Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1523: Magic Flame Mountain

1523 Demon Flame Mountain

"Long live my lord, live long live!"

Lan Yan, who has the flame tripod, is already imposing.

At this moment, everyone felt that the emperor, Lan Qi, was as powerful as a golden armored fire god. The civil and military officials of the Tianlan Empire, and 30,000 gold armored soldiers, then kneeled towards Lanyu and shouted Long live.

When Lang Ye moved, he flew over the Flame Ding, and felt the power of the Flame Ding under him. On the other side, he looked at the people kneeling in all directions. These are now his prisoners. Today, he controls the lives of hundreds of thousands of warriors.

Think about the mood at this moment, and think about the downfall in the past few months, living in the underground world, and seeing the sun outside all day long, Lan Yan sighed in his heart.

It's a heaven, a hell. This contrast is too great!

That evildoer should be back!

"Long live my lord, live long live!"

"Long live my lord, live long live!"

"Long live my lord, live long live!"

At this time, the hundreds of thousands of warriors who were besieged on Fengshan Mountain one by one began to lower their heads towards Lanyu and chant long live!

Hundreds of thousands of shouts are astonishing, ringing the sky, like a row of mountains and rivers, echoing in this world for a long time, the sky is shaking.

In the face of the shouting, Lan Ling, who was proud of the flame, only felt that he was back! The Sky Lan Empire lost in his hands is back!

not only!

Lan Ling lowered his head again and looked at the flame tripod beneath him. With this artifact in his possession, he could also expand the territory in the future, and unite the Eastern Region to create a foundation for all eternity. Last Will!

This artifact, from now on, is the artifact of his Tianlan Dynasty!

Then, Lan Ling murmured again: "Some of those waste boys who only know how to fight for power and pets should get them back."

The Emperor Lan Lan of the Tian Lan Empire had nine princes.

The Empire State of Lan Lan broke down, and Lan Ling kept extinct in order to keep the royal incense and let them secretly go everywhere.

These nine people are still in the control of Langao, and the nine are still safe today.

Followed by, Lan Ling's thoughts returned from a distant distance, and then his eyes were glared in all directions.

Whether it was the civil and military officials of the Tianlan Empire, or the hundreds of thousands of warriors who once surrounded Wofeng Mountain, Lan Ling did not ask them to get up, and none of them dared to rise up, all kneeling at him and trembling.

Lan Ling, not only the emperor at this moment, has become the "god" that determines their fate.

Just wait for his sentence.

At this time, Lan Ling said in a deep voice, the inviolable voice resounded in this heaven and earth again, and passed into everyone's ears in this heaven and earth: "Okay, everyone will choke up."

When he heard Lang Ye's remarks, one by one, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then shouted again, "Thank Lord Ron!"

"Thank you, Long En!"

Lan Ling got them all up, which meant not killing them. Being immortal, today there is no greater favor.

Therefore, "Xie Zhulongen" echoing the world is very appropriate.

When everyone got up, Lang Ye sang again and said, "Everyone, follow me back to Tianlan Emperor City!" The emperor's majesty was heard in his voice, and no one could disobey.

Once the dying king, now he will lead a 300,000 army and return strongly!

"At my command!"


Langao wants to return to Tianlan Emperor City, but he hasn't forgotten the exquisite Princess Pearl. Even if he digs the entire eastern region three feet, he will find his lover.

On the other side, Prince Guang Lan turned into a golden mang, and was still blasting towards the northwest, flying to the Magic Flame Mountains.

In this void, watching this golden mang, which was only in the form of Prince Guang, was flying alone. And even Prince Guang could not feel the existence of that evil.

But Prince Guang knew that the evildoer had always followed him.

Not long ago, Prince Guang thought that the demon evil hadn't followed him, and stopped his broken figure, but did not expect that the demon evil suddenly appeared in front of him, and asked him why he stopped.

"How long will it take for the Magic Flame Mountain Range?" Just then, the young voice suddenly sounded in the ear of Prince Guang.

"Hurry up!" Prince Guang didn't dare to neglect, and quickly answered, followed by saying, "At the speed we are now, we can arrive in half a day."

"It's already taken so long, and it takes half a day? Lao Guang, your speed is really too slow." Shi Feng said.

"I ..." Lan Guang said, "I'm all old, naturally I can't compare with your young people."

"Even if you are thirty or forty years younger, that's not comparable to me." Shi Feng said directly.

This was a bit of a blow, but it was true, so that Prince Guang Lan, the Guang Guang, had nothing to refute, and had to respond: "Uh."

This is a demon who let Yue Huaxian and other tens of thousands of warriors die instantly. Of course, he can't compare with him.


Half a day has passed, it is night, and night falls.

At this moment, the prince Guang, who became a broken golden prince, manifested himself in the night sky.

The night wind blew, and it was slightly cold.

Immediately after the death of Prince Guang, Shi Feng's figure immediately appeared beside him, silent, like a ghost.

At this moment, on the land in front of them, there was an extremely huge mountain range, like a huge and incomparable dragon sleeping on the earth.

However, this "dragon" saw its huge body, but did not see where the head and tail were.

At this time, Prince Guang pointed to the mountain in the distance and said to Shi Feng: "This mountain is the Magic Flame Mountain. Some time ago, a mysterious relic was born in this mountain. Is in the ruins of this magic flame mountain. "

Thousands of years ago, the magic flame mountain was burned by a mysterious black magic fire, and no grass was born, and it was bare.

However, the magic flame mountain range has already been lush and restored to life.

Now the night is coming, and the sound of wrath and roar of fierce beasts is constantly coming from the magic flame mountain range, and there are bursts of strange howling from unknown creatures.

Gives a cruel and oppressive feeling.

After staring at the mountain for a while, Shi Feng nodded slowly, and then said to Lan Guang, "Okay, let's go."

When Shi Feng's voice fell, his body flickered, disappeared beside Prince Guang, and moved forward.

When Prince Guang reacted again, he found that Shi Feng disappeared and went away.

At this time, Prince Guang quickly turned into golden light again and rushed to the legendary land, the Magic Flame Mountain Range!

(End of this chapter)

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