Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1163: 诛 Undead Demon!

Chapter 1163: Undead Demon!

"Oh, I want to let everyone in the Ice and Snow Wasteland see how I killed the undead in ancient legends! Ruined this generation of future Tianjiao!"

Three of the five people walking slowly towards Shi Feng became famous as they wanted to kill Shi Feng, the undead demon.

For a time, none of the three of them gave in! In order to obtain this thunder sword stabbed in the earth, but also to kill this undead body with your own hands.

Looking at the five people in front of them who want to compete for their Thunder Bloodthirsty Sword, and looking at them as they are discussing to kill themselves to become famous, the corners of Shi Feng's scorched face twitched again, as if sneer appeared again, to these people Says:

"Some of you, in front of Ben Shao, so openly discussed the fight for Ben Shao's weapons, and discussed killing Ben Shao. Is it true that it is not a sick cat?

Shi Feng's words were full of chill.

The five people walking in front of me heard Shi Feng suddenly spoke, and all of them stood together, followed closely, and felt a cold killing intention coming from the front seat. Under the killing intention, the body suddenly couldn't bear it. Lived a shiver!

"This ... this person is injured like this, is there still no power to kill himself?"

"Huh!" But then, a scorn of disdain hummed from the mouth of a young man, and then the young man's halted footsteps moved again, and he continued to walk forward, opening his mouth while walking:

"Hum! You give off murderous power, and you can scare them, but you can't scare my son. Hem, if I had done it before, my son would really jealous of you, but now in my eyes, you are A sick cat. "

Talking, the young man's face was still playful.

Then the young man moved closer and closer to Shi Feng and the sword of thunder.

Behind them were four people, who looked at each other at this moment. They still did not act rashly, but were waiting.

If the "undead monster" still has power, then this person is undoubtedly dead! If the words just now are just the immortal demon pretending, then the young man ...

The four people who did not act violently had already communicated with their eyes for a moment. If the young man successfully approached the Thunder War Sword, they would go all out to kill the young man who had taken the lead first.

Who let him, at this moment has become the default cannon fodder for the four!

And the "cannon fodder" didn't even know that he had become cannon fodder, and his face was still full of pride. At this moment, he was less than five meters away from Shi Feng, and he had not seen any movement of the undead body. The worry in my heart has been completely put down, and then Yin and Yang disdainfully said with a smile:

"My son said, you're just pretending, haha, hahaha! Since those cowards don't dare to come up, then this Thunder War Sword and your undead body's life will be taken by this son!"

With that said, the "cannon fodder" had his right hand in his claws. Seeing this posture, he was ready to launch an attack.

"Let's get ready!" And at this moment, behind the "Cannon Fodder Youth", the tall and thin man spoke, and said to the other three in a deep voice.

Obviously, when he saw that the "cannon fodder" was so close to the undead monster, the undead monster had not yet shot at him. The undead monster had just spoken and sent cold cold murderous gas to them, just to scare them!

Gao Shouqing said that he "shot", and he was naturally prepared to join hands with the "cannon fodder youth". Now that the cannon fodder task has been completed, what kind of brotherhood should be ended.

"Wait a minute!" And just as the tall and thin youth began to work secretly, the handsome and beautiful girl immediately whispered and stretched out her arm to block the tall and thin youth.

"Huh? What's wrong with the Seven Sisters?" The tall and thin young man twisted his eyebrows and looked inexplicably at the girl, but his secretive power did not stop because of the girl's resistance.

Secretly in my heart, is it true that this pair of dogs and men cannot commit adultery in private?

The girl did not answer the words of the tall and thin young man, and her face was dignified. He had an intuition, from a woman's natural sixth sense, and things would not be as simple as she saw in her eyes.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" In the front, the young man who was getting closer and closer to Shi Feng and the Thunder Long Sword, laughed wildly.

My choice was really right! I am the real true emperor! He's different from those cowards! This Thunder War Sword is destined to be owned by himself, and this undead demon is destined to be killed by himself, becoming a stepping stone to the peak of his future!

The young man had reached Shi Feng's body, and looked down at Shi Feng, who was sitting on the ground, above his right hand with claws, exuding the cold cold force.

Most of the warriors who live in the snow and ice wasteland are cultivating the power of ice and cold!

While the young man was laughing, a claw exuding Mori cold and cold air had been snapped towards Shi Feng's head. At the same time, his right foot also followed and kicked the Thunder Sword beside his foot.

At the same time that he was going to kill the undead demon body, he would then obtain the Thunder Excalibur. The bones and stones had been quietly running under the secret method, and he began to record his chic and brilliant moment.

But at this moment, while the young man was moving, Shi Feng also moved. Above the index finger of his right hand, a dark black thunder rose quietly, and then pointed at the claw that the young man grabbed, pointing out!

The next moment, the fingers suddenly banged together!

But it was also at this moment, "Ah!" A terrible scream of screaming resounded in this space.

When Shi Feng pointed at the young man's right claw, the young man's whole body immediately flashed a violent dark black magic thunder, and swallowed his flesh directly.

After the scream of pain screamed for a while, it stopped!

That young man is already fierce.

"This this……"




Waves of staggering sounds, sounds of breathless breath, came from not far behind the black thunderman.

Looking at the black thunderman, a few of them were at a loss of consciousness at the moment, but at the same time, they felt fortunate that they were not attacked by this violent black mine.

At this moment, no one cares about the young man who turned into a black thunder, most likely already dead under the raging black thunder, is their worship brother.

It was also at this moment that the tall and thin young man seemed to understand the intention of the "Seven Sisters" to stop himself. "Say this, the Seven Sisters saw this immortal demon body, but still had strength? All only stopped me, let Wen Xu continues to test? "

"This undead monster, wounded like this, has such power!"

"This ... how is this good! He can kill Wenxu with one finger, if it was replaced with me just now, he would be killed with one finger!"

(End of this chapter)

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