it had disappeared under Shi Feng's body. At this moment, Shi Feng's figure seemed to have lost all his strength, and fell down into a violent tremor, the land where thunder and light shone.

"Oh!" Shi Feng's body fell, and the ground made another loud noise. Shi Feng's broken and broken body just fell by the thunder sword.

Supporting the ground with both hands, Shi Feng's upper body slowly stood up, then sat on the ground, looking sideways at the thunder sword stabbing at the ground beside him.

Shi Feng's face was full of scorched faces, and he grinned at this moment, full of infiltration.

After some thrills just now, the Bloodthirsty Sword and the Bloody Beast almost destroyed under the power of the Thunder of the White Thunder, and even they almost broke their hearts. Fortunately, they were able to earn the Demon Black Thunder in time and gather the Thunder Force, to protect the heart and other vital points.

However, as long as this bloodthirsty sword successfully merges with the legendary ancient artifacts, everything will be worth it!

The white, thunderous, trembling earth gradually returned to calm. At this time, Shi Feng sensed the change in front and looked up.

Shi Feng saw that the four young men who were recovering from their injuries in front of them were sitting silently on their knees. At this moment, they had stood up from the ground, and looked at their young faces with sneer and smirk. And they have to be ridiculous, these four people are coming step by step towards themselves.

"How? You saw that Ben Shao was injured and wanted to fight Ben Shao's idea?" Seeing the intentions of these four people, Shi Feng's messy face gradually gloomed down, followed by a strong murderous spirit. And rushed from him.

"Hahaha!" Hearing Shi Feng's words, she felt the murderous spirit rushing on Shi Feng. Among them, the tall and thin man suddenly laughed, and the playfulness became even worse, saying:

"At this point and time, are you still claiming to be too little for me? Still wanting to give off murderous scare us?"

Just after the laugh of the tall and thin youth fell, a yin and yang laughter rang again: "Hehe, maybe at this moment, he still thinks that he is still the powerful undead monster just now?"

"Hehe, after a while, an undead in ancient legends died in my hands, and if I go out in the future, I also have the bragging capital!"

"Haha, let you die of this undead demon, to achieve my reputation!"

The four young men laughed and walked closer and closer to Shi Feng.

However, everyone's attention is focused on the Thunder Sword. Killing this undead demon is secondary. The main thing is the Thunder Sword!

Two people said that killing undead monsters made them famous, but they just wanted to confuse others.

At this moment, they watched and walked together, but they knew very well that the battle to win the sword would soon erupt!

When I approached the white thunder sword, it was time to fight each other!

"The four of you are really too anxious! Don't forget that here is not only the four of you! My martial power is not lost to the four of you!"

And just then, a young girl's cooing sounded again.

The beautiful-looking girl was also recovering from her injuries at this moment. She stood up from the ground, flickered, and appeared in the middle of the four!

Originally, this young girl had a special affection for the unparalleled undead devil boy who even imagined that in this thunder god's tomb, a beautiful encounter with such a Tianjiao occurred.

From now on they will be one person and one sword, and they will walk together in the world together, breaking into the prestigious name.

But just now, when she saw the unparalleled boy that day, she became completely unrecognizable, and her fantasy picture was immediately broken!

Looking at the scorched face, she even felt a nausea for the fantasy just now. This handsome, talented boy turned into this ghost!

Reduced to this ghost, no matter how good talent is, what good is it! And at this moment, the undead boy has been seriously injured. She already knows that he can't escape from death today!

Who makes him talented but seriously injured, and also has a magic sword that is integrated into the "source"!

Speaking of which, he was reduced to this, and everything was completely his own! Blended into the sword with the source of Thunder God, but eventually made wedding clothes for one of these people.

After the slaughter, this Thunder Long Sword will inevitably fall into the hands of one of them!

For a while, those close to Shi Feng had changed from four to five.

The last tall woman named Qingyan was still sitting cross-legged on the ground. At this moment, she seemed to be recovering as before, but she was not walking towards the undead boy like the five of them. Just looking up, she didn't know what she was thinking at the moment.

"Hehe, it turned out that Qimei also wanted to kill this ancient legendary undead monster, and achieved great reputation?" Looking at the young girl who came over, one of the youths looked kind, "he" said with a smile.

This young girl is the youngest and ranks the old seven when the seven worship, so they are called the Seven Sisters.

After hearing the man's words, the girl sneered and said, "In fact, we don't have to pretend anymore. Anyway, everyone is aware of each other's thoughts at this moment. Our world has its own power and has a thunder sword from God. See who ends up in the end!

As for this ugly and disgusting undead monster, whoever you want to kill, kill it. This kind of prestige, I do n’t care about a little girl! "

"Oh, Qimei speaks really directly! It seems that we are hypocritical!" Followed by, a man who looks a little older than others said, "This thunder sword is really tempting. It is big. It seems that some of our brothers and sisters will inevitably be very hurt.

But as a big brother, I also want to say, no matter who this Thunder Sword belongs to, I hope that we can think about the previous incarnation, think about the vows made before, don't make the heartbroken and disobedient like that evil thought Brother moral thing!

Regardless of the ending, since I was called the eldest brother by my brothers, my eldest brother, I also let this undead demon let you kill. "

"Since everyone is not interested in this undead demon body, and those false names, then, how about letting me kill him after the sword capture is over?" At this time, the name was once called the second brother's tall and thin by "white evil thoughts" The man said.

"Hehe brother, I didn't say, I'm not interested in the stigma of killing the undead!"

"Second Brother, I didn't say it either."

When the voice of the tall and thin man had just dropped, the two remaining men immediately spoke.

Then, one of them said again:

"Killing the undead in ancient legends is an exhilarating thing!

Before I kill him, I will record this picture as a bone and spread it all over the world! Let everyone in the ice and snow wasteland see how I killed the undead monster in ancient legends! Ruined this generation of Tianjiao, ha ha ha! "

(End of this chapter)

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