Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1524: Zhou Tianxing Formation

1524 Zhou Tianxing Star Formation

In an instant, Shi Feng's figure flashed into the Demon Flame Mountains, and then the power of the soul spread out, and a large area had already appeared in his thoughts.





At this moment, a fierce and fierce roar sounded from the front. Due to the arrival of Shi Feng, four monsters that looked extremely fierce and ferocious were rushed out of the Demon Flame Mountains, and flung towards Shi Feng fiercely.

Look at their fierce looks, as if to tear the outsider into pieces.

"Huh!" In the face of four fierce and huge monsters, Shi Feng only issued a disdainful hum.



"Oh! Roar!"

Immediately after Shi Feng's cold humming fell, the four brutal beasts, the huge beast body, was immediately torn apart by an invisible force, and turned into two.

The bright red blood and internal organs spilled across the scene, and the scene looked extremely oozing.

When the prince Guang, who turned into a golden mang, rushed into the Moyan Mountain, he saw the four monsters dead.

However, for the death of these four monsters, Prince Guang did not feel much accident.

Although the four-headed monster looks cruel, it is only in the fourth-order king level. Even he can instantly kill, not to mention this evil.

Prince Guang's figure fell beside Shi Feng. At this moment, Shi Feng opened his mouth and asked Prince Guang: "Where do you know where the relic was born?"

Prince Guang replied, "It is said that it is near this area. Let's find out."

"Near this area?" Shi Feng said, and Prince Guang saw the flickering figure again, and then disappeared.

Then, Prince Guang was sighing again: "What mysterious body method is this demon evil? Can it be traced? If the demon evil wants to assassinate the king, the king will be defenseless!"

Then, Prince Guang shook his head with a bitter smile and shook his head. He really thought about it more. If this demon would kill himself, where else would he be assassinated.

Just like killing Yuehua Huaxian, Huyan Zui, and Kong Xingchen, let yourself die, you have to die!

Just then, Shi Feng's voice rang in Prince Guang's mind: "Lao Guang, keep moving forward."

"Oh?" Lan Guang responded, and then, his body was a movement, and again he rushed forward in the shape of Jin Mang, walking through this dense jungle.

When Lan Guang's figure flew into the air, his body was exuded with a strong Wu Sheng momentum. Under his strong momentum, the monsters along the way immediately shuddered and evaded.

Lan Guang's flying charge flew dozens of miles away instantly, and at this time, Shi Feng's voice sounded again: "Turn left!"

Lan Guang did not hesitate to turn left and continued to fly all the way.

It didn't take long for Lan Guang to see a distant land in front of him. Above the earth, there were cracks and dense cracks.

In addition to the rift, there was a collapsed tree lying all over the floor.

At this moment, Prince Guang saw the figure wearing a black battle armor floating in the midst of the messy land, staring at the ground below.

Later, Prince Guang's attention also began to gather in the messy land, which also gave him a strange feeling.

"Burning!" Then, Shi Feng spit out the word "burning", and the trees lying on the ground underneath burned **** flames, exuding a cold and weird, extremely heartbreaking breath.

The **** flames burned, and the messy place under Shi Feng's body instantly turned into a burning sea of ​​fire.

Prince Guang, who had rushed over, saw the **** sea of ​​flames, and then stopped his flying figure, avoiding from the distance and dared not approach.

The **** flames of this evil evil, Prince Guang had seen in Tianlan Emperor City, but the **** flames at that time were not compared with the **** flames at present.

Looking at the fiery sea of ​​flames, Prince Guang only felt terrified and terrifying. He had a feeling that as long as he touched even a little of this blood, he could wipe himself out.

In this way, Prince Guang looked at the **** sea of ​​flames burning, and at this moment, the world had been stained with scarlet, and the blood was so bright that it looked very strange.

The ferocious beasts who originally lived around them ran as far as possible under the horrible coldness of the sea of ​​blood.

The Scarlet Sea of ​​Fire appeared suddenly and disappeared suddenly. When the Scarlet Sea of ​​Fire disappeared, a large tree that had been lying horizontally and vertically and lying on the ground had been turned to ashes.

This piece of land is full of rifts, and it is clear at this moment.

The power of Shi Feng's soul was also swept across the land, and every crack in the cricket was manifested in his mind.

"It turned out to be Zhou Tianxing's array of stars!" Then, Shi Feng said calmly.

"Zhou Tianxing array?" At this time, Prince Guang in the distance heard Shi Feng's words and was shocked.

Obviously, what Shi Feng said about the Zhou Tianxing array is not simple.

But immediately followed, Shi Feng grinned sneer, and said, "People in the formation, but just learned some fur, this earth rift is arranged according to the position of Zhou Tianxing, but it is rough and broken!

As the word "Break it" from Shi Feng rang from his mouth, the whole land suddenly trembled.

Immediately after that, under the fierce tremor, the rifts on the earth disappeared.




Immediately afterwards, the ground below made a sound of _ moaning, and then Shi Feng and Prince Guang saw that the ground was slowly splitting apart on both sides with the trembling sound, showing a long cricket. gap.

As the earth continued to separate, the rift became larger.

At this time, Prince Guang flew to Shi Feng's side, and stared with Shi Feng together at the widening rift below, looking at the dark and mysterious underground world under the rift, and said:

"Zhou Tianxing's array of stars just now should have been laid by an extraordinary emperor.

Although he has ordered, without him, no one is allowed to approach the Flame Mountain Range, but he still sets up a large array to prevent others from entering. It seems that the ruins where Moyanshan was born is below. "

"In the Eastern Region, the starry array of Zhou Tian just now can countless people retreat, but in the eyes of Ben Shao, it is nothing." Shi Feng still looked disdainful, saying.

Then said to Prince Guang: "Go, let's go!"

"Well! Go!" Prince Guang nodded and said, "I would like to see the mysterious relic born in the Demon Flame, what kind of relic it is."

At the time of his arrival, Prince Guang had thought that the evil spirit around him was so powerful that he would be much safer when he entered the mysterious ruins with him.

(Because of something happened today, the update is late!)

(End of this chapter)

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