Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1176: Passion for fire!

Chapter 1176 Going Out of Fire!

The blizzard and the screaming madness of the void, the three yin and yang old men looked down, at this moment, the stench old ghost with a foul smell all over his body said in disdain to Dou He:

"Ugly old ghost, I thought what big man you were hunting down! It turned out to be a little doll with only two stars and demigods! You let him run away with such a little doll? You can't lose it!"

Just after the stinky old ghost's voice dropped, the vicious dog Lao Guiluo, who was lying like a dog, responded quickly: "Yeah yeah! Useless ugly old man, throat! Throat throat! Talking, Jue Luo issued a weird laughter like "throat".

Followed him and said, "If it weren't for me being a dog and getting used to the nose spirit, relying on the smell of this kid left on your ugly old ghost, you ugly old ghost, waiting to be laughed off!"

Unexpectedly, the reason why Shi Feng was approached by these three old ghosts was that this dog-like old man turned out to rely on the smell of Shi Feng's body left on this throbbing body.

Shi Feng's battle with Huo He actually didn't have much contact at all. This old dog can be found by this, which is enough to show how sensitive his nose is.

Shi Feng already sensed that the other two old men over the sky, the old man with a foul body, judging from the momentum of his body, the martial arts realm should only be at the top of the Samsung demigod!

Compared with this ugly and strange monster, it is a realm!

However, the wicked dog Lao Guijue Luo, who was held in the hands of Xunon, was not inferior to the ugly monsters. It seems that this old man, like a dog, has reached a state of four stars and demigods!

And this evil dog, the old ghost, gives Shi Feng the feeling that it is more dangerous than this ugly old ghost to win the show, and it is definitely difficult to deal with.

The two four-star demigods of the peerless powerhouse, together with a stink old ghost of the peak state of Samsung demigods, this time the strong enemy encountered by Shi Feng can be said to be unprecedentedly powerful.

The ugly old man with a four-star and half-god realm almost lost his life! Today, there are more of them!

"Okay, you two old ghosts don't say any more." Hearing the two old ghosts said in a teasing tone, he quickly said:

"This time, the old dog's credit is the greatest. So, one day, I will marry my Yaner into my hands, and when I have fun, let the old dog and you relax."

"Ah! OK, OK!" Upon hearing the words, Jue Luo nodded his dog-like head, and responded with joy.

"Then I'm ugly old ghost, you won't just let me look at it!" At the earliest words he heard, he didn't have his own part.

"You?" Duo He said: "Forget it! As long as I marry my Yaner, I will give her a good job. By then, the three of us will be cool together, cool every day, cool every night, all right. It's refreshing, oh, how is it? "

"That! Hey!" Hearing the words of Duo He, the stench old ghost Xunon smiled strangely. The muddy old face was full of anticipation and wicked laughter.

Seeing him like this, it seems that one day, this ugly and weird man will get married to Gu Yan, the maid of Gu'ershan!

It seems that there will really be a day when Gu Yan will be tuned by this grandeur and then play with them happily!

Gradually, even robbing He Jijue, his face was showing such a wicked smile.

"These three are really disgusting!" Qing Yan looked at the sky with a look of disgust, and said to Shi Feng.

Hearing Qing Yan's words, Shi Feng followed suit and said, "These three old dogs are originally three dog dregs. Their survival is nothing more than a stain on this world!"

Shi Feng's voice was not low, one word at a time, but clearly passed into the ears of the three old ghosts above.

When he heard Shi Feng's words, the eyes of the three old ghosts immediately looked at the two below.

At this time, the evil dog Lao Guijuo Luo's eyes were still full of wickedness, staring at the green face beside Shi Feng, smiling wickedly:

"Don't say, this little girl looks pretty good, although she is not as good as that girl in Gu'ershan, but she is tall and playful. It will have a flavor! Seeing the old dog, I feel a little itchy."

"Don't say it, you old dog really say that!" At this time, the stench old ghost Xunonong and the obscene eyes also carefully looked at Qingyan, said.

Immediately afterwards, a look of disgusting saliva flowed directly from Xunon's mouth, and also exuded a very strong and disgusting stench.

"Then! Hey!" At this time, after hearing the words of the two old ghosts, Duo He laughed strangely:

"I didn't expect that we chased this little bastard, and suddenly there was such a beautiful harvest! It seems that this little baby girl has given us three old ghosts extra! Before I can play with my Yaner, play This little baby girl is also very good! Ah, I suddenly felt that I couldn't wait any longer! "

Thinking about it, the ugly and weird old ghosts won the show, only to feel suddenly a hot heart!

"You ... you! It's shameless!" After hearing the words of the three old ghosts in the sky, Qing Yan immediately gave a coquettish drink.

At the sight of Qingyan being angry, the evil dog Lao Guijuo Luo, the evil on the old face is even worse, and the yin and yang laughed strangely:

"Hey! Little girl is angry! Hey! Hey hey! Old dog me, I just like this angry little girl, the more I look at it, the more I look at it, the more I smell it, come here! Let you be a happy little bitch! Old dog me, I will take good care of you! "

And Shi Feng, after hearing the words of these old ghosts, the killing intention almost reached its peak! Can't wait to kill these three old dogs immediately!

These three old dogs are disgusting to such an extent!

At this moment, Shi Feng was thinking, his voice sounded in a space inside the blood stone monument: "So many days have passed, did you break through?"

Last time, Shi Feng gave the fiery sage son five days of craving, asking him to step into a four-star demigod in these five days.

And now, four days have passed!

"Nature has broken through!" And not long after Shi Feng's voice fell, the blood stone monument immediately responded to the proud voice of the Son of Fire.

Shi Feng gave him five days, but now he has broken through in only four days, and it is no wonder that his voice is full of pride.

In fact, Huoyu himself did not expect that under the threat of the "devil", in order not to be killed by the "devil" and to survive, he really broke through the bottleneck of many years and succeeded in these five days Into the realm of four stars and demigods!

(End of this chapter)

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