Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1177: I want to be here! Who dares to pretend here!

Chapter 1177 I Am Here! Who dares to pretend here!

The indifferent killing intention rose from Shi Feng's body, and Shi Feng's cold face began to slow down a little bit when he heard that the fire was about to have successfully entered the four-star semi-god realm.

Today's situation, for Shi Feng, the addition of a strong four-star demigod to help, will change a life-and-death battle.

In the void, looking down at the three old men of Shi Feng and Qing Yan below, full of scorn and disdain, the eyes falling on Qing Yan were still full of obscenity.

At this moment, the ugly Baguao Huochao laughed again with a strange laugh: "Well, two dead old ghosts, then let the **** break the small hybrid Dantian first, and then let's play with this little bit.

"Hey!" Hearing the words, Lao Guijuo, a black dog like a dog, made a laugh, thinking of clearing up the kid below, and then slowly playing with the little girl, he went all over Excitement and itching up and down!

At this time, Duo He had pointed his finger at Shi Feng below!

Shi Feng immediately sensed that, under the finger that wins the show, an extremely powerful force emerged all over the body.

Under the strength, Qing Yan shook her body violently, and her face was full of horror.

She is just a warrior with a one-star demigod. Faced with the power of the four-star demigod, she is like a maggot pressed against a giant mountain, which can wipe her out.

However, Shi Feng has sensed that the power under her finger did not attack Qingyan, but gathered all towards herself!

Secretly, Shi Feng seemed to see a powerful black whirlwind, looming in the air he was in, the power became more and more violent!

"Hum!" Faced with the power of the four-star demigod, Shi Feng snorted heavily.

Obviously, the last time Shi Feng escaped from under the eyes of Duo He through the underground road, at this moment, this ugly and strange monster has used this power to seal off Shi Feng in all directions and all escape routes!

"Oh! Little bastard, I really want to see, how can you escape now! Under the power of the God, you are tortured obediently, and then broken by the God, Dantian will always be reduced to a waste!"

Looking down at Shi Feng, which has been shrouded by his own strength, Diao He sent a harsh and eerie grin. At this moment, looking at Shi Feng, he looked like a cat looking at a struggling mouse!

"What ... what to do, Shi Feng!" Feeling the power around him that could easily destroy himself at any time, Qing Yan's face became more and more horrified, scaring the two eyes wide, as if they had to be from their eyes. Jump out.

After hearing Qing Yan's words, Shi Feng's face was still indifferent, she said softly, "Don't worry, I'm here!"

"Don't worry, I'm here!" When Qing Yan heard Shi Feng's sentence, she immediately felt like a shot of a tranquilizer, and felt relieved immediately. When she heard this sentence, she even let Qing Yan had an indescribable sense of security in her heart.

"Yeah, with him, I don't have to worry at all, I will be fine! Everything, with him!" For a time, Qingyan had an inexplicable trust in the little man beside him, as if only he had him. Now, everything really will be fine.

"Well, what can you do with your little bastard?" Diao He from the sky, also heard Shi Feng's words of comforting Qing Yan, laughed disdainfully, followed closely, the ugly face suddenly suddenly Ruthlessly, shouting at Shi Feng below:

"Little bastard, the painful torment you're better off with is about to begin! Well, God has to see if you can continue so calmly!"

At the moment when the reverent words fell, "Wow!" A violent wind rang through the world, and the looming black storm wind that Shi Feng just saw instantly turned into a real and intense black wind.

The power of the raging wind came from all directions towards Shi Feng, madly cracking his teeth like a beast, and tore his body severely.

"Come out for Ben!" At this moment, Shi Feng shouted coldly! Just as Shi Feng's cold drink sounded, in front of Shi Feng, a **** light shone!

When the blood fell, a red-haired, red-armored figure appeared! It is the flame of the Son of Fire!

"Haha! Hahahahaha! Hahahahaha!"

As soon as the **** appeared, they laughed on the back of the sky, and a burst of wild laughter sounded.

Then, there was a loud scream of pride, and the chanting echoed continuously between the ice and snow: "I'm here for fire, who dares to predominate here!"

"I'm mad here, who dares to be wanton here!"

"I'm mad here, who dares to be wanton here!"

Under the thirst of applause, the violent black hurricane that turned from a phantom to a real one disappeared without a trace! A hot breath, rising to the sky!

The violent black hurricane disappeared, and the engulfed Shi Feng and Qing Yan reappeared, "Lust of Fire! Is this the Flame Son, Fire Lust!"

Looking at the flaming young figure who suddenly appeared in front of him, hearing his name, Qingyan was a little miserable and unbelievable for a while!

Desire! The sage of fire is mad, this is the emperor Jiaozi who is famous throughout the wild continent! The sacred place of the ancient sacred place of fire!

It's no surprise that such a character suddenly appeared in front of him and was so shocked.

"It should be him! With a smile and a thunderous power to break away, under the world, which other young desire can do it!" Qing Yan said secretly in her heart.

"Lust of fire! Son of flame, fire of lust!" At the same time, the three people in the sky above the thugs, when they saw the power of the thugs disappear, when they heard the name of the person who suddenly appeared from nowhere to report his name , They were secretly surprised!

Obviously, they are also heard about the world-famous Son of Fire.

Facing the fiery **** below, on the three old faces, at the same time, there was a sense of fear.

The three of them have heard of the flame of the Son of Fire, but it is rumored that many years ago they entered the peak of Samsung Demigod. Many possibilities, he entered a four-star demigod many years ago.

If this is the case, there is no shortage of four-star demigod warfare skills and the four-star demigod war weapon in the background of the Holy Land of Fire! What's more, this is still the Son of Fire!

If this fiery desire not only cultivates four-star demigod combat skills, but also possesses a four-star demigod fighter, then the three of them will join forces, and I am afraid that they are not opponents of this fiery sage!

"You three old things are the three evil spirits who do nothing evil, right? You are so brave that you dare to offend my fiery boss, you just don't know how to live or die!" Three old ghosts yelled coldly!

(End of this chapter)

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