Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1531: exquisite! Jinmo!

Chapter 1531 Exquisite! Jinmo!

In the underground world of Wofeng Mountain, Shi Feng learned from the mouth of the old antique that the exquisite princess awakened the body of water and entered the emperor-level realm, and then in Tianlan Emperor City, the ultimate battle broke out with this extraordinary emperor.

In that battle, Princess Linglong was defeated, but she thought that she would launch the strongest blow and opened a way for Tianlan Emperor City Lan's family, but she herself could not escape from Tianlan Emperor City.

Next, as the world evaporates, Prince Guang of Guangwang made inquiries from various parties. There was no news of the exquisite princess. He thought he was intentionally blocked by this extraordinary emperor.

Everyone thinks that Princess Linglong has fallen into this extraordinary hand, and she even made the worst plan in her heart.

At this moment, the extraordinary emperor even said that she did not know where Linglong was. From the fluctuation of his soul, Shi Feng could clearly sense that this extraordinary was not lying.

At this time, Shi Feng drank again indifferently: "After that day, make it clear to Ben Shao!"

Just after the cold voice of Shi Feng sounded, the scarlet flame that burned the extraordinary soul suddenly became more violent.

"Ah! Aah! Ah maple! Ah!" The flames became more violent, and the screams of the extraordinary emperor's soul immediately became more screaming.

"I said! I'll tell you all about one hundred and fifty! Ah!" Remarked quickly.

"That day, Princess Linglong lost to my hand, and her ultimate blow opened a path for Langao. After that, Princess Linglong should have lost all her combat power, but at that time, a thunder fell from above the sky. I He watched the thunder, devouring Princess Linglong. "

"The thunder, then soon ... disappeared ... then, Linglong ... is gone."

"Linglong was devoured by the thunder!" After listening to the extraordinary words, Shi Feng's body trembled, and she couldn't help the emotion of anger in her heart, and yelled angrily: "So, Linglong is already in thunder The gray fly is gone! Ah! "

"Boom boom boom boom!"

With Shi Feng's roar, the sky and the earth suddenly trembled with violent earthquakes, and the black flames in the sky and the earth rolled violently with the instability of the sky and the earth.

Especially the scarlet-colored flame under Shi Feng's body, burning more fiercely, "Ahhhhhhh!" The extraordinary soul began to increase in pain, and the sound of pain was heard for a while.

Jin Mo awakened from the long-lost fate of the water, descending from the sky to rob the thunder, and entered the emperor's realm.

After a battle with Uncommon, she may be able to break through again, and the sky will descend to rob the mine.

Shi Feng has also heard that the legendary body of misfortune is such a demon that is so elusive that it became the emperor of misfortune and entered the world's first strongest state.

But Jinmo, at that time, launched the ultimate blow. If it was really able to break through at that time, the sky would loot mines, then she, where is the power to fight the horrible mines!

There is only one way to destroy!

Thinking of this, Shi Feng sneered at the extraordinary soul that continued to be burned by scarlet flames, and then roared out loud: "Ah! Damn! Damn! You! Really damn!"

The source of all this evil comes from this extraordinary! This person, even if his body was torn by ghost claws, his soul was burned by the holy fire, and he continues to suffer from life-threatening torture, can't vent Shi Feng's heart's hatred.

At this time, under Shi Feng's roar again, this turbulent world was shaken for a while, and the sky shook. This space seemed to be about to collapse.

The scarlet flames burning below have also turned into a scarlet sea of ​​fire.


In the distant void, Prince Guang Wang and the young woman beside him immediately felt an extremely powerful coercion rolling from the front. Stay in this violent world.

"Ah! I deserve to die! Shao Feng, you let me die! Ah! Ah! Ah!" In the scarlet sea of ​​fire, there was an extraordinary and painful cry for death.

Immediately afterwards, Uncommon re-voiced: "At that time, when the thunder came and disappeared, there was a huge gap in space. Perhaps the exquisite princess did not die out, but was sucked into that space gap!"

"Rip in space?" Shi Feng's face was extremely gloomy at this moment, and he murmured softly when he heard the extraordinary words, followed by a cold and angry drink below him:

"My exquisiteness, she lost all her strength, and was sucked into the gap in the space, that would be dead! No doubt you, but also want to fly away? You! Just suffer the flames of eternal life and eternal life.

After drinking the words coldly, the scarlet sea of ​​fire that burned under Shi Feng suddenly flashed a brilliant scarlet light.

Echoing the screams of the world and the burning scarlet sea of ​​fire, they disappeared.

The soul of the extraordinary emperor has been sucked into the space of the Blood Stele by Shi Feng. Shi Feng wants him to always try to burn the pain of the soul with flames!

"Jin Mo!" Shi Feng murmured the name, and gradually, as Shi Feng's mood stabilized, the shaking world gradually stabilized.

I did not expect that after leaving the Eastern Region for two years, such a thing happened!

You should really come back early to see her!

Knowing this, I should have taken her away with me.

"Jin Mo, all blame me! All blame me! Throw you here." Thinking of this, Shi Feng began to blame and remorse in her heart.

The white shadow, the peerless face, the scenes that once flashed in his mind.

That handsome boy who is dressed as a man ...

The exquisite princess who did not want fate to be controlled and fled.

The pretty woman who is willing to stay with her for life.


"Jin Mo! Jin Mo! Jin Mo ..."

At this moment, Shi Feng seemed to be suffering from magical obstacles, her face was a bit stunned, and she kept saying this name in her mouth.

When she left Dongyu, Shi Feng gave her a string of white jade bracelets. There were eighteen white jade beads on the bracelet. Each white jade bead had his prohibition.

As long as she wears this string of white jade bracelets, as long as she is attacked, she can feel in the distance.

It's just a pity ... A few months ago, I was too far away from her, and I was still in that wild continent!

After returning to Tianheng after a lot of hard work, she has lost her life with her! No matter how you sense, you can't sense the existence of that white jade bracelet!

Maybe, with her, she died.

(End of this chapter)

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