Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1530: Where is Linglong?

Chapter 1530 Where Is Linglong?

"I'm extraordinary, and I don't commit any crime with your well water, and we have no injustice or resentment! Why do you make it difficult for me?"

"No injustice or revenge?" After hearing the extraordinary words, Shi Feng seemed to hear the world's funniest joke, followed by a cold, cold voice: "Ben Shao left Tianlan Empire for two years, and you , Even if your mind hits my wife, you dare to say to Ben Shao, no! Injustice! No! Hate! "

When it comes to the end, Shi Feng's voice is abnormally cold, one word at a time, as if the void can be condensed.

"Two years! Tianlan Empire! Your wife! You! You! You slaughtered Tiankunzong and the Sun and Moon gods in Tianlan Emperor City two years ago. His words, panic voice became even more panic. It seems that in the name of Shi Feng, he has heard of it.

"Stone! Shi Feng! How could it be! How could you be so powerful! Ah!" In the extremely incredible voice, followed by an extraordinary scream.

This scream was a little desperate.

His extraordinary emperor wanted to marry the exquisite princess and destroyed the Tianlan Empire. This is a well-known thing in the Eastern Region. If this person is really Shi Feng, then there is no room for maneuver at all!

Taking a wife is no different from killing a father. What's more, he also directly destroyed the Tianlan Empire of his old man.

Immediately afterwards, extraordinary and shouted again: "Ah! Aah! Ah Fengshao Rao, Ah! Fengshao Rao, Ah! I know I was wrong!" With a poor plea.

In the Eastern Region, if it were not heard in person, it is estimated that no one would have thought of it. The supreme extraordinary emperor would have sent such begging sounds to people.

"You can rest assured that Ben Ben will not let you die, burn!"

Immediately after Shi Feng's "burn" word sounded, the dense white ghost claws disappeared and dried up.

Immediately afterwards, a shabby, blood dripping, full of scratches, and blood holes appeared like a ghost.

With both hands and feet gone, all over his body continued to bleed blood toward the black flames below.

Originally wearing a golden jersey, as extraordinary as the golden **** of war, the extraordinary emperor turned into such a miserable appearance.

However, the disappearance of Sen White's ghost claws does not mean that the fate of the extraordinary emperor was tortured, and immediately followed, his body was burning with a scarlet flame, just like his body's wound, spilled A bucket of salt.

"Ahhhh! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Out loud, there was a terrible scream, extremely painful, as if extremely screaming.

The sound sounded, and the burning of the scarlet flame was obviously more painful and more life-threatening than spilling a bucket of salt.

"His!" At this moment, the young woman standing in the distance next to Prince Canton took a deep breath, and spoke to Prince Canton next to him, saying:

"You said, what kind of suffering are these people suffering at the moment? Especially this extraordinary emperor, who looked so scary just now, is now being burned by this **** flame."

Hearing the words of the woman next to him, Prince Guang smiled and said, "How painful, I haven't tried it, and I don't know what it is like. But I believe that if they can survive today, the pain of burning flames will inevitably make They will never forget it!

Burning in flames is better than that of the torment, not to mention the flame of evil. "

Prince Guang said, watching the scene in front of the void, and tried to think if he was tortured by the flames ...

Thinking of this, Prince Guang didn't dare to continue thinking about it. Isn't it rude to think about it?

Fortunately, his Tianlan Empire did not make enemies against the evildoers, not only did he not make enemies, but also married him.

Then, Prince Guang heard a sigh of emotion: "It seems that the world's most visionary is my niece granddaughter, even the Jiuyou Emperor who was born again is all right."


At this moment, the fifteen running dogs of the extraordinary emperor finally fell to nothingness under the incineration of the scarlet flames, and they were completely wiped out.

For these fifteen running dogs, it was a complete relief.

But the extraordinary under Shi Feng was not so good. Scarlet flames continued to burn him and torture him. He wanted to die, but how could Shi Feng make him wish?

"Ah! Shao Feng, I know it's wrong! I know it's wrong! Ah!"

"Feng Shao, forgive me! I'm not human! Feng Shao forgive me!"

Under the torment of life not as good as death, extraordinary began to beg again.

At this moment, he regretted it, he really regretted it!

He actually provokes such a cruel man.

According to rumors, this man was already cruel, but he did not expect it to be so cruel.


It was thought that this man who set off a big storm in the Tianlan Empire two years ago could only be martial arts at most, just like himself, into the realm of martial arts.

But he did not expect that in front of him, he was really no different from an ant.

"Ah! Shaofeng! Kill me! Please kill me! Ah! I beg you!" At this moment, extraordinary knowing that this ruthless man would not let himself go, simply begged him to die .

Shi Feng stood proudly in the void, and remained indifferent to the extraordinary mourning sound below, and continued to stare at the scarlet fireman.

"Huh!" At this time, Shi Feng snorted again and said, "Can't you stand this? Since you want to die, then you have less money, and it's perfect for you."

After Shi Feng said these words, "Ah!" A loud scream rang out.

Under the mind of Shi Feng, the body of the extraordinary emperor has been burned into nothingness by the scarlet flames. In a certain definition, the first strongest in the eastern region, the only martial emperor in the eastern region, is already dead. It's up!

But then, "Ahhhhhh!"




Bursts and screams echoed even louder and louder, and the shrill voice was extremely sharp.

Although the extraordinary emperor's physical body was dead, under the power of Shi Feng's nine secrets, his soul was unextinguished.

The soul was burned directly by the holy fire, and the extraordinary emperor began to try to taste more death than life.

Anyone who can try such a taste under the sky is the one who makes Shi Feng really angry. This is one of Shi Feng's extraordinary ants in the eyes of Shi Feng.

Listening to the shrill screams, at this moment, Shi Feng said coldly, "Say, where is Linglong?"

As soon as Shi Feng's words fell, the extraordinary in the scarlet flames immediately answered: "Linglong! Princess Linglong, ah! Ah! Princess Linglong, I don't know where she is!"

"Don't you know where she is?" Shi Feng said coldly again: "The exquisiteness of Tianlan Emperor City was defeated by your hands, wasn't it captured by you?"

"No, no! No! Ah ..."

(End of this chapter)

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